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A Mafia Boss Revenge

A Mafia Boss Revenge

Author:Coco j



A Mafia boss saves a lady (his associate's daughter) from a Mafia gang, he needs her help to take down his rivals and she need him to protect her from them. They become close as they get to know each other, would he deny the feelings he develops for her and keeps things professional? They decide to get into a marriage contract so they could both get what they want.


'what do you mean the shipment has been detained?' Andretti Agnello the most feared Mafia boss in Sicily roared, his baritone voice resounding as he faced one of his soldiers, soldiers were the lowest ranking memebers of the mafia, they take care of the dirtiest liitle jobs. Andreo was his most trusted soldier, he was raised among the Agnello children as their play mate.

'i just got the call now boss, apparently our man was not at the wharf and the custom officers there discovered the shipment ' Andreo answered with his head bowed, he dared not look into the boss's eyes.

'put a call to Jimmy right now, that's the largest shipment we have got in weeks, we have distribution teams waiting for receive their product, no delay can happen, we wouldn't want our enemies trying to take over our territories ' Andretti ordered, Andretti has been taught that your enemies only need a small gap in your consistency to wiggle their way to your spot and hell be damned if he allowed that happen.

'sure thing capo', Andreo answered, no body dared to call Andretti by his name ever since he became capo.

It was common gossip that Andretti and his grandfather are so alike in character, ruthless and vicious, which was probably why they were close, he and his gang the black lotus controlled the largest territory for drug movement and weapons shipping in the city, he inherited the position from his father Marcelo, who also inherited it from his grandfather who they called the godfather. The black lotus was highly respected in Sicily, they have operated for years and they were feared and respected, they earned their respect from the people when they over the years had rescued them from the hands of violent gang members. The black lotus had rules one of which is the innocent should never get hurt , the punishment for violating that rule is death.

Andreo who had walked out to call their contact Jimmy walked back in fidgeting, something was obviously wrong, just then Amato walked in, Andretti's younger brother and second in command.

'i heard the news, what's going on' Amato asked, he was the direct opposite of Andretti, where Andretti was vicious, he was calm, where Andretti was malicious, he was more forgiving, even their looks were different, Andretti is striking hot like an ultimate bad boy, Amato has more of a nerdy handsome look.

'speak up' Andretti ordered.

' he isn't picking up', Andreo revealed.

'what do you mean he is not picking up?', Andretti asked.

'i called his phone and he isn't picking', he answered.

You could feel the tension in the air, Andretti's face expressed anger, the veins in his neck were almost bulging out, he had a lot to lose if this shipment is seized by the government, he turned Jimmy who was a top custom officer to their side years back which gave them an upper hand in the family business, they did not need to smuggle products into the country more, all Jimmy had to do was to falsify the records and ensure that he is always present whenever a new shopment comes in so no overzealous officer would try to check the container. Losing this shipment would mean loss of millions, business partners and customers, his grandfather would definitely be outraged.

'Brother, relax, something must be wrong with him' Amato said, ' he knows how important this is he would not just fuck us up, we keep him highly paid and satisfied, do you think our oppos got to us?' he continued.

The black lotus long time rivals the shadow serpents had always tried to mess with their business any chance the got, the black lotus has a largest mass of territory in Sicily and the shadow serpents made it their ultimate goal to get those territories. They had a peace treaty which lasted for a few years but now they have been violating the terms of the treaty.

' we have to move fast, if those feds discover what's inside we are going to be in a lot of trouble ', Andretti said.

'lets go find him ', Amato said.

'Andreo get 10 men, let's go find that mother fucker and tell Marlo to get talking to the federali, let's move' he ordered, grabbing his gun and moving out, the rest following behind him. He got out the house and into the seat if his range rover, Andreo doubled as his driver and they moved out with three other cars following them closely as they drove hastily to Jimmy's house, Andretti still calling his phone and still not getting through.

They got to Jimmy's large house which working with the black lotus had paid for, they stopped at the gate which was suspiciously open, Andretti looked at Amato who sat with him at the passenger seat, they exchanged a look, something was definitely wrong, Andretti grabbed his walkie-talkie and ordered his men ' get out and take your positions, stay alert'.

They exited the vehicle, with their weapons drawn out, walking cautiously to the front open which was also slightly open, Andretti leading his men walking into the house, the expensive chairs in the living room torn up and the furnitures shattered, he signalled three of his men to move upstairs, while he and the rest moved downstairs, opening each room and checking for the intruders.




His men shouted, the rooms were empty, as they moved upstairs one of his men shouted ' here boss, Andretti lead his men up the stairs till they got to the masters bedroom, and there Jimmy laid with a gunshot to his head, his brains blown out , blood splattered all over the bedframe, it was a gruesome sight to behold.

'damn!', Andretti cursed, ' this has to be the work of those bastards '

'i knew Jimmy wouldn't just fuck us up like that, so what we gonna do now?' Amato asked.

' fuck, let's move out, let the feds discover his body so they can give him a proper burial to them he was a good cop', Andretti ordered. His men left the room , leaving him alone as he walked around the room, Jimmy definitely loved money, his room was filled his exotic artifacts and designs, he walked out the room onto the next, the decor of the room was more subtle it had a more feminine touch to it, Jimmy was divorced and lived alone that he was sure of, he looked around yeah definitely a female lived here he thought to himself, probably where his bitches stayed whenever they came over.

He was about to leave when he heard a slight whimper coming from somewhere in the room, he immediately drew out his gun and called out, 'who is there?'.

No answer

' I'm going to count till three and if you are not out before three I'm going to lot this place up', he shouted.




Just then the wardrobe door opened, she walked out of the wardrobe with terror on her face, her beautiful eyes filled his tears and her lips quivering,' please don't shoot me ' she pleaded still shaking, she fell to the ground still shaken.

'who the fuck are you?'