
Let’s Read The Word

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The Lycan's Rogue Luna

The Lycan's Rogue Luna




You're in my territory now, princess; you'll do whatever the fuck I say,” he whispered in my ear as he backed me against the wall. I squared my shoulders and looked him straight in the eyes. “I'll do whatever the fuck I want.” *-*-*-* Leading the largest and the most feared pack in America wasn't easy. As the Lycan King, Xavier King carried the strength of his pack on his shoulders ever since Rouges attacked his parents. At the age of 17, he was forced to build bonds, make alliances with stronger packs, and create a pack that nobody would dare challenge. He led by fear, but he also led by loyalty and a determination to protect his people. After years passed, he had given up on finding his mate and planned out his future so his pack would remain safe from the rouges that threatened to bring them down. His hatred for rouges and what they stood for ran deep. That was until Honey Caldwell, his mate, crossed his lands. The very thing he despised, a rogue, was now his mate. As much as he tried to fight, as much as he tried to resist, the fire between them was irresistible and undeniable. Will he give in, or will they both get burned?

Honey’s pov.

“What do you mean they've been killed?” My voice boomed out.

“I mean, while we were hunting on the unnamed lands, the men of the lycan king attacked us and claimed the land. Those damned men and claiming all the lands, they are leaving nothing left for us rogues.” Joe said, his face twisted in hurt.

The hurt he was feeling right now could not be compared to the pain I was feeling. Everything was fucked from the start, and we fought tooth and nail to be able to have our rogue pack; now the Lycan king has killed half of our pack?

“You didn't do anything to help them?” I asked him, my voice dripping with malice and irritation.

“Honey, we are talking about the Lycan king, XAVIER FUCKING KING, not anybody else, immediately I saw their troops coming in, I did everything I could to call the men and tell them actually to turn back and run for their lives, but it was too late,” Joe explained himself.

My whole body was shaking with violence; I clenched my fist and gritted my teeth hard together.

“Let's go back to the rest of the pack; I don't know how we are going to tell the wives that their husbands are dead,” I grumbled.

“They will have to understand Honey. We can't go around fucking with the lycan king; we have tried our best to stay as low-key as we can go; let's continue doing that, please.” Joe said.

The mention of the name Xavier King hit me to the bones. I was scared, for sure, and I had a terrible feeling that this wasn't over because the moment you catch the attention of the lycan king, then I don't think you're escaping it.

The name alone sent chills and shivers down my spine.

“For the safety of the kids and the rest of the pack, we should start moving to other grounds tonight,” I told Joe, and he nodded.

“I was thinking that too. We can't let the Lycan king destroy the rest of the pack.” Joe said, and I nodded as we both shifted into each of our forms and started running for the pack.

As a rogue, life didn't come easy; we had to feed on unwanted grounds, which were not much. We just had to try our best not to enter named packs because that would be the end of us, and we don't go out all the time out of fear that powerful alphas will kill us.

None of the others were as powerful as the lycan king, though Xavier king was like the fear of powerful alphas. He's the most ruthless and heartless, and I never wish to cross paths with that man. It's why we were going to move away from these grounds.

I could see the pack upfront. I increased my pace, and I felt Joe’s soft paws behind me. When I got to where we kept clothes to change, I turned back into my human form and hid behind the giant oak tree to change.

Joe was already dressed when I came out.

“Okay, let's go do this,” Joe said, and I nodded, still unable to get over the fact that my comrades were gone.

I could hear the chatter of children and women; they were probably expecting their husbands to come home, but they were not going to come.

Aliya sighted me first, and she stood up to her feet with a smile, but the smile turned into a frown the moment she registered the look on our faces.

“What happened, Honey?” She asked shakily.

Fuck, this was hard, the words were not even coming out.

“Uhm, the Gre…”

“Surround them.” I suddenly heard, and everybody looked behind me.

No, No, No.

“The Grey pack is here.” Someone screamed among the women.

The ones inside previously came out, and the few men left came out, too. I looked around me, and we were all surrounded; the kids were huddled in a corner, and the women were already sobbing.

Without saying anything, arrows were shot out, and the sound of the ripping arrow filled the air. A body dropped dead to my right, and I looked at Joe. I screamed and knelt beside him.

It wasn't only my screams that filled the air; other women were also screaming, the children were wailing, and everything was just chaos.

“Joe,” I screamed, but he was gone; his eyes opened. It looked like he was still alive, but he wasn't, not anymore.

I closed his eyes with my hand and stood up.

It was a known fact that the Lycan king hated rouges, but he never killed the women and children; he just took them in enslaved people and made them omegas. I guess that was my fate right now.

I was going to become an omega again. I closed my eyes as my heart squished together in pain.

“Tie them up and bring them back to meet the king.” The one that looked like the boss said.

I watched as the men used chains and locks to tie the children together through their neck and their feet, and they did the same to the women.

“Can you please use clothes for the children or ropes, not chains? They are, after all, just kids. Or has your pack resorted to hurting kids now?” I asked, venom and malice dripping down from my voice.

One of the men approached me, and I met him head-on; he was taller than me, but I squared my shoulders and looked up at him.

“And what do we have here? A sack of potatoes?” He said with a smirk.

“You mean a sack of fat?” Another man called.

It was before that what they said would make me recoil, but this time, I stood up to him. I was not who I used to be, and I'm not going back to being that.

“Men like you are the ones who feel inferior to women. I just asked you a simple question, and you decided to say something else. Whatever makes you sleep at night, misters, just don't hurt the kids.” I told him.

A resounding slap came in contact with my face, and I almost winced, but I didn't give him the pleasure of seeing me wince. I wasn't going to let him feel victory; my hands and legs were already bound, and I would have done a number to his junk.

“We don't fucking hit women.” The one that looked like the boss said.

“I'm sorry, commander, she misspoke.” He said, and I shook my head.

“Pussy.” I said, and he turned wildly to me again.

“Don't you dare hit her again, do as she says and tie the kids up with ropes and get them fucking moving. We don't have time for this.” And then he faced me.

“You should also watch what you say, woman. You are about to enter dangerous territories.” The man said to me and looked away.

Oh, I know I am.

While I was scared of Xavier King, I couldn't allow the people from my pack to be poorly treated; the rebel in me always showed up to protect them and myself.

I don't know how I'm going to go about it or do it; one thing I'm sure of is that I'm not going to take this lying down. I'm going to fight for the sake of myself, for my pack, and for my dead comrades.