
Let’s Read The Word

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The Vortex of Naked Loans

The Vortex of Naked Loans



My mother was gravely ill, and in trying to collect medical fees, I fell into the abyss of usury from which escape seemed impossible. Forced to accompany men at their drinks, a man named Shen Haoyu took the purity I once had. He repeatedly saved me because my face resembled the woman he loved deeply, and in doing so, he stole my heart. He kept me, cherished me, and I thought he'd fallen in love with me. Yet, that woman returned. I was thrust back into my previous reality, longing to leave, yet he refused to let go. "You are my woman, don't think about escaping!"

My name is Lin Nianer, I'm twenty years old today, a sophomore at the Imperial Capital Medical University.

My father passed away early, leaving just my mother and I to lean on each other for survival. I thought that by completing my university studies and starting a job, I could give my mother a better life. However, a grim news arrived first: my mother fell critically ill, placing a heavy burden of medical expenses on my shoulders.

I've begged everyone I could think of for a loan, but none was willing to lend a hand. When I was at my wit's end, my classmate Li Qin introduced me to a method: nude loan.

This was the first time hearing such a term, and I found the requirement to take naked photos beyond belief.

"But taking nude photos is too dangerous, what if..."

I hesitated, but was directly cut off by Li Qin: "Hey, isn't it just to make sure we don't default after borrowing? It's like collateral, a lot of people do it, no big deal."

"But what if…" I was still uncertain.

"What are you worried about? Think about it, there are so many nude photos online, who would waste their time releasing yours? If you repay the money, you'll definitely be fine."

"Let me tell you, I've borrowed before, I'll introduce you to a safe one."

Eventually, the hospital's payment reminder and Li Qin's persistent reassurances finally defeated my hesitation. I took a photo of myself naked from the waist up, successfully borrowed ten thousand yuan, and sent it to my mother.

In the following month, I worked tirelessly to earn money, yet was still unable to repay it within the deadline.

And that's when my nightmare began.

At the dorm.

"Dingdong" — the system's default ringtone sounded. My hand trembled, and the water in the cup dripped onto my hand.

"Nian'er, your phone is ringing." My roommate called out.

"Oh..." I found myself having to put down my cup and walk over to the bedside, where the phone lay. In that moment, it resembled a ticking time bomb in my eyes.

"What's wrong? You look awful." My roommate stared at me, puzzled.

"No... Nothing." I managed to force a smile as I picked up the call.

"Lin Nianer, is it? I've called you this many times, you dare not answer?" A fiercely angered male voice came through from the other end of the line, causing me to tremble all over. "You're tired of living, aren't you? You want me to paste your photos all over school and let your teachers and classmates see your lustful side?"

I was nearly reduced to tears in fear. "P-Please... I beg you, I'll repay your money. I need some time, please, I beg you..."

"Money my ass! I'm not some charity operation."

"Cut the crap. We've got a big shot over here tonight, just needs a pure one like you for his drinking company. If you dare not come, prepare to see your naked photos plastered all over the campus tomorrow!"

Having said all of that hurriedly, an ominous chuckle followed. "Oh, isn't your mom hospitalized? I could send her a copy too, let her see where her noble daughter got the life-saving money from." He hung up immediately after.

Upon receiving that call, I was restless the entire day, my earlier threats thrown into a state of agitation.

When class ended, my classmate, Li Qin, who introduced me to the appalling nude loan, approached me. "Nianer, have you not made up your mind yet?"

"I..." I held my head in anguish. "I would never have been part of this dreadful nude loan if I knew they would blackmail me into serving drinks."

"You can't say that. Without that ¥10,000, could your mom have gotten her treatment?" Li Qin attempted to console me in a slow, steady pace. She was the same age as me, but she was much more experienced in dealing with life. "It's just serving drinks after all. They're not asking you to do anything else. Besides, we'll go together. We can look out for each other."

"How do you know?" I lifted my head in puzzlement at her words. "Have they asked you to do this before, too?"

"Mhm." Li Qin nodded, seemingly unfazed. "Just to keep those rich folks company, make them happy by drinking. If you do well, there are even tips."

"But I..." I hesitated. It just seemed so inappropriate.

"Do you want them to post the photos online?" Li Qin looked at my expression and accurately pointed out my biggest concern. "They know your home address, school, and phone number. I've heard that if someone doesn't listen to them, they send the photos to their school and home."

"All you need to do is follow their instructions and accompany them for drinks just once." Li Qin calculated for me with her fingers, "Given your current diligence at work, your debt will be cleared soon. Everything will be okay."

"..." Listening to Li Qin's words, the scale in my heart gradually tipped.

It's just accompanying them for drinks, right? I tried to encourage myself. Besides, Li Qin will accompany me there. Nothing will go wrong.

I had made up my mind.

In the evening, I called the group of people from the nude loan, notifying them about my decision.

The person on the other end of the line chuckled with pride, "Isn't it better to be obedient in the first place? Listen, tomorrow night at seven o'clock at the entrance of the Rongxiang Hotel. Mind your appearance, don't disappoint the big customers."

Listening to the arrogant voice on the other end of the phone, I could only swallow the disgust in my stomach.