
Let’s Read The Word

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Realities Of Madness

Realities Of Madness

Author:Behemoth Harkins



This is a story based on what if... The probabilities of reality or should I say realities beyond our rift in the space time continuum is short and low based on scientific ideas, but what if there are realities beyond our reaches, realities beyond our concept of understanding holding life and existence as the prime reality, what if there's not just one universe but universes beyond the universe itself dominated by different time, space, life, death and reality...What if there was a god choose to watch the totality of it in just his palms? Now let your imaginations sink entirely in the pool of this thoughts and probabilities, wander in the vacuum of realities beyond imaginations, swim in the pool of madness... and get lost in the imaginative world of What if's!


Middleville city

The sun smiled on the small town, bungalow buildings beautified the town in a complex state it almost simulated an indigenous local estate. The small town was surrounded by an evergreen forest that seemed predominant across the city, it's also known to be an illegal border to migrants from middleville to Arizona north. The asphalt road only led backward and forward to New York and Scotts town respectively.

From a semi-detached building painted with two different colours vertically green and orange with yellow stripes, at the end of doorstep were two decorative flowers and a brown leather doormat. A man in his early twenties walked out as the door smirked open, he had a black curl short hair and blue eyes, his chocolate skin glowed due to the sun's ray on him. He smartened his black suit finalising his white tie round his neck before walking towards a black Mercedes Benz parked before his doorstep. The car wailed in alarm as he jerked the door open but it soon went off as he shut the door, slowly the car groaned to life and soon went off immediately his cellphone rang in his pocket. His facial feature frowned in adjustment and disturbance as he brought out the phone sighting the name on the screen James, the errand boy for the New Dawn company.

"Yeah James?" His icy voice echoed after answering the call.

"Oh Mr Pat, there's a change of plan in the system and the director had to change yours for the day." A tiny voice rang out.

Pat sighed frustratedly.

"What's it this time James?" He asked.

"You'll have to pick me up first because we are going to huntville together."

"Damn, that place is a fucking desert." Pat restorted acidly, his face frowned in disgust "there's no way my car is going in there!" He added remotely.

"Errr... Actually, that was what the directer instructed sir, perhaps you should give him a call." James suggested.

Pat groaned and rolled his eyes unamazed.

"Nevermind, I'll be there with you very soon." He ended the call and the car roared out, he ambled the gear lever and the car walked slowly forward before racing down the asphalt road like a jet ray.

He sat relieved, breathing unhurridly, his life has been a successful one even though his father ruined his family political life according to his research. He wheeled to the left and halted to the sloth movement of cars in the slow-moving traffic. Everyone knew his origin as the famous incruenta meaning bloodless and according to that he knew his father as a famous black Spanish man indulged in illegal activities known all over the continent. His mind skipped as he moved slowly to the traffic but non of this bothered his mind, he only stared at the horizon thinking he'd sight the errand ghost of New Dawn company but he was no where to be seen. The car halted again and he rested his back into the seat.

Pat Lee was an orphan, not virtually an orphan but at his early stage of understanding, he never grew up with his father nor his mother. Everything about his life wasn't just vividly known to the outside world but also made him famous, some even knew more about him than he could describe himself. His mother died from heart attack after his father was been apprehended by the government personnel, alpha squadron. Since then, be has been living under the government supports onto this very moment that he got a job with the greatest reporter company in the world, the New Dawn and on this, he became a millionaire.

"Hey!" A voice brought him back to reality, he turned his head to his right to see a brown hair teen probably above nineteen in white turned in shirt, black trouser and black boots.

He smiled "get in."

James hopped in thanks to the slow traffic, he relaxed breathing heavily like a sprinter.

Pat sighed "so what's with the desert land?"

"Directed Shawn agreed with the heads of establishement, they both decided we move our branch to huntville." James explained.

"Fuck!" Pat cursed under his breath, the traffic was a peril one and judging by the longitude, it was going to take hell of a time to get to Huntsville and getting there isn't the issue but the city's swampy bay.



A black Mercedes halted on the swampy oozing road, it looked like the town just experienced a heavy down pour. Trees danced at each sides of the road softly to the winds tune, but the car could not move any further. He knew this was obviously going to happen.

Huntville has been one of the low populated town in middleville because of its polluted area mostly occupied by swamps and muds capable of consuming a man from the surface of visibility. Pat knew this was going to happen, he knew they would have to trek into the town zone to visualise the land itself but he's not doing that, he won't.

He walked out of the car, his shoes smuddling mud like sand. He looked at the horizon with a mixture of disgust and enthusiast to the cool breeze and fresh river smell, he wanted the land so badly for the company but huntville is void of huge buildings to avoid destruction of properties and even lives. He walked forward with James tagged behind, they walked for seconds and slowly into minutes until Pat couldn't go any further. He turned at James with a worried face, he noticed a gloomy reaction on the latter's face but he was trying to subdue his suggestions.

"So what are we doing here again?" James asked coldly.

Pat looked at him not amazed but puzzled "to catch bugs dummy!" Pat insulted "this land is of no use to the New Dawn company, its a swamp bay James." He turned at the vicinity "this land could cost us billions to fill up." He added.

"Yeah, i noticed that." James responded discomfortedly.

They turned to return to the car but a soft tone caught their attentions, Pat listened attentively to the song's lyrics and was able to log out the song to be mannequin by the famous dead rapper Pop smoke, one of his best. It was coming from a log restaurant not far from the swampy bay, perhaps few feets.

He turned at back at James "you drink?" He asked with a chilly smile.


"What can i offer you masters?" A bartender asked distorting the pleasant view of the restaurant before them, the walls of the bar were rectangular nd wide enough to host a long night party. Although the floor was concrete but every other parts of the restaurant were wood partitioned, including the walls, chairs, tables and other service equipments. They sat on wooden stools arranged in two rows with a middle table set in a glass like posture.

Pay sighed "two bottles of whisky pls!" He replied.

"! I don't actually take alcohol." James alarmed intelligently.

Pat hummed, not surprised but mockingly.

"A bottle of whisky and a coffee."

"We don't actually serve coffee sir." The bartender replied lost in words.

Pat scoffed and dropped his head in embarrassment.

"Okay! Just one soft drink and a whisky pls." James corrected.

Pat raised his head "make it two bottle of whisky." He snapped his fingers and the bartender walked away. Thanks to the empty bar, Pat felt his embarrassment self sustaining and easy to quench.

"Can I be real with you Mr Pat?" James cut in.

"Affirmative." Pat nodded still admiring the bar's structure.

"I'm actually fed up with this job, I'd like to be something something else."

Pat raised an eye brow "like what? A taxi driver?" He snorted.

"Hell no." James winched.

Pat smiled.

"I want to be an astrologist." James said.

Pat laughed heartily "the bug's gat a booty."

"I'm serious Mr Pat, i studied astrology back in high school." He paused "you've no idea what I'm talking about." James frowned his face "you came from a political family, you can have what ever you want."

Pat cut in "...and a freaking criminalizing father, yeah i get that."

"That's definitely not what I meant but you guessed right, besides who cares? You're handsome, smart, best reporter in new york and a fucking millionaire...What else did you want? "

"Actually, i..." His voice tailed off as two men walked chattering loudly into the bar, simultaneously the bartender arrived with the drinks, dropped them on the table and walked off. One of the men recognised Pat and he knew that but he choose to ignore the men. They walked towards Pat with a grin but he never drift his attention toward the men. It was an everyday experience for him to be apprehended by most people due to his familiarity and famous background, he's a freaking millionaire walking amongst men.

"Hey! I know you." The man said. He had bald head and a scar stitch on his left cheek, he was dressed in an armless blue shirt which had a new york symbol on it, blue dirty jean and black slippers.

Pat sighed and turned at the man and his colleague,.James had a gloomy feeling this wasn't going to end well but with Pat, he felt relaxed.

"I'm not in the mood for autographs guys." Pat said before sipping from his whisky mud.

The man scoffed in recognition "I knew it, it's incruenta's son!"

Pat felt a boil within him, it was like a cougar in him was let loose. Even James noticed it on his face, his face turned red with rage.

"Uh oh!" James muttered mutely.

Pat relaxed his breath then dropped the whisky bottle on the table, he hates been called that name. He hated it so badly he could do anything out of anger. He rose on his feet giving james a calm smile.

"Seat and relax!" He said to james before turning at the men, his face justified the anger dwelling in him. Even though he tried to eliminate it from been seen on his face, James could still see the blink on his face.

"Call me bloodless son one more time." He said in an almost timeless tone.

The men faced each other and smiles exhaled their lips, the bald man turned at Pat with narrow eyes.

"Incruenta's son." The man said but before his smiling lips could let out a guffaw, CRASH! A rigid Collison caused him staggering back, his head bleeding with bottle particles buried inside his head.

The man yelled in pain as he held his head emotionally baffled.

Pat stood, face blunt with anger and a broken bottle in his left hand "next?" He said and the other man charged at him.