
Let’s Read The Word

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Who Am I

Who Am I




a young girl finds herself in the middle of bfe (bum fu**** egypt) with no clue what she is and can only rember her name and soon finds herself recapurted by the very people she was running from only this time she doesn't know y or that she was running to begin with and to top i all off the main person she was running from turns out to be her mate. Not only that she unknowingly is carrying secret that could change everything.

Ugh.. my head... What hit me?"

I open my eyes immediately blinded by a intence light. I Tried desperately to peace together

where I was and how the floating turds I got there, and ya know what I got bup-kiss!, nada!, nothing!.

I let out a frustrated growl and sat up.

Immediately the imaginary carnival ride I apparently booked tickets to took me for a ride, the world twirling and swaying in front of my eyes.

I gripped my head, my hand coming away with blood on it.

"What the Fuck"

I stumbled my way to standing.

Which in case your wondering probably looked like I was doing some sort of new disjointed dance move.

"Cue thriller folks"

I scanned the surrounding area looking for anything that could inspire me to rember even minenootly.

And there was nothing just static on a tv up there.

Was I dumb or something! Any normal person could probably wake up and tell you what they had for breakfast. Me I couldn't even tell you what happened 3 minutes ago!


Enraged I kicked the dirt in front of me and banged my fists against my head in attempt to jump-start my brain like a old tv.

Which now that I think about probably made me look like a pissed off caveman.

"Oh come on you stupid brain work!"

Again the baron field of wheat and scant trees held nothing , not one thing that I possibly could remember,

"Guess this is how the scarecrow felt on oz.

"If I only had brain""

I chuckled despite my growing confusion and anger then decided there is no use crying over spilled milk.

I dusted off my black blue jeans stained with what looked like blood and dark purple combat boots

then moved up to my black tank. which looked like I barely missed the business end of a knife. I huffed then got to work adjusting my long mass of wavy black hair into a tight pony tail then let out a long befuddled sigh then pondered to myself.

"What the fuck happened to me?

I look like I I should be on some sort of apocalypse movie.

I'm covered in dirt and blood and I'm pretty sure there is a knife in my boot!

I wiggled my foot around in my boot then bent retrieving the very sharp knife from my boot. I turned it in my hand looking for any familiar marks or memories.

Nothing.... save for it felt good in my hand. I huffed

Why the flying fudge tacos do I have a fucking knife in my boot and who the fuck dressed me like tomb raider!

My temper growing ,

The unanswered questioned zoomed through my mind fuelling my growing rage as i stomped off in a random direction.

Hoping to find some resemblance of civilization.