
Let’s Read The Word

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Black Rose

Black Rose



"My silence is not weakness but the beginning of my revenge." My name is April Fields . My parents were killed by rouges when I was 13 years old. I was accused of being their killer and was beaten and abused by my pack members. I was the outcast, and the killer. Clichéd right? However, I wasn't effected by the beatings. I was angry and vowed to myself that I will avenge my parents one day. I will kill everyone and anyone who was involved in their death and I would stop at nothing. I trained secretly, teaching myself all types of martial arts and how to handle all types of weapons. My pack members think I'm nothing but a weak slave to them but they don't know that I'm actually 'Black Rose', the warrior feared by everyone.


“My silence is not weakness, but the beginning of my revenge.”

I sat there staring with disbelieving eyes at the fallen bodies of my parents.

Blood pooled around me like a lake and all that I could feel were the tears streaming down my bloody face.

I heard rattling and crunching of leaves behind me but I was too shocked and scared to move when suddenly, I heard a loud gasp followed by multiple others.

"What have you done?" Someone whispered in disbelieve.

I was confused about who she was asking but my face wouldn't contort to that of confusion. It was expressionless at the moment.

"You murderer!" Someone yelled before I felt a force push me to the side. However, I was still unable to move a muscle to protect myself from contacting with the ground.

I watched as people gathered around my parents' bodies, sobbing and wailing. Some of them even howled sadly into the night sky.

It was understandable, their reactions that is. Their alpha and luna were dead. My parents were dead.

"You brat." I felt a hand connect with my cheek. I looked up to find it was none other than Uncle Adam, my father's best friend and beta.

"I knew you would do something like that one day, I knew it!" He yelled and again, I was too confused and shocked to utter a word.

"What have they ever done to you?" A voice, I recognised as Valerie, my best friend whispered with a sob.

What the hell were they saying? Can't they see what really happened?

I looked at Valerie with teary eyes.

"I didn't do anything." I said, my voice cracking at the end.

"Don't lie!" Uncle Adam yelled as he backhanded me. The impact knocked be back to reality, not completely but enough to be aware of what they're accusing me of.

"I didn't do anything." I repeated weakly. "I didn't kill them."

Why would I kill my parents? Why would anyone do that?

"Shut up." He yelled angrily. "Take her to the cells until I decide what to do with her." He ordered.

I looked at him in disbelief. The cells?

"Why would you take me to the cells? I didn't do anything!" I yelled as two well built pack members took hold of my arms and brought me to my feet roughly.

Uncle Adam didn't bat an eyelash as I continued my screaming and yelling for them to let me go. I called for Valerie but she too, ignored my pleas.

My eyes searched for Hugh, my other best friend but he wasn't there. However, that didn't stop my loud please from filling the night air. But no one listened. No one cared. They didn't notice how broken I was, how bad I needed a shoulder to cry on and someone to save me from my fears, from the nightmare.

I was shunned and became the least favorite pack member, no, I wasn't even worth that ranking.

That was the night I lost my parents, my family and friends. That was the night that a new April was born. An April that will avenge her parents' death no matter what and how long it takes.

And that was the night that April met Rose.


The Past, The Present, The Future

I huffed out air from my mouth as I threw another punch at the punching bag I have handing from the ceiling.

It was a little worn out and had dents everywhere from where my fists would connect, that I started feeling guilty towards the poor thing.

Another frustrated punch followed by another.

"How dare they." I growled to myself.

My wolf was angry while I crossed beyond that anger, I was infuriated.

It was already past midnight, meaning that the whole pack was sound asleep right now. Thank God for the sound proof exercise room that Hugh built me secretly. I honestly don't know how he did it but I'm grateful none the less.

Another angry punch made the poor punching bag itself swing angrily about its hinges as if telling me to have some mercy.

I don't blame the un-living thing though since I would always take out my vent up anger on it. It's already been seven years and being the loyal thing it was still didn't come to life and beat the crap out of me.

Maybe it understood my situation. Maybe it knew what my pack members do to me and thought that it was enough. It was kind to offer its outside and insides for support in my worst times. Again, I was grateful.

Yes, it's been seven years since my parents died and I still haven't recovered fully from the incident. Watching your parents getting killed in front of your eyes does more than mental damage. And it didn't help that my pack members turned a cold shoulder towards me.

After Uncle Adam sent me to the cells where I first shifted all alone and scared, I was kept there for about a week before he turned me to the pack's slave. He was the new alpha so his words were nothing but orders to the rest of the pack.

He made me clean the whole pack house, prepare breakfast, lunch and dinner. He made me stop school and stop training and made me move up to the attic where he gave his daughter my now old room.

I couldn't fight back though, I tried, but because I was still a kid and wasn't fully trained, a new alpha was obviously able to scar me. The proof long on my back.

And while I laid on the cold floor of my makeshift room one night, in ran a worried Hugh and a teary eyed Gabrielle. They were mates and three years older than me.

They were sent to Arizona by my father, one day before the incident and they promised him not to tell me anything. I was too broken and weak to persist on finding answers and just left it as it is.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there." Hugh apologised for the hundredth time as he held me to him until Gabrielle finished cleaning me up and wrapping my wounds.

Hugh was more than an older brother to me so his reactions were understandable. We were practically raised together. He was family.

"It's fine Hugh." I replied weakly with a faint smile. "What happened happened."

"It's not that easy April." He whispered as I felt yet another warm tear fall on my cheek.

"We should've known that something was wrong when Alpha Fields sent us to-" Gabrielle's sentence was cut short by a clearing of throat from Hugh.

"Now is not the time for this Gabrielle." He stated and both Gabrielle and I almost flinched from his hard tone.

I threw my hardest and final punch as I recalled the memory. Now that all three of us agreed on avenging my parents I'm starting to get more and more curious about what Gabrielle was about to say but I trust them, and I'm sure Hugh will tell me when the time is right.

"Wow, someone must've cracked all your cornflakes today." I heard Hugh ask from behind me.

I turned around to see him looking at me in amusement, his arms crossed over his chest.

Even though he's a grown man now of twenty three years, he never seems to stop always wanting to tease and annoy me.

"They crushed the whole box." I all but growled.

True I was working for the pack members and true I don't show any emotions when it happens but it's not true that it doesn't anger me a bit. I'm an Alpha's daughter, not some slave, so my wolf and I don't really appreciate the constant bossing around.

Hugh chuckled lightly and started walking towards me, handing me a white towel.

"Thanks." I said as I reached out for it to wipe the sweat beads that formed on my neck and forehead.

"If it'll make you any happier, I have some good news." Hugh stated with a smile.

"You found the rogues haven't you?" I asked with as smirk.

Hugh looked at me in shock before he shook his head as a small smile formed on his lips.

"What was I thinking? Of course you'd know already." He mumbled to himself. A normal person wouldn't have heard what he said but an alpha werewolf with heightened senses won't have a problem.

"You're very easy to read baby." Gabrielle said as she entered the room to stand next to Hugh. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pecked her cheek softly.

It was cute seeing them together, and honestly, I don't want a mate even though Rose, my wolf is dying for one. She understand though that it will be hard having a mate, seeing as how I will be on what she calls a death mission.

A mate will become a weak spot for me and I'm afraid he might get hurt in the process. Maybe when this is all over I'll go search for him.

I was snapped out of my thoughts with someone snapping their fingers in front of my face. I looked up at a grinning Hugh and a giggling Gabrielle.

"What were you thinking about?" Hugh asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Of ways to give you a slow and painful death." I replied smugly.

"I think you already know how. No need to think about it." Hugh smirked making me narrow my eyes at him while Gabrielle giggled once more.

"I already sent you the information to your phone. Go get some rest for your big day tomorrow." He called out as he lead Gabrielle out the exercise room, sarcasm dripping through his words as he said the last part.

But it's true, tomorrow will be a big day. The day where my parents' killers will pay.

"Are you sure you're ready for this April?" Rose, my wolf asked.

"I've been training for seven years for this Rose so I'm more than ready." I replied with determination.

"Killing is not so easy April, it does things to people." She stated wearily.

"I know that." I sighed.

"You'll have me by your side no matter what." She said gently, making me smile.

"Thank you Rose."

"However," She started, making me stop dead in my tracks to listen. "If you don't go find our mate after this I'm out of here." She continued.

I chuckled loudly as I entered my bathroom for a much needed shower.

"No worries Rose, I'll go find him when this is over." I assured her.

"You better." Let's just hope this goes well...