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The Triumphant Escape

The Triumphant Escape




Lindsey Amazon after the death of her parents found herself on the run with no where to go and no one to turn to. But what happened after much running,she was captured by the man who killed her parents,and while in captive met Alejandro Rosario.

"Come down from there Lindsey" warned Karen her best friend

"In a sec" Lindsey replied as she stretched forth her arm grabbing a red Apple from the tree from the branch she stood

"Be careful" yelled Karen looking at her friend who was at the highest branch on the tree

"I am always careful" she yelled back at the top of the tree as she climbed down

"No you are not" scolded Karen with an eye roll " if not you won't risk your life climbing a tree just for one Apple"finished Karen as she angrily tapped her leg on the ground

"Its not just one Apple,its a red Apple" Lindsey stated as she jumped down from the last branch dusting her cloth, she was putting on a red short with a blue flannel shirt with 'Bad girl Good girl' written on it

"You think just because you're wearing a' bad girl good girl'shirt that makes you a bad girl" asked Karen making air quote

"You are just jealous you don't have a' bad girl good girl' shirt' " she muttered flaunting her shirt

"Oh please" scoffed Karen " we need to go ,your parents have been looking for you" yelled Karen dragging her best friend as they ran across the field

"They are always looking for me" Lindsey whispered with a pant and an eye roll as she ran beside her

"Be grateful you have caring parents" said Karen as she stood in front of a beautiful white cottage

"I am grateful" she replied also looking at the cottage she called home with a smile on her face

"Well you need to show them and at the same time tell them" said Karen as she looked at her best friend

"I will" Lindsey replied with a nod"come,wé need to get in before they come out" she said holding out her hand towards Karen

"Too late" replied Karen as she held on to Lindsey outstretched hand with both of them looking at the door where a middle age woman stood with a handsome yet broad man who had his hands wrapped around the woman

"Mom....Dad" Lindsey yelled as she ran towards her parents dragging Karen along

"Lindsey" they yelled happily with smiles on there face as they hugged their daughter

"Good day Mr and Mrs Amazon" greeted Karen as she bow towards them

"Oh Karen ..stop with the formalities" muttered Mrs Amazon as she pull Karen in for a hug" since you don't want to call me Mum,then call me Martha" she continued looking at Karen softly with a kind smile on her face

"No ma'am, I don't want to impose" replied Karen sadly

"You are not imposing"boomed Mr Amazon "and you can also just call me Derek" he continued quite grimly

"How do you expect her to call you Derek when you have a scary look on your face" muttered Martha to her Husband

"It's not a scary look" Derek retorted earning a glare from his wife

"Let's go inside i made casserole, you must be hungry" said Martha pushing the girls inside and walking in behind them.

The inside of the cottage was even more beautiful compare to the outside ,the parlor had a magnificent chandelier which added to the beauty with a big flat screen and lovely fancy couch ,there was a ziz zig stairs with lead upstair,the parlour had this homely vibe to it ,and pictures of Lindsey from when she was little to now and also a picture of three happy family decorated the walls .

"Come on" usher Lindsey as she walked to the dinning table,Derek was already sitted at the head as different food were placed ln the table such as casserole, lasagna even spaghetti and meat ball

"I thought your mum said she made casserole?" Asked Karen quietly to Lindsey as she look at the table once more

"She did" she replied with a shrug "beside you should know her by now"

"I do,but that doesn't mean I won't be surprised every now and then" muttered Karen as she watch Martha dishing out the food into four different plate depending on there taste and setting it on the table,Martha then walked over to her seat which was beside her husband

"Lets dig in" she said as she grabbed her folk

"This is delicious ma'am" said Karen after taking three spoons of Martha's home made casserole

"Thanks dear,am glad you are enjoying my food" Martha said as she dug her folk into her plate of spaghetti and meatball ,rolled it and then put it in her mouth "delicious" she moaned as she carefully chewed her food already digging her folk for more

"Wowww Mom,This is the best Lasagna i have ever tested" Lindsey said with her spoon pointing towards her plate of Lasagna

"Thanks darling,even though you say that about all my cooking" replied Martha with a smile.

"That's because it's true" she drawled already taking another spoonful of Lasagna

"Eff Efff Efff " Coughed Derek as Martha quickly got a glass of water

"Here" she said giving him the water" Careful"

"Thanks" replied Derek as he drank the water in one gulp

"I said careful " yelled Martha worriedly

"It's okay dear,am fine it was just a cough"he replied placing a calming hand on his wife hands which were on the table.

"Done" Lindsey yelled as she stood up carrying her empty plate to the kitchen sink

"Thank you Mr and Mrs Amazon for the meal,it was delicious" Karen said as she also made her way to the kitchen with her plate on her hands

"Woww,they sure do eat fast" Derek said looking at the kitchen

"Or maybe we eat slow" Martha said as she smiled at her husband

"Well your food is delicious and need to be savor not rushed" Derek said as he slowly ate his

"You're the only one who thinks that way" Martha said with a laugh

"Then i guess we still have a lot of teaching to do" stated Derek as he pushed aside his empty plate,wiping his mouth with a towel "Thanks darling for the meal" he said as he kiss her softly

"You're welcome" she replied with a blush on her face as she hurriedly cleared the table.

"You know what" She said wiping her hands "am glad we decided to come to Taxas" she continued walking over to her husband as she sat on his legs with her legs on either side

"Same here " muttered Derek as he wrapped his hand round her waist hugging her tightly " Work in New york,my family matters most" he said with a kiss to her forehead.

NEW YORK: Amazonian inc tech.

"Sir" rushed a young man as he got inside the office after a series of knock with hagard breath holding different folders in his hands

"What is it?" Came a deep voice behind a mahogany chair his back away from view as he stared deepely into the window

"We found them" replied the young man with a pant

"What?" The voice asked as he sharply turned,collecting the files from the man,his eyes fastly scanning them.

"Yes sir ,they are in Taxes" continued the young man with smiles on his face,he was finally happy that after months and days of research he finally got an answer for his boss

"Good job" came the voice followed by a smile "I'll make sure your salary is increase" he said his eyes going back to the files on his hands as he turned away from him.

"Thank you sir" muttered the young man as he quickly rush toward the door opening it and shutting it behind him knowing fully well he was dismissed.

Back in the office a deathly laughter could be heard as the voice mumbled "finally" with a smirk on his face.