
Let’s Read The Word

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Against All Odds American Nigerian Love Based Story

Against All Odds American Nigerian Love Based Story




Do you know who you are being so rude to? it's Tristan son of Nathan and Evelyn Kings, the sole heir of the KINGS CORPORATION. Amy my friend told me, but I didn't care about who the hell he was all I wanted was for him to just apologize to me for splashing mud water on me, Instead of him been a total jerk . Sorry sir! I totally apologize on behalf of my friend am really sorry for her behaviour. My friend apologized to him instead,. which made me more angry. why do I have to be the one apologizing to him! Just because he's rich?. The statement above is made by Adesua Bamidale : daughter of Mr and Mrs Bamidele Adewale, a 23 years old lady who lives in Ajay with her poor parents and three siblings. A stubborn, hardworking, beautiful and no- nonsense person. Tristan a 27 years old and the most sorted after bachelor is the son of Mr and Mrs Nathan kings and the sole heir of THE KINGS CORPORATION in the city of Chicago. They both met in Lagos Nigeria where he came to supervise the opening of Kings new branch in Ajay Lagos Nigeria.


The alarm goes off at 6am, and I sighs as I lazily roll out of bed, feeling the tug of sleep still clinging to my body. It's another early morning and I know I have to drag myself to the gym for my daily work out session. With bleary eyes, I slip into my work out clothes, grabbed my gym bags and headed out for the gym.

Just as I'm finishing up my work out, my phone buzzed, snapping me out of my focused state. Intrigued, I wipe the sweat from my brow and retrieve my phone from my gym bag. A message from assistant flashes across the screen, informing me of an update regarding my upcoming trip to Nigeria. As I read through the details, a mix of excitement and anticipation fills me. Nigeria, a country I've always dreamt of visiting, with its vibrant culture and rich history. I finish up at the gym, with my in hands, I head home to begin preparation.

Feeling confident in my appearance, I couldn't resist a slight smirk as I admired myself in the mirror. The tailored lines of the Armani suit accuentuated my physique, and the crisp white shirt added a touch of sophistication. I adjusted the knot of my silk tie, ensuring it was perfectly aligned, and straightened my cufflinks.

Satisfied with my appearance, I left the room and made my way down stairs.

Good morning everyone," I greeted my family cheerfully as I entered the kitchen. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the sizzling sound of bacon and other delicacies of food filled the air, making my stomach growl with anticipation. I couldn't wait to join them for breakfast.

My mom, with her warm smile, welcomed me with open arms. I gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek, She reciprocated with a tender hug.

Next, I turned to my grandma, who was sitting at the table, sipping her tea. Her eyes sparkled with joy as she saw me approach. She always had this special way of making me feel cherished. I bent down and planted a soft kiss on her wrinkled cheek, feeling the warmth of her love enveloping me.

Taking my place at the table, I joined the lively conversation that had already begun. Laughter and stories filled the room, creating a harmonious atmosphere.

"Dad asked me if I was prepared for the opening of the company's new branch at Ajay Lagos, Nigeria," he said, breaking the pleasant silence that followed our breakfast. His voice was filled with anticipation and curiosity as he wanted to hear about my upcoming trip.

I turned towards my dad, a hardworking and supportive figure in my life. With a reassuring smile, I nodded and replied, "Yes, Dad, I'm fully prepared for the opening. I've been working closely with the team to ensure everything goes smoothly."

His eyes gleamed with pride and a touch of concern. "Remember, son, this is a big responsibility. You've worked hard for this opportunity, and I have no doubt that you'll excel.

I assured him, "I understand, Dad. I won't let you down. I'm ready to give my best and make this new branch a success."

My mom and grandma listened attentively, their expressions filled with encouragement and support. They had always been my biggest cheerleaders, offering guidance and love every step of the way.

Mom chimed in, "We're so proud of you, dear. It's a wonderful opportunity to showcase your skills and contribute to the growth of the company. Just remember to take care of yourself amidst the busy schedule.

With their words of wisdom etched in my mind, I felt a renewed sense of determination and confidence. I knew that my journey to Nigeria was not just about business, but also about personal growth and making a positive impact.

As I prepared to leave for the airport, my family gathered around me, enveloping me in their warm embrace. Each hug carried their love and blessings, fueling me with strength and resilience.

With a heart filled with gratitude and excitement, I hugged them back tightly, feeling the warmth of their unwavering support.

And so, with their love in my heart and their words of encouragement echoing in my mind, I embarked on my journey to Nigeria. The opening of the new branch was not just a professional milestone, but also a testament to the love and support of my family.

I entered my black Maybach, a luxury car that always made me feel a sense of elegance and power. The engine roared to life as my trusted driver, Sam, took the wheel.

As we made our way to the airport, my phone buzzed with a message. It was from my best friend, Bryan, who had heard about my trip. Bryan and I shared a bond that went beyond friendship; we were like brothers, always there for each other through thick and thin.

The message read, "Hey, heard you're going to Nigeria! I can't let you have all the fun. I'm coming with you, bro.

A smile spread across my face as I read his words. Mark always had a spontaneous and adventurous spirit, and his decision to join me on this journey didn't surprise me. I knew that having him by my side would make the experience even more memorable.

At the airport, I spotted Bryan waiting eagerly near the entrance, a wide grin on his face. I greeted him with a bear hug, grateful for his willingness to drop everything and accompany me on this trip.

"Man, I can't believe you're really coming with me," I said, laughter dancing in my voice. "Don't you have business to attend to Bryan?."

He chuckled and replied, "Of course, I do but I wouldn't miss an opportunity like this! Plus, I've always wanted to explore Nigeria, and what better way than with my brother from another mother?"

As Bryan finished sharing his excitement about exploring Nigeria, a mischievous grin spread across my face. I couldn't resist teasing him a little.

"Bryan, my man, are you really joining me on this trip to Nigeria because you want to explore the country, or because you want to explore the women there?" I playfully asked, raising an eyebrow.

Bryan burst into laughter, caught off guard by my question. He nudged me playfully and replied, "Oh, Tristan, you know me too well! Can't deny that I'm curious about the beautiful women in Nigeria, but hey, who says we can't explore both the country and the ladies? It's all part of the adventure!"

"Nigeria has so much to offer," I said, a touch of sincerity in my voice. "The vibrant culture, the breathtaking landscapes, the rich history—it's an opportunity to immerse ourselves in a whole new world. And who knows, we might just meet some incredible people along the way."

Bryan nodded, his eyes reflecting a mix of excitement and curiosity. "You're right, Tristan. It's not just about the women; it's about embracing the entire experience.

12 HOURS LATER..........