
Let’s Read The Word

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Chosen by Destiny: Seven Brothers Spoil Me Silly

Chosen by Destiny: Seven Brothers Spoil Me Silly



Synopsis: From a pitiful little girl relying on the charity of a small mountain village to a wealthy young lady, five-year-old Little Nuan begins to live a life deeply cherished by her whole family. The eldest brother is cold and taciturn, the heir to the Family Gu. The second brother, a warm-charactered genius with a high IQ, is the youngest professor at the Research Institute. The third brother is a top-tier star, with fans all around the globe. The fourth brother is a cool and brilliant doctor, capable of pulling lives from the hands of death itself. The fifth brother is a prodigious artist, with each of his paintings worth millions. The sixth brother is a arrogant and wild school tyrant. The seventh brother, a little rascal with a dark sense of humor, is king among the children. And Little Nuan, after returning home, is doted on by her brothers. Note: Not all the brothers are her biological siblings. Some are cousins as well.

In the foggy dawn, a line of luxury cars traversing along the narrow cement road broke the tranquility of this small mountain village.

Farmers with dark skin and hoes in their hands straightened their backs and craned their necks, their eyes wide open as they stared at the luxury cars they had only seen on television before.

"My goodness, how much does one of these cars cost?"

The wealthiest person in their village owned a car worth a few hundred thousand, which had always roused their admiration. Everyone thought of him as a successful man. But now, the cars that zoomed past them looked far more elegant and dominant than his.

According to the young villagers, each of these cars was worth millions, an astronomical figure to the farmers. And it was not just one car!

"Let's go, quick, let's take a look!"

There wasn't much entertainment in this small mountain village. Any little excitement would cause a stir. The luxury cars alone would be staggering to see even in major cities, let alone in this small village.

The luxury cars stopped in front of an old, dilapidated wooden cabin. The villagers watching the scene couldn't help but gossip in wonder.

"Did you hear? Warm's family came for her."

"Good Lord, Warm's biological family must be very wealthy. She's going to be a lady of a rich family now! Little Liu said the car is a... What was it called again? Anyway, it's very expensive."

Amid the sounds of congratulatory blessings, a discordant voice slipped in.

The sharp, nagging voice of an old woman crackling sunflower seeds echoed, "Are they really her family? Pfft… Moreover, with Warm's looks from our village, she won't be well-liked in a rich family."

These words were overheard by the bodyguards outside. They shot stern glances at her.

The old woman couldn't eat any more seeds at this point. Just a country woman, she wasn't used to this spectacle, fearing she might get beaten, she hastily left with her grandson who had been drooling over the big car.

Throughout it all, you could hear the chubby kid's loud cries for seeing the car, along with the fading voice of the old woman trying to placate her grandson, promising to buy him a big car one day.

Those who chose to stay were somewhat fearful, but after seeing the old granny Sun leave, the black-clothed bodyguards disregarded them. Their courage was then rejuvenated, and they started discussing, some expressing their well wishes for the future life of Nuan Nuan, while others scoffed at the disappearance of the old granny Sun.

Inside the log cabin, the room was relatively clean and tidy. However, a few elegantly dressed people standing in this narrow space seemed out of place.

The only resident of the room, a small, skinny girl, looked at them timidly and uneasily. Her black and white eyes, clear like grapes, were exceptionally attractive.

A stately and elegant woman slowly walked over to the little girl. Her eyes reddened, and she tremblingly and cautiously reached out to take the frail, tiny hand of the little girl.

"Are you called Nuan Nuan now? I am your mother." Her voice was choked with sobs, and the sight of the tiny, skinny little girl made her teary-eyed and made her heart wrench, but the corners of her mouth curved up in happiness because she had found her lost treasure.

Nuan Nuan shyly stared at the incredibly beautiful woman before her, her wide, distinctively attractive and clear eyes looked somewhat helpless. She was way too gentle, but the thought of her skinny, unattractive hand against hers made Nuan Nuan feel deeply inferior. She wanted to retract her hand but couldn't.

The woman firmly yet tenderly gripped her small unattractive palm.

"Nuan Nuan, would you like to come home with Mom?"

The five-year-old skinny little girl was neat and clean, her clothes somewhat faded. Her facial skin wasn't in the best condition, but upon close inspection, her features were quite delicate and pretty, just hidden by her somewhat messy hair.

Only her black and white eyes were extraordinarily bright and alluring. She glanced at the woman before her, who was on the verge of crying, as if her tears would flow the moment she refused.

There was this unexplainable feeling of tenderness that surged up in Nuan Nuan's heart.

She clumsily wiped her tears with her small hand and softly urged, "Don't cry."

The two words were soft and muffled, and yet pleasing to the ear. They warmed the woman's heart and rendered her completely unable to restrain her tears any longer. She enveloped her long-lost treasure of three years into her arms and cried out all her fear and apprehension of the past years as well as her joy for the newfound happiness.

A graceful and refined middle-aged man came over, enclosing the mother and daughter in his embrace, as if providing them with a solid shelter from the storm.

The moment Nuan Nuan was taken into their embrace, she experienced a sense of warmth she had never felt before. This made her somewhat greedy, reluctant to let go, yet also felt somewhat lost and baffled.

Her petite nose tingling with a sour sensation, her eyes brimming with warmth and moisture. From within her big, misty eyes, tears the size of soybeans fell down with pitter-patter sounds.

The only discordant note in the room was a restless twelve-year-old boy, pacing around and mumbling under his breath, every now and then stealing glances at the little girl.

"Why are you still crying when you've found the place!"

According to the good looks of their old Gu family, everyone in the family was handsome. So, how come when it came to his sister, she just plunged off a figurative cliff in appearance?

He dared not even tell his classmates and buddies that he had a little sister! She was a bit unsightly, and if he took her out and someone commented on it, he would have to fight for her.

It was such a nuisance.

"Scamp, get in the car and stop pestering me!"

Mr. Gu glared at his cheeky son, who was just a hair's breadth away from causing a ruckus outright, and his eyes hurt. His daughter had only just been found, and with his current attitude, he didn't want her to think she wasn't welcomed home.

"If it's leaving, then I'm leaving, I'm not particularly fond of being here anyway!"

Gu An tossed his chin up, huffed, shoved his hands in his pockets, flicked his hair, and strutted away, confident of his cool departure.

Mr. Gu flexed his hand, his knuckles aching to pummel.

"Sweetheart, don't be afraid. That is your youngest brother. He is always a bit bratty like this. If he dares to bully you at home, just tell mom and dad, or your other brothers will do too. We will have the whole family back you up and deal with him."

Her black and white, puppy-like eyes watched her haughty brother strut away like a rooster, and at the sound of her mom's gentle voice, she timidly replied in a small voice.


Although it was just one word, its soft and misty tone melted the hearts of the two adults present, making Mrs. Gu touch her fluffy hair and switch from tears to smiles.

Before leaving the small mountain village, Warm's parents went from house to house with gifts as a token of appreciation.

They had found out that ever since the elderly man who adopted Warm passed away, she had practically been raised by the whole village over the past year plus. The villagers were mostly simple and genuine folks who had helped their daughter to some degree, though of course, there were certain exceptions.

However, for those who had helped their daughter, they generously gifted them. As for those who bullied their precious child, they were not magnanimous enough to choose to forgive.

Their dear daughter needed all the protection they could afford, they certainly would not retaliate those who bullied her in the village, but they would not treat them kindly.

They admitted that it was their fault for losing Warm, and most of the villagers accepted her kindly, they didn't have the face to blame anyone else.

As they were about to leave, Warm plucked up the courage to tug at mom's clothes with her little hand.

"What's the matter, Warm?"

Mom immediately squatted down to be at eye level with Warm and spoke to her in the gentlest voice.

Warm, with her blushing face, spoke in a voice as soft as a kitten's.

"Can we… can we take Big Yellow and Coal Ball with us?"

After saying that, she lowered her small head, her two index fingers entwining in a knot, seemingly apprehensive and nervous, she was afraid that they would not like her if she asked for too much.

"Of course, we can."

A deep and trustworthy voice echoed from above, and a broad warm palm gently rubbed the little girl's fluffy head.