
Let’s Read The Word

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The Bully's Slave

The Bully's Slave




Shaira Jean Sanchez a kind-hearted woman, no one would ever think that Shaira is the daughter of a famous fashion designer, her family is one of the most wealthy in the Philippines. She moved to a school near her grandmother's house. Vincent Gibson Morales a cold and arrogant bully. He loves bullying new students and when Shaira transferred to their school, he starts what he's been doing to others. He makes her life every day in school like hell, but it pisses him off everytime Shaira acts as nothing happened. Every Vincent's birthday, he picks who he likes to be his/her slave, and he decided to pick Shaira. Shaira didn't mind it because Vincent will gonna pay her every time Vincent ask her to do something or to buy something. What would Vincent's reaction once he knows that Shaira's family is more wealthy than his family? Will Shaira gonna always be his slave or Shaira will fall for Vincent? He's Vincent Gibson Morales the cold-hearted bully. She's Shaira Jean Sanchez the bully's slave.

"Aira? Sweetheart? What are you doing there?" I immediately turned and saw Mom looking at me.

"I'm washing the dishes, our maids are busy cleaning the rooms, the other helpers are cleaning--"

"Sweetheart, that's  why we have a helper for them to clean and do the housework here. Let go of that! Look at the dirt on your hand!"

Mommy pulled my hand near the sink and washed it, she took the soap and soaped my hand. Then she took some alcohol to put in my hand.


She made me stand by her side while our helpers were in front.

"Why did you let Aira wash those plates!! Do you all want to be fired!" Irritation filled Mom's face.

"Mommy, it's not their fault. I'm just bored so I washed..." I didn't finish what I was about to say when Mommy faced me while staring at me intently.

"Why is it that when you're bored you're cleaning or you're washing things, when you're bored tell me because we can go shopping, we'll buy everything you want." I scratched my left eyebrow.

Our helpers all bowed and I could even see the shaking hands of others. Is it my fault? I shouldn't just wash! I couldn't just ignore all those plates. 

"I still have a lot of clothes, I don't want anything. You bought and gave me everything already."

I mean I only want one, but I know they can't give it. I only want a normal life like other people. 

Everybody said that I'm lucky to have a beautiful and caring Mom, also a loving Dad. Ever since I was a child, they give me all the toys that I want, and they buy me everything that I want. They spoiled me because I'm their only child. 

Yeah right, I'm lucky to have both of them. But why do I feel like I don't belong here, that I don't deserve all of this?

I'm not happy at all, I think everyone treats me nice because my Mom and Dad are successful when it comes to business.

"We should give everything because you're our one and only daughter. In this mansion, you're a princess and a princess shouldn't do anything like this."

"Okay," I frowned.

I slowly approached her and hugged her. "I'm sorry, don't be mad at them Mommy. It's not their fault." 

She combed my hair using her right hand.

"All right, go back to your work," Mommy said to the maids and hugged me back.

I pressed my lips together and spoke. "Mommy," 


"Can I come out?"

"What do you mean? Why do you want to go outside?"

"I just want fresh air."

"There's aircon here--"

"Fresh air Mommy," I repeat.

She blows a loud breath. "Okay fine, but let Yaya Celine come with you, okay?"

"Uhm okay," I replied.

"Yaya Celine, keep an eye on her, understood?" Mom says seriously.

"Yes, Señorita Kiara."

"Thanks, Mom!" I hugged her even tighter and quickly ran out, I almost fell, but thankfully Yaya Celine held my hand.

"Thanks, Yaya Celine!"

We both walked into the garden, I saw our gardeners. I waved at them so they waved at me too. We have a large garden and many different flowers. Mommy loves flowers, so do I.

When we got to the gate, our two guards were there, looking at me, blinking.

"Do you have permission, Señorita Aira?" Yeah, they won't open the gate for me when I don't have any permission from my Mom. 

Mommy is very strict when it comes to me, she's just worried that something bad might happen to me when I go outside alone. 

"Yeah, Mommy says that Yaya Celine will come with me, to watch over me," I said, smiling at them. They nodded and opened the gate.

"Señorita, I thought we were just going outside the garden. Your Mommy will scold me for this for sure."

Yaya Celine is 40 years old, she's been working for our family for a long time.

"I said that I'm going outside, you heard she agreed, didn't you?" I asked and she just shrugged.

"I think your Mommy misunderstood you," she said softly. 

"Señorita, where are we going?"

Yaya Celine asks.

"I don't know," I answered and looked around.

We are now on the road where there are many people and vehicles.

"Señorita, you might get lost," I looked at her hand because it was holding the hem of my dress. I raised my eyebrow when she immediately removed her hand.

"I'm sorry." I look at her, confused.

Why is she saying sorry? She didn't do anything wrong.

"Why are you saying---Waah! Look at Yaya Celine, there's an Ice cream!" I pointed to the man who's selling Ice cream.

"Señorita, you're not supposed to eat outside food. Your Mommy says that you shouldn't eat outside," she said.

"Then I'll buy an Ice cream and eat inside so it's not forbidden." I giggled.

"Your Mom said, all you have to eat is home-cooked or maybe cooked by professional chefs...if you want to eat Ice cream, let me tell her so she can call-- "

"Why would Mom have to buy some expensive Ice cream when there's a cheap one in here. It's only 5 and 10 pesos, I think it tastes the same." 

"That's why Señorita Aira, it's cheap and maybe you might get sick. You don't know how they made that thing."

"Why would I get sick? Don't overreact, eating cheap Ice cream is not deadly, Yaya Celine."

Gosh, she acts like Mom. When it comes to food, Mom won't let me buy any food that is not cooked by her or a chef. 

"Do you have money?" I ask.

"Ha? I don't have any money, Señorita Aira." 

"What?? I also don't have money, how can I buy that Ice cream if I don't have one!" I just frowned and scratched my head.

I walked towards that old man and looked at the children who were buying ice cream from him.

"Do you want to buy it?" The old man asks me.

Can I buy it without money? I think that's not possible.