
Let’s Read The Word

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System: Road Of Domination

System: Road Of Domination




Alaric Aigel who is enjoying the last summer of the third year of high school, has undergone earth-shaking changes when he was playing The online game when a message appeared out of nowhere and he found himself transferred in a different world with a system. Land occupation, negotiation, trading, military, alliance, Building a city-state, developing an empire, marching in a battle this are the only things tat matter in this world. and Alaric's ambition was to be an Emperor of an Unmatched dynasty.

On the evening of the last week of the summer vacation, the afterglow of the setting sun fell on the streets that were not spacious, Alaric dragged his heavy body back to the house as he had just come back from the last day of work. At first, he planned to enjoy his last summer vacation before joining university and starting a new life. However, his blackhearted uncle forced him to work all summer in the field while he was enjoying a trip with his family.

Alaric's parents died when he was only 10 so his uncle took him to live with his family, things were good at the beginning however with Alaric's easy-going personality and never saying no to his uncle, at first he always asks Alaric if he can do errands for him and after he saw the letter never saying no he started just putting every heavy work on him, like how he one day dropped by his house said that you have to take care of the field and Alaric never saw him again.

Although Alaric knows that he was just using him he still didn't care, after his parent's death, he lost interest in everything in the world except for one thing.

First taking a cold shower because he was completely soaked in sweat, then eat some dinner, then habitually rush a cup of coffee, and drive the fan in the house to the maximum, After doing all the preparations, he turned on the computer, clicked the game icon on the desktop, and started his favorite game <<Civilization and World>>.

between the mouse movements and Alaric's tired face became more spiritual, and the highest difficulty was directly selected, and then a new game was started. With the beginning of the game, his tired body seems to be fully recovered and the staggering mind begins to become clear and flexible. Land occupation, negotiation, trading, military, alliance, everything is so well organized, the whole person is getting better. This was the only thing that made Alaric feel alive and happy.

"I wonder if they'll create a higher difficulty in the future" Alaric mumbled after winning another round, he started getting bored after all those who can face him in the world are few. Just as he was going to take a nap he saw a new game tap pop up with a slightly different message than usual

"Do you want to embark on the Road of Domination and conquer the world in a true sense?" Looking at these two words, Alaric suddenly realized that this was probably a big event! The heartbeat began to accelerate. He felt a bit of tension and excitement. The impulse in his heart made him want to accept it, but reason told him that ‘rejection’ is a more secure choice. Slowly exhaling a long breath, through the years he hated his pitiful life and if there was a chance he would take it to turn his life around so he pressed "YES" without hesitation.

At that moment a heavy sense of sleep descended on him as he couldn't fight it back as he closed his eyes. The last thing he saw was a ray of light coming from the computer.

Alaric after a while opened his eyes laboriously, and there was a faint pain everywhere in his body, but his somewhat confused and chaotic mind became sober. Struggling to stand up and look around, he couldn’t help feeling a shock. He saw an endless forest full of greenery. From time to time, there were the calls of insects, birds, and the howls of wild animals, and a stream was clear to the bottom, and a few fishes were faintly swimming happily.

Where is this? Why am I in this place? These questions could not help but surface in Alaric’s heart. Turning his brain laboriously, faintly recalling that message then a light shot out on the computer,

*Beep* *Beep*

"Hey? This voice..." Alaric subconsciously looked around in a circle, "I heard from my mind?"

[System Activating]

[System Activating…. 1%]

[System Activating…. 12%]

[System Activating…. 29%]

[System Activating….60%]

[System Activating….92%]


"What the fuck a System.. like from those novels I used to read a few times?” He was surprised by the voice coming from his mind as he did everything in his power to stay calm and alert.

[System Activated! Welcome Host to the Road of Domination !]

"Am I hallucinating?" This was his current though

[No Host. You are perfectly healthy]

The reply made him believe that everything is happening is real

"Who are you ?" Alaric asked

[I am your System. I was created by an unknown powerful existence to assist the host to conquer this other world and you were chosen to be the current host of the system]

"Were there others before me?" Alaric asked in surprise.

[Unlock higher levels of the system to know what you want] this was the only reply he got.

After calming down he started observing his surroundings "system where am I"

[ Information delivered]

"Aargh!!” Alaric's felt as if his head was splitting!

After 10 minutes of pain, new information appeared in his memories.

This world is called the Ancient Land

There are 5 Main Continents in this world called Lycia, Raetia, Nova, Torbay, and Ameadone. Between them is a great ocean and Each continent is almost as big as Africa so this world is definitely way bigger than Earth. And the thing that interested Alaric the most was that in this world Humans are not the only race, there are Elves, Dwarves, and Barbarians, they are the four major races of this world. Alaric right now was in the Raetia continent the most chaotic place in this world, war was something common because the other continents were controlled by a single race however in the Raetia because of the racial discrimination between the races it was never a peaceful place.

The more information Alaric saw the more interested in this world he got. However, he still didn't understand why he was transferred here.

[You have now entered a world of primitive civilization. This is a completely real world. Because you are a newcomer, there is a six-month period of protection for you as a gift from the system. After that, however, you must rely on yourself in everything as the system is only here to guide and reward you. Since you were chosen as the host you must conquer this world and bring it to a higher level]

"You want me to rule the world?"

[This the goal that you must achieve]

"And what if I couldn't achieve it"

[You'll die] the system's heartless reply sent a chill in Alaric's heart.

[As the host for the Road of Domination system no one is more qualified to achieve world Domination than you and if you can't achieve that it only means that you're incompetent]

"Well if I can't achieve that it would be a waste for me to transmigrate"

[That's the spirit host].

[The system will release tasks based on the strength of the host, and the host can get rewards by completing the tasks released by the system. The host can also gain the population by occupying the territory and gain luck value, which can be exchanged by the host. All the items in the system]

[Ding! First mission: establish a village under your name. Reward: unknown"

"Interesting so I have to first find a base of operation" Alaric's blood started boiling thinking about establishing a village.

[let me show your stats first]

[Name: Alaric Aigel ]

[Territory: none]

[Age: 17]

[Coins: 0]

[HP 10/10]

[Strength: 8]

[Agility: 10]

[Stamina: 7]

[Vitality: 10]

[Intelligence: 12]

[Negotiation: 10]

[Quests: establish a village]

[Shop: closed]

"Not bad at least I'm not weakling" His stats were not bad given that he was always working which made his body stronger.

The breath of nature passed into Alaric's heart, which made him feel a lot more comfortable while walking slowly along the river looking for an exit from the forest there was a wolf howl in his ear which made his body shake, he made his way slowly to the where the sound came from only to find a wolf bearing his fang in front a boy and a girl and to Alaric surprise both of them were elves, the two kids face was pale from fear howe the boy still stood in front of his sister shielding here from the wolf. This made Alaric praise the boy's courage and character; he then looked at the wolf and started calculating how to save them. time was not in his favor as the wolf couldn't hold itself anymore and jumped at them when a rock came at it with a great speed and the wolf's spine was hit, the wolf howled from pain and looked back only to see another human smashing it with another rock to the face this caused the wolf to howl in pain again as it forgot about the kids and only had Alaric in its eyes. With that the first part of his plan was successful, the first rock caused the wolf mobility to drop and the second to anger it although angered wild animals are dangerous it was easier to predict its movements.

Without a delay Alaric turned around and started running while the wolf chased him, the boy looked at Alaric back with gratitude before saying to his sister "go and tell the others and I'll help that big brother" before he started running after them.

Alaric could sense that the wild wolf behind him was getting closer, only ten steps away from him, five steps, three steps, one step, overtaken, in his heart fear break out, and his whole body was trembling, however, there was a hint of madness in his eyes. The sharp wolf claws slashed past his body, and the short sleeves on Alaric’s body could not effectively stop the wolf claws. Suddenly several bloodstains were caught, a piece of meat was torn off, and the blood fell. The wolf had a look of victory on its eyes as if saying this what you get from angering me, you stupid human. Then suddenly a dagger that the system gift appeared in Alaric's hand as he stabbed it with all his might in the wolf skull ending its life on the spot.

The boy arrived the moment the wolf claws hit Alaric and he thought that his savior life was over only to see him delivering a deadly attack killing the wolf with it. He was completely shocked by Alaric's display.

Alaric was feeling uncontrollable pain on his body however the sense of win made him proud, he kept lying on the ground and looked at the boy who followed him with interest "boy why you didn't run away"

"Big brother are you okay?" Asked the boy "of course do you think that a stupid wolf is enough to take me down" Alaric replied with a sneer as he kicked to wolf corps. The boy now was looking at him with worship and awe especially when he saw him in pain yet didn't say anything and only put his tattered clothes on his wounds.

"Big brother thanks for saving me and my sister" the boy bowed to Alaric "you did us a favor I'll never forget" Alaric found the kid's serious expression amusing as he pinched him.

At that moment they heard hurried steps and a group of more than 10 Elves mixed with men and women came running and stopped a few yards away from them, they all looked at Alaric with hostility and some pointed their arrows at him, this made the boy nervous as he stood in front of him while looking at the elf man leading the group "father he saved my life don't do anything to him" the man looked at his son with surprise because it was the first time he saw him treating a human like this.

He first signaled for his companions to lower their weapons before saying "Agis don't worry your savior will not be touched" although he had a smile on his face Alaric could see vigilance in his eyes as he sighed "the racial discrimination in this world is quite big".

Alaric suddenly stood up which made those elves nervous however he completely ignored them, taking his daggers from the skull of the world before turning to Agis "Agis this wolf body is a gift from me if fate permits us let's meet again by the way my name is Alaric" after saying that he left dragging his wounded body without even taking a single glance at those elves which surprised them because human usually are greedy and cunning, in such situations he would have done everything in his power to take advantage of their situation, however, Alaric didn't do none of that not only did he save the kids he also left a valuable wolf corps as a gift.

"Why did you save them?" The elf leader suddenly said as this was the question all of them thought about even Agis didn't understand.

Alaric turned around and met the left gaze while replying calmly "if I see a kid in danger of course I will save it"

"But they're elves"

"So what, no matter what they are I always live with the same idiom: protect the young and respect the old" Alaric replied and his clear eyes made all the elves shocked, this was the first time they came across something like that.

[Ding! Congratulations host you earned the respect of elves]

[Reward: a golden general talisman]