
Let’s Read The Word

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Clingy CEO Dotes on Me

Clingy CEO Dotes on Me



In an attempt to prove that her idol wasn't gay, Shen Yue decided to take a risk and slept with him, which eventually led to her getting married to him as a result. "Little Yueyue, everyone says that CEO Lu is gay, you've been his assistant for so long, have you noticed anything?" One day, a few of the beautiful assistants in the CEO's office decided to gossip with Shen Yue. "Sigh…" Shen Yue heaved a sigh, shaking her head helplessly "You have no chance, CEO Lu is not into women, he prefers men…” As soon as Shen Yue finished talking, a cold feeling came from behind her. "Assistant Shen, come to my office." Lu Jinghan's face darkened, scaring everyone around. Feeling anxious, Shen Yue entered the office. As soon as the door closed, she was lifted and thrown onto the couch by Lu Jinghan. "I prefer men, huh?" His tone was almost gritted through clenched teeth, "It seems like you still have doubts about my sexual orientation…” There was the sound of clothing being removed, indicating the imminent explosive release of a certain man's beastly desire.

In the seaside city, Shen Yue stood furrowing her brows outside the presidential suite of the Supreme Hotel, her VVIP room card already damp from her nervous sweat. She had been hesitating for five whole minutes.

Half an hour earlier, it had been Shen Yue's college graduation dinner.

"Shen Yue, they all say Lu Jinghan is gay," the chatter of the party naturally gravitated towards the infamous diamond bachelor and genius architect of the seaside city. "Why don't you test him out, see if he's in good shape?"

"What a pity, such a rich and handsome man being gay..."

"Shen Yue, isn't he your idol? Don't you want to prove something for him?"

"Here, I've already checked. Lu Jinghan will be staying in the presidential suite at the very top of this hotel tonight. This is the room card, good luck..."

Lu Jinghan, 28-years-old, he was the esteemed, influential, and wealthy president of the Lu Corporation in the seaside city. At 18, he was a genius architect who won an international award for his architectural design. In the eyes of all women, he was the desirable singleton, a diamond bachelor. The only catch was the rampant rumor that he was gay.

However, neither the good or bad titles or comments about Lu Jinghan affected Shen Yue's admiration for him. As an architecture student, Shen Yue acknowledged Lu Jinghan's genius in the field.

Shen Yue placed the room card on the sensor. Ding dong, the door opened.

The room was shrouded in darkness, so quiet that she could only hear her own breathing. Shen Yue treaded on the plush carpet, her heart pounding as she slowly ventured further into the room.

The room was immense, with a faint hint of musk in the air. Shen Yue took shallow breaths as she walked further in.

"Ah..." In the darkness, Shen Yue suddenly bumped into something. The shock caused her to yelp, which turned into a scream.

"Who are you?" A cold, angry voice echoed throughout the pitch-black room.

While Shen Yue was normally brave, she panicked at this unexpected voice. She attempted to escape, but she stumbled and fell backwards. However, instead of hitting the ground, she landed in a firm chest.

Shen Yue had drunk quite a bit at the party, so she reeked of alcohol and a unique feminine scent, which made the man frown slightly. He quickly pushed Shen Yue off him, "Damn woman, dare to intrude into my room."

The room was suddenly brightened as the light was switched on.

Only now did Shen Yue get a clear view of the situation of the room. Her idol, Lu Jinghan, stood a short distance from her. His black hair dripped beads of water. The sculpted lines of his face seemed meticulously carved. His lean torso displayed a firm eight-pack, dotted with droplets of water which sparkled under the light––undeniably seductive.

Shen Yue was frozen in place, staring at him dumbfounded.

Looking into the eyes of this audacious woman, Lu Jinghan's gaze became colder. However, this man, who had always been indifferent towards women, found himself reacting towards her.

"Who sent you here?" A flame seemed to blaze from deep within his heart. His hands, hanging at his sides, clenched into fists as he struggled to remain calm.

Staring blankly at Lu Jinghan, Shen Yue, a twenty-two-year-old woman, laid eyes on a man's bare body for the first time. Swallowing, she couldn't help admiring her idol's physique. No wonder he was the ideal man in the eyes of all women.

Seeing Shen Yue's infatuated expression, Lu Jinghan felt a surge of dislike. There were simply too many women trying to worm their way into his bed. Stepping forward, he leaned in, "Do you want to die?"

A wave of piercing coldness sent a shiver down Shen Yue's spine. Suddenly, she found the man before her to be much more terrifying than she had imagined.

With a sudden idea, Shen Yue boldly reached out and wrapped her hand around Lu Jinghan's neck, leaning in to peck his cheek. "You look so much like my idol. Do you know who my idol is? The architectural design genius, Lu Jinghan. Everyone says he's gay. How can that be possible? I don't believe it at all. How can my idol be gay?"

Lu Jinghan furrowed his brows slightly. As the woman clung to him tightly, surprisingly, he did not feel repulsed, but rather, he actually quite liked the feeling.

"Hehe, yeah, you couldn't possibly be Lu Jinghan. How can you be my idol? I must be drunk." Hanging onto Lu Jinghan's neck, Shen Yue acted dumb as her eyes sparkled with amusement. "Lu Jinghan, you're much more handsome than him. When he smiles, his eyes are as beautiful as the stars."

Since childhood, Lu Jinghan was a germaphobe, this prevented any woman from getting near him. Not only were there rumors in the outside world that he was gay, even his family and friends suspected so. Many made attempts to push women into his bed, but were unceremoniously chucked out each time.

However, Lu Jinghan was the only heir to the Lu family. Therefore, the patriarch of the Lu family searched globally for a doctor to cure his grandson of his aversion to women, but all efforts were in vain.

The faint smell of perfume surrounding Lu Jinghan made Shen Yue's heart race. Although she had been drinking, her mind remained clear. However, now was not the time to be lucid.

Tilting her head up to look at the man nearby, she ventured forward to kiss his lips. "Mmm, I must be dreaming. This must be a dream."

Shen Yue was both scared and nervous, yet thrilled. After all, the man in front of her is the idol she had been infatuated with for years!

"Woman, do you know what you're doing?" Lu Jinghan's eyes were filled with rage, for the woman before him was on the brink of shattering his self-control and rationality.

Even though Lu Jinghan's look could've killed her, she still grinned foolishly, and leaned in to kiss his chin, "Lu Jinghan, are you really gay? Oh no, you're not Lu Jinghan, how could you possibly be Lu Jinghan?"

Shen Yue felt that her acting was good enough to land her a small role in a drama.

Lu Jinghan frowned, all his self-control and rationality collapsing in an instant as he held Shen Yue close, "Woman, whether or not I am gay, why don't you find out yourself?"

Recently, rumors that Lu Jinghan was gay were spreading, the shareholders of Lu Corporation were using this issue to oust him. Under the pressure from his family, Lu Jinghan was handling it all, but if a woman could help him dispel these rumors, it wouldn't be a bad thing.

Shen Yue was pretending to be drunk. Still, she was terrified by Lu Jinghan's words.

"Scared now?" Lu Jinghan's dark eyes fixed on Shen Yue, "Isn't that why you came here? To test me? With such backbone, hmm?"

Being inexperienced, Shen Yue was in a state of panic. She tried to pull away, but Lu Jinghan backed her into a corner, capturing her between the wall and his chest.

Lu Jinghan had never felt any desire for women before, but today he felt a strong pull towards Shen Yue in front of her, a robust desire.

"I'm not scared," Shen Yue mustered courage to say, her heart thrumming like a scared deer.

"Really?" Lu Jinghan, smelling the unique scent of a young woman from Shen Yue held her slender waist, "Since you've presented yourself willingly, don't blame me for my lack of courtesy."

Before Shen Yue had time to react, her lips were sealed, and the world spun around her.

Within less than a minute, Shen Yue found herself in bed, looking at Lu Jinghan in terror. The rumors said he was gay, impervious to women, how could he be so skilled in undressing a woman?

No matter how brave or desperate she was, at this moment, every girl would be scared.

Lu Jinghan’s eyes were bloodshot as he inhaled the intoxicating fragrance wafting from Shen Yue. His body was becoming hotter, and he had one singular thought – he desired her.

“I regret this,” Shen Yue thought to herself as the situation intensified. Despite being her idol, she couldn't give herself up to him just to test if he was gay.

Lu Jinghan, despite never having been with a woman before, had immense self-control, but he was losing it now. Inhaling Shen Yue’s alluring scent, he furrowed his eyebrows slightly – it was an aphrodisiac.

“You dare to trick me,” Lu Jinghan suddenly exploded with rage, his hand gripping Shen Yue's throat. “You want to climb into my bed this much? Do you have no shame using such a base method as an aphrodisiac?”

Shen Yue looked shocked as she gasped for air, her throat being gripped by Lu Jinghan, “What, what aphrodisiac? I don't know what you're talking about?”

“You have no idea.” Lu Jinghan glared at Shen Yue, his crimson eyes filled with hatred. “Stop pretending. Wasn’t your goal to sleep with me? Then I will oblige you.”

“I didn’t…” Shen Yue lost her words as searing pain woke her to reality.

That night, Lu Jinghan lost control completely. He was addicted to her, tiring her out over and over.

On Shen Yue’s side, she woke up exhausted and fell asleep equally drained.


When she finally woke up, it was well past ten in the morning. Looking at the disheveled bedspread and the red stains scattered across her body, Shen Yue was filled with panic. She realized with a start the man from last night was Lu Jinghan, the idol she had looked up to for four to five years.

The sound of running water came from the bathroom and her heart lodged in her throat. Shen Yue hastily rose from the bed, her feet failing beneath her as she nearly fell to the ground.

Despite bolstering her courage with drinks the night before, the realization of what she had done sobered her up completely. Shen Yue was in panic. She needed to get out of there quickly.

In a flurry, Shen Yue dressed and was about to leave the room, only to find an elderly person dressed in a black cheongsam standing outside her door with a group of white-coated doctors.

Shen Yue froze, standing there unsure whether to move forward or backward.

"Master Lu, it seems that Young Master Lu no longer needs any medical treatment." The man who appeared to be the main doctor, walking behind the senior, looked at the dark red spot on Shen Yue's neck and said with a smile.

Ever since hearing that his grandson was not interested in women, the Old Master Lu had been worried. Just then, he had invited a very skilled doctor from overseas to treat Lu Jinghan, only to now witness this scene.

"Young lady, are you Jinghan's girlfriend?" Old Master Lu asked kindly. If this girl could fix his grandson, he could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

"I'm not..." Shen Yue quickly waved her hands to deny it. Seeing the ambiguous smiles in the eyes of those people, her face immediately turned red. "I really am not..."

After taking a shower, Lu Jinghan came out wrapped in a white bathrobe. He saw the team of doctors behind his grandfather, his brows furrowing slightly. He grabbed Shen Yue by the shoulders. "Grandpa, you don't need to waste effort finding doctors for me anymore. There's absolutely nothing wrong with my sexual orientation."