
Let’s Read The Word

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SOULS OF TERIA This story will take you on a ride filled with wonders and curiosity, it is a time when there is only magic and science or an unknown time located in the land of teria with 5 territories in it. It will introduce you to each character and take you on a charismatic plot with proper character development for all. Souls of Teria will demonstrate that each character is significant, and their journey will unfold as they explore Teria's territories and finally defeat Malice.This story will go on as a new prophecy begins when one of the five sisters becomes pregnant with a child born from two paths, light and dark, before the journey begins about the first prophecy about the five sisters' paths in light and dark to defeat malice. Malice doesn't do nothing but evil because he was once the ruler of Teria under a different name, commanding its territory.He wants to exact his vengeance, get back on his feet, and kill any life form that stands in his way. The sisters will pave the way for the boy to come to light instead of malice being in command or control of it. The boy will be the key to putting an end to teria's malice.


In a Land of Fantasy and Ambition, where the magic flows and blooms like a wildflower, here in "Teria" divided by the 5 territories, A land for the witches "Misteria" full of sorcery, and magic, A land for the Elves, "Aria" full of technology and advanced mechanics having science as magic, A land for the vampires "Veria" Controlled their thirst for many decades and eat human food, because of the cure they developed for many Long years of upgrading it, it maintains their immortality, strength, and capabilities, controls blood sucking monsters in the mind, and has been at peace with many territories.

A land for humans, "Carlia," is full of abundant fields and has lived in sunny days, and a land for wolves, "Selestia," is full of magic and surprises. Each wolf has an elemental soul, and the soul is connected to the spirit realm, which has been the wolf's assistant or partner for a long time.

5 territories were named after 5 sisters, Misteria, who mastered sorcery, Aria, who mastered science, Veria, who created a cure for vampires and consumes a vampire's power, Carlia, who is kind hearted and very charming in a way, has a lot of love for humanity, and finally Selestia, the youngest sister of all, and also the queen of territories,She who mastered elemental wolf spirit magic, who has a partner named Shadow a spirit that gives her strength and powers, each sister rules one kingdom in one land, the five were all queens in different territories after they defeated "Malice" an evil monster who does nothing but evil, making people do bad things like greed, lust, and many more, he was the one who cursed vampires to devour human blood, even when vampires want to control their thirst.

Prior to becoming queens,

The sisters investigated what happened in the 5 territories, they trained and learned to fight there, all of them made a decision for the territory, as they were very young, they were the daughters of King Heather and Queen Crestia, they were ordered by the king to investigate what was happening to the land, they were divided, but united in one goal, each sister visited the territories.

The king wants the territories to teach the sisters to prepare for war against Malice, he didn't tell her daughters that there was a prophecy about 5 sisters as a weapon to Malice, Malice will be banished for a long time, The king decided that in each territory they will go into hiding or prepare for war, the prophecy doesn't say when it will all happen.

Malice was enraged by the prophecy, his eyes were on fire, and he punched the wall in his kingdom called "Galdor," a kingdom inside or beneath Teria that is full of fire, burning hot, and has a lot of lava. Malice declared war and promised to find 5 sisters by his subjects.

The Land of Teria was in grave danger, and the king had already dispatched her daughters to the five territories to evacuate everyone. In the city, the king and queen were the only ones left in the kingdom..

Before the sisters left, they each said goodbye to each other, especially to their mother and father, and all of them were left in tears as they will walk in different paths and will see each other again in the right time and place, even though their youngest was only a 12-year-old girl, she was worried about everyone, what would happen now?.

The city crumbles, and the king was right by her queen when someone opened the door. "It was Malice," the king said flatly.

"Malice, King of Galdor, King of Pure Evil, and King of Monsters, nice to meet you"

Malice smirked and added,

Where have your five daughters gone? Who is the old king?

The king draws his sword and tells Malice,

"You'll never find them, they're long gone now, and you'll be defeated."

Malice rushes up and grabs the king by the neck, while the queen grabs her wand and tells Malice,

"Malice, stop or I'll kill you; leave my husband alone."

Malice smiled and said,

"Ah, so you're Misteria's queen, or should I say best witch?" What harm can a stick cause me? “

Malice laughed as the king stabbed him with his sword, and he said,

Do you honestly believe a sword can kill me? ,

The king was perplexed, and the queen intervened, saying,

"However, I have the ability to murder you."

The king nudges his head, rejecting Queen Crestia.

According to Queen Crestia,

"My love, this is the only way."

The queen cast a spell that said

"I will kill you with all my life and all my heart, Estardes Calife!!"

”The power was great and very strong until the queen became weak. The queen smiled triumphantly and said to the king,

"We did it, my love."

The king smiled and spat blood, and the queen crawled out to the king, saying,

"My love, you can do it, we can do it together, okay?"

When the king looked up and saw malice, he said,

"Crestia took a look behind you."

Malice grabbed the king's sword and stabbed them both, causing blood to spill everywhere. The king and queen did not survive, and Malice spoke.

"Did you believe you could kill me with witchcraft?" "Don't you realize I can absorb them like breakfast?"

Malice kicks the king and queen's bodies and throws them outside, then walks into the throne and sits right in there, clapping twice and opening a crack in the ground, releasing many monsters and his subjects in teria.

Malice tells his slaves and monster "Now that I am your king, the king of teria, I want you all to kill the leaders of the territories and keep an eye out for me, as well as look for the 5 daughters of the old king and queen of teria, and remember to make every people a slave."

According to his subjects,

"Oh, King Malice, we'll obey your command and bring you the king's five daughters."

The monsters marched into every territory, spreading evil everywhere.

Malice heard a whisper and smiled, saying,

"Let's definitely kill them but not yet"

Malice laughed loudly, and chaos was in the air..