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Duchess Of Sebria

Duchess Of Sebria

Author:Nina Daniel



Renai took every misstep that a butcher's daughter can not afford. She shouldn't have befriended Prince Zebian of the Kingdom Of Sebria when she found him injured beside her dearest spot. She shouldn't have helped him, met him every day for years, eaten lunches with him, shared a kiss with him and officially made him fall in love with her, but she did, and for that, her family paid a huge price. Returning homeland after eight years, she prayed that the people of Sebria would forget her, but the moment she crossed the borders she was reminded of who she was. A commoner bound to serve His Majesty. Love would be questioned, hearts would be mended, memories would haunt and most of all, The King Of Sebria would take his revenge of betrayal, lies and escape. Dark Romance 21+

Before you dive into the story, I would like to clear the leads' age to avoid confusion.

Renai was twelve years old in the beginning, four years later she was sixteen and now eight years later she is twenty-four.

Zebian was eighteen in the first meeting. Twenty-two four years later and now, thirty as a king.


“Lo and behold, kneel before your glorious Majesty,” A voice bellowed out all over the hall. Everyone, from toddlers to grey-haired, fell on their knees with their heads facing the concrete ground. 

The Majesty’s powerful tread echoed all over the hall, his cape billowed out on the floor, marking the flooring of his enormous castle’s hall as his victorious territory. He reached to his retained throne and gracefully took the royal seat, arms resting on the armrest of the impeccable throne. 

“Rise,” The King commanded and within a second, the heads of his people were upped as they stood on their feet, but eyes still downcast. 

The hearing began. The imperial chief shared several news with the people and suggested some strategies to empower the states under their rule. Lord Bancroft listened to his ingenious schemes and nodded while contemplating the best decision to render for his people. 

Citizens of different villages were presented before them, they shared the frets of their tribes. Their lord attentively listened to them and passed commands in their relieving favour. The people of Sebria were loving their current Lord as he was merciful and compassionate. They couldn’t be more thankful to their former King for choosing Bancroft over the original king who died on the battlefield because of his incompetence. 

The hearing ended two hours later. Everyone was ordered to empty the courtroom. It was now only The King and his personal advisor in the hall. The lord stood to his feet and gazed at the setting sun through the window on his right. 

“Where’s his Highness? I was expecting the prince to be present during the hearing,” Lord Bancroft menacingly asked the imperial advisor who stood behind him now. 

He lowered his head in remorse as he knew his words would not please the King. “My Lord, his Highness has taken a ride towards the West. My Queen has overruled the evening walk’s restriction on the future King, I seek forgiveness of my merciful Lord,” The advisor bowed deeply in proper etiquettes. 

The King’s jaw clenched hearing his son’s defiance again. The boy had never been this stubborn. He was sure now that something wasn’t right. “Send men to bring him back. I want him present in my room in an hour,” The King pressed an order and stomped toward the exit. 

He needed a good earful. 


Chords of giggles flooded in the open sky as he chased her in the deserted jungle. He didn’t expect her legs to run this fast, maybe he underestimated her. The girl’s laughter escaped her throat as she glanced at her best friend, still many feet away from her. 

“Just wait, Rose, I’m going to catch you in a blink,” Zebian warned her, her laughs burst into the air again as she shook her head while pushing her legs to consume their maximum velocity. 

“You wish, goblin,” She shouted, dodging trees and bushes with thorns. 

He tried to reach an inch closer to her but she wasn’t giving him any chance. After sprinting for what felt like a century, they reached closer to their secret spot, he begged her to stop. She first shook her head to tease him but watching him coughing hard got her steps jammed. The pitter-patter of the river blended with his choking coughs. 

She dashed back to him and clapped his back. “Are you okay, my Lord?” She asked in utter concern and sincerity. Zebian’s blue eyes flitted at her once he stopped coughing. 

“What did you call me?” He threw a rhetorical question, rasping in tribulations. Renai’s eyes flickered fatuously but then she realised where the problem laid. 

“Oh, I’m sorry, I forgot not to address you with that,” She apologised. 

“Do not ever call me that, Rose. For your friend takes it in his offence,” Zebian commanded her in his majestic tone. Renai’s cheeks reddened in embarrassment. How to tell him she always felt intimidated whenever he spoke this way. She would get reminded of who he was and how matchless their friendship was. 

Whereas Zebian always came here to avoid his reality. He preferred to be treated like a normal person by her. He liked living an ordinary life. But in his reality, the word ‘Normality’ had a different definition. The more powerful and exalted you were, the more normal and fancied you would be perceived. 

Zebian flickered his eyes from her to the stream that was cascading down like rhythmic pearls of sapphires smoothly merging into the river. His lips stretched into a humble smile, he liked this, not because he was a die-hard fan of nature but because the girl beside him made every moment special of his life.

Having her by his side filled his life with the peace that he always craved. 

“You know how precious is this moment for me?” He murmured generally, the sunset behind the stream was an ethereal sight. He couldn’t be thankful enough for the day he discovered this spot with a girl as innocent as a newborn baby.

Renai followed the line of his gaze and hummed pleasantly. She was a devoted nature enthusiast. “I am aware, this sight is worth dying for,” she blurted out admiringly, absorbed by the beauty. 

“No talks concerning death, rose. For such words do not suit my beloved,” Zebian’s forehead had a faint crease of offence.

Renai turned her gaze toward him and blinked, there was a dire intensity of some emotion glistening in his bluish orbs that she couldn't understand. But she had a little idea of what that fervency meant. Though she could not dare to fall for it. This would never happen. 

Despite being friends with the member of the most powerful family alive, she couldn't dodge the truth that she was a plebeian and yet daring to fall for a prince who would be a King in upcoming years was a sin. Deadly sin for an indigent commoner like her. 

“Here I feel the need to correct you, my friend. I can not afford to be your beloved, I'm just your secret friend who daily comes to meet you for a few hours and when she goes back, she forgets she ever met you,” Renai beamed teasingly. Zebian’s eyes morphed from soft to hard.

"Then one day I shall take her with me so she never ever thinks about forgetting me," He retaliated back, earning a chuckle from her. 

"It's never going to happen, we are bound to forget each other one day," She replied between her soft chuckles. 

"Never," Zebian gritted, his forehead grew in a grave grimace and jaw clenched upon her piercing words. 

Renai's eyes flitted on him, her grin morphed into a melancholic smile that tyrannise her features. "We can't forget our realities, my Lord. You're someone I am not even allowed to think of, yet I'm here to share my lunch with you, you see how daring I’m,” she tried to joke again. 

No matter how many times Zebian had used his eloquent words on her, that couldn't make her forget how her people had perceived her. For them, she would always be a curse. For many years her heart had recited endless fantasies that she knew were bound to hurt her one day, so she never believed in any of them. 

He jerked away his face and strode in the other direction. Renai watched him walking away from her. Her innocent face bore a cute strained pout. “Hey, where are you going?” She shouted to have him stop but he continued trudging away. 

After shouting two to three times and not getting a response, she shot to her feet and scuttled after him and held his arm with her dainty fingers. “You promised me you will never avoid me,”  she spoke with a crack in her voice. He halted and turned around to fix her with a cold stare. 

“First learn to talk high of yourself and then I shall grant you my words,” He grumbled huskily. He never liked how she disparaged herself and talked highly of him. Only if she had known what she meant to him, she would have never felt low about herself. 

Renai inhaled longingly, “You are overreacting for no reason. No one can deny the truth. It’s better if I admit it, it would hurt less,” She murmured with a soft smile. Zebian’s heart contorted in a congested jolt. He dashed toward her in two urgent steps and cupped her cheeks in his palms. 

“You rose…you know you are the only reason that excites me to start my day. You make me happy. Only I know how I passed those ten days without having a sight of you. Being with you makes me think I’m turning into a better man, I don’t know what I would do without you and when you speak of forgetting and leaving me one day, trust me, I feel the need to set the whole world on fire just to keep you close to myself.” He confessed with a heavy heart that shone in his bluish orbs. He bent his face closer to hers. Her eyes flashed to his lips which made her gulp.

“I’d do anything to make you happy. You have me, love,” He grazed his thumb on her cheek.

Renai also dragged a ragged breath, staring vehemently into his eyes. She raised her hands to grab his wrists and shook her head, tears welled up in her eyes but she willed them to stay back.

“No, my lord. I shouldn't be the one to accept your affection, for they belong to a woman of your status, not someone like me. I’m no princess, I’m just a daughter of a commoner who sells meat,” She retorted nervously, a tear slipping down to her cheek. 

Zebian was quick to follow and wipe it away. 

“Don’t you fret, my sweet. One day you will say what I want to hear. Just that day,” He had been telling her that for almost a year. She playfully huffed in retreat and stepped back to collect her fabric bag that had their lunch.