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Alpha's Hated Mate

Alpha's Hated Mate




"O-M-E-G-A." Sky flinched in the hug hearing his mate, Aiden Cruz’s cold like ice voice. Before he could understand anything, Aiden pushed him hard from the hug and he fell on the floor hardly, he hissed in pain. "You filthy weak omega, how dare you to be my mate?” --- Sky Rhodes is a sweet, innocent and bubbly omega he is like an angel, he is a huge ball of sunshine in his friends and familes lives. He is loved by his friends and family. He has always dreamt when he will meet his mate he will love him like all the mates love their mates but little did he know that fate has another plans for him. Aiden Cruz the fierce and most feared true blood alpha in his school, he is next heir of his pack, Blood moon pack is the biggest pack in whole korea. He is the strongest alpha and he hates omega's, specially male omegas, because they are the weakest. He had already decided if his mate would be an omega don't even talk about male omegas he will reject them. Will Sky be able to make his place in Aiden's heart or Aiden will just reject him.......

Aiden Cruz

18 years old

True blood alpha

Mate- Sky Rhodes

Wolf Name- Rex

Best friend's - knox Quinn, Max Quinn, Drake Spencer, Asher Lennon.

Sky Rhodes

18 years old

A rare Omega

Mate- Aiden Cruz

Wolf Name- Demo

Best friend- Asher Lennon and Caleb Evans, he is also his cousin.

Max Quinn

22 years old


Mate- Knox Quinn

Wolf Name- Grey

Best friends- Aiden Cruz, Drake Spencer and Asher Lennon.

Aiden is like his own little baby.

Knox Quinn

20 years old


Mate- Max Quinn

Wolf Name- Raze

Best friends- Aiden Cruz, Drake Spencer and Asher Lennon.

Drake Spencer

21 years old


Mate- Caleb Evans

Wolf Name- Storm

Best friends- Aiden Cruz, Max Quinn, Knox Quinn, and Asher Lennon.

Caleb Evans

19years old


Mate- Drake Spencer

Wolf Name- Mono

Best friends- Asher Lennon and Sky Rhodes.

Sky Rhodes is also his cousin.

Asher Lennon

20 years old


Mate- ?

Wolf Name- Ray

Best friend- Max Quinn, Knox Quinn, Drake Spencer, Caleb Evans, Aiden Cruz and Sky Rhodes.

He likes Sky.

Alpha- alpha's are the strongest of all the warewolves out there.

True blood alpha- True blood alpha's are most strongest of them all even the alpha's are afraid of them. True blood's are rare because they are born when the two alpha mate's, and most of them even doesn't survive. That's why they are rare.

Omega-omega's are weaker warewolves than any other.

Male omega- Male omega's are rare because male omega's are the blessing of moon goddess they are male but they can conceive, and even the chances of male omega giving birth to stronger alpha are high. But they are weakest warewolves than any other even the omega's are stronger than them, they are fragile like feather.


Sky was sleeping soundly when someone yelled in his ear, "SKY RHODES YOU BETTER WAKE UP, WE ARE GETTING LATE FOR SCHOOL."

Sky woke up jolting from his bed, "yeah yeah i am up, i am up, Caleb Evans stop yelling."

"You better get ready fast, we are getting late, come downstairs in 15 min." Caleb said and went out of the room.

Sky made his way towards bathroom, after getting ready he went downstairs, and made his way towards the dinning table. He back hugged his aunt who was preparing the table, "Good Morning eomma" he said to his aunt. He sometimes calls his 'aunt' 'eomma' when he feels like it.

When Sky was 5 years old, he lost his parents in a car accident, from then on his aunt, his mother's sister, Caleb Evans's mother had adopted him.

"Omo my baby is getting so lovey dovey early in the morning" mrs. Evans said giggling.

Sky just smiled from behind his aunt and sat on the table to eat.

"Yahh you didn't greeted me, i am your hyung" Caleb said, playfully glaring towards him and Sky just poked his tounge out, to tease him.

Caleb just yelled playfully "yaahhh."

Mrs. Evans was just smiling looking at his two babies who were literally like babies, then she suddenly remembered something and she asked, "Oh yeah Sky, and Caleb, have you asked for leave, from your teachers, coz you know we are leaving for new york tomorrow evening" Sky's aunt asked, gaining both of their attention towards her.

Suddenly Sky's smile faded and Both Sky and Caleb nodded their head silently. "Hey baby, what are you thinking?" his aunt asked looking worriedly towards Sky, and Caleb also looked towards him worriedly.

"It's soon mom and dad's 13th death anniversary and i am still afraid to go to new York. I'm afraid to go there every year. That is the place that took away my parents from me, i have lot of memories with my mom and dad there, but i don't remember anything, whenever i go there every year, i feel like i failed to become a good son to my parents, i feel like wherever they are, they are not happy with me.

"Sky" Caleb took his hand in his and rubbed soothing circles on his hand with his thumb.

"Baby why are you saying this, If your parents were alive, they would be very proud, to see you living so diligently. And baby bear, if you feel like you failed to become a good son to your parents, then i also failed to become a good mother to you" his aunt said sadly.

"Eomma it's not like that, you are the bestest mom in the world" Sky said looking lovingly towards his aunt.

"Then don't you dare say anything to my son, my son is the bestest son, ok. And why are you so pessimist about going to new york, why don't you think like, that you are going there where your parents has so many lovely memories together, you were born there, lived with your parents for five years there, there you have so many memories with them, i can understand that you don't remember anything and that's coz you were too young, and you have a trauma of the accident, it's not your fault Sky, stop blaming yourself forever." His aunt said cupping his cheek.

Sky just nodded and ate his breakfast silently looking down. His aunt and Caleb were silently looking at him, and his aunt sighed.

After eating their breakfast they were ready to go school, when suddenly his aunt called Sky from behind, "Sky?"

"Yeah..." he turned around and looked at his aunt confusingly.

"Don't go like this, smile a bit, baby" his aunt said smiling softly.

Sky ran back to his aunt, and hugged her tightly "i love you eomma, i love you so much" he said.

"I love you too baby" his aunt said.

"i want to join too" Caleb also ran back to them and hugged them both.

After hugging each other for a while his aunt said "now go, you guys will get late for school." Then after bidding goodbye to mrs. Evans, they both left for school.

Time skip....

Sky and Caleb were sitting at the cafetaria waiting for Caleb's mate, suddenly Caleb whisper yelled "there he is" and as Sky turned around, his eyes met with an amusing deep almond brown doe eyes, he felt shiver run down his spine, he didn't knew why he always felt like this, whenever his and that bunny boys eyes met.

Aiden just gazed dangerously at Sky's way, Sky immediately turned his face away, he was feeling little strange, why was he feeling like this, he didn't knew. But he thought he was not the only one who thinks or feels like this after seeing Aiden. Aiden was amazingly handsome, every girl or a guy in the school drools over Aiden, so Sky just shrugged it off the feeling. Sky knew that Aiden doesn't like 'omegas' specially 'male omegas', And he didn't care less. Why would he care, he was just waiting for his mate, he just wanted to be loved by his mate, and just wanted to love him and only him.

The group of five boys made their way towards one of the table but out of five, two of them made their way towards Sky's and Caleb's table. Caleb just stood up and hugged his mate, Drake Spencer excitedly, his mate put his face in the crook of his neck and just inhaled deeply taking all of his mate's scent in, and whispered "i missed you."

"I missed you too" Caleb said cooing at his mate.

Seeing his cousin happy like this with his mate, Sky felt happy from inside. After seeing them, he was just unable to ignore his inner longing for his mate who will love him.

"Hey Sky how are you?" he heard a familiar voice and he snapped out of his train of thought's.

"Hey Asher hyungie" Sky chirped excitedly, "i am all good what about you" said Sky smiling brightly.

"Aww my baby i am also good" Asher replied looking lovingly towards Sky.

Sky and Asher and Drake and Caleb chatted a bit after that, and then they went back to their group, but not before Drake kissing his mate.

Aiden doesn't like outsiders in their group and he doesn't like to associate with other people, rather than their group, Aiden just only talks happily to his hyungs, and for anyone else, he just don't care. That's why they don't take their mates to their groups, and also because Aiden just couldn't stand the omegas, and Caleb just didn't wanted to leave his cousin all alone.

Aiden's pov

When we entered the cafeteria we heard someone saying "there he is" i turned my focus on that direction and met with a pair of beautiful eyes, but as i was drowning in the depth of those eyes, i smelled a very delicious scent, but he is an omega, i can smell that. After realizing that he is an omega, i just glared at him dangerously, and with that he averted his gaze away, i low growled in satisfaction. Me, Max hyung and Knox hyung sat at another table at the cafetaria, and Drake hyung and Asher hyung went to his mate and omega's table. I turned my attention somewhere else but then i heard Drake hyung saying "aww my baby" and i felt something wierd, i suppressed an angry growl, that was threatening to come out, what is this wierd feeling, i don't know, so i just shrugged it off.

Third Person POV

The bell rang and every student went back to their classes, Aiden and their friends were on their way to their classes just then Max said "there is only 4 days left to your birthday, Ahd, you will turn 18 soon and if it works out perfectly you will find your mate, are you excited."

Aiden just casually said "what is there to be excited hyung? Its just a normal birthday for me like every year, and you know i am not actually intrested in this mate thing."

"But Ahd" Knox tried to say something.

"Hyung i have to go, my class is going to start" saying that Aiden left and Knox and Max just sighed.

Next day Sky left for New York with his family, in the evening. Drake was so whinny about letting Caleb go for so many days, but in the end he also understood that Sky needs him, so atlast he agreed, and insisted to accompany him to the airport to bid him goodbye. Caleb agreed and Drake joined them to the airport.

Four days passed and today was the day of Aiden's birthday, every single wolf of the pack and higher authorities of other packs were invited because Aiden was going to turn 18, he was going to find his mate and that could be anyone.The preparations were going on, it was still early in the morning and the preparations had started.

Aiden was sleeping peacefully in his bed, when Asher made his way towards him to wake him up "Ahd wake up, you have to get ready, today is your birthday, your father is waiting downstairs for you Ahd, just wake up."

Aiden just growled, "Ash just let me sleep, i am still sleepy."

"But you need to get up Addie, you need to get ready fast" said Max entering the room. Both Asher and Max pulled the blanket from Aiden's body.

Aiden just growled looking at them, got up from the bed and made his way towards the bathroom, but not before glaring at them again, they both just grinned cheekily.

Max and Asher went downstairs and joined others. Aiden's father, the current Alpha of the pack and all the hyungs were all sitting on the dining hall. After getting freshen up, Aiden came out of bathroom with just towel wrapped around his waist, he made his way towards his king size wardrobe, and picked the clothes which he is going to wear, after getting dressed he made his way toward dressing table, he picked his rolex watch and wrapped it around his wrist then made his hair and went downstairs.

When Aiden entered the dinning room everyone was already sitting on their seats, when Mr. Cruz sees his son he went to him and wished him happy birthday hugging him.

"Aww let me hug him too" a very sweet voice came from behind Aiden.

Aiden turned towards the source of voice and said smiling "mom you are back."

"Of course, i am back my baby, how can you see me otherwise" said his mom.

Aiden just rolled his eyes and hugged his mom, "I thought you will not be able to come today" Aiden said.

His mom replied smiling "how can i miss my baby's birthday, huhh" she was out of the pack for some business.

"Don't call me baby i am not a baby" Aiden huffed.

"of course you are my baby" she grinned cheekily.

"MOM..." Aiden yelled playfully.

"ok ok you are not" she said smiling.

They all greeted goodmorning to each other and wished Aiden happy birthday and started eating.