
Let’s Read The Word

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Beneath the colours

Beneath the colours




Allison Rae a girl with big dreams of changing the world ,but due to her life taking turns she ends up in knight industry working with the famous London Knight himself. Stay tuned as there lives take twist and turns in the future ending up as a couple. How so will the two opposite cope with each other and how does Allison show her true self.

  I shot up from my bed again for the third time .It's now six am. I guess just another day. I showered and wore my large sweater and  shorts tying my hair into a messy bun. I took a cup of coffee and sat near my window. My apartment  had a nice view of the Eiffel tower . The beauty of the site was enchanting making me weather away in my thoughts. I took a sip of my Americano  coffee and taking a stem into my past.


  I sat on the floor with my canvas on the floor ,paint was smothered on my palms and some of it spattered on my face. It was my way of remembering my long gone mother who had passed away. My father was not home as he usually spent his time out gambling his life away. I decided to unleash my emotions in art. Art was a way of expressing myself ,the magic of art would make me have a fantasy world where everything was as I wanted. My mother always told me whenever I wanted to share something and I was afraid to say it art would do it for me. My smile dropped when my father came home. The eight year old me was now filled with fear . My palms were now sweaty as I backed away to the corner. His movements kept moving towards me . I reached the point where I was stuck . No where to go. Stranded . Tears cascaded down my cheeks as I knew what was about to happen.  "Allison oh dear Allison . How dare you try to bring up your mother with those colours you useless bitch!"He spat.the next thing was a slap on my face." You have no right to touch her paint or draw anything when you killed her! You killed your own mother you dirty good for nothing slut!" He kept on saying those hurtful words each with a hit landing on me.


  I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at my hands. They were no longer the same. No paint engulfed them . All I saw was a murderer of her own mother. I shook my head and picked up a paper that had my interview in Knights industry. A well known company. I dif not know a lot about the boss or the owner but all I knew of what that I had to ace the interview. I was now  twenty four years of age and I had accomplished my study of interior  designing . I needed this job to carter for my needs. I took my nude coloured suit that was a blouse and a skirt .The skirt wasn't too long nor short just the perfect look for an interview.

  I tied my hair into a neat bun. Feeling contented with my look,I decided to depart and head off to my destination.   It was around seven am now and the interview  was to begin half past seven. After my cab dropped me at the entrance. I stood up high confidently and walked into the office with a sincere smile. I wouldn't let anything ruin my chance today and my past will not affect me. At the reception was a vizzare woman as I can say. I can't really put a name at her. Really I'm trying to be nice as possible. She was wearing a short like really short skirt and it was tight and she was tall all that came in my head was a giraffe in a miniskirt smothered  in make up . I bet her face weighed some pounds . I had this sudden urge of pouting water on her face and seeing what she really looks like and the was she was chewing her.."Uh excuse me ,what are u doing here?" She asked in a snappy tone making me come back to reality. Well hello to to you too capsers ghost. Of course I couldn't say that . I cleared my throat,"I'm here for the interview for the position of an interior designer,"I said. She eyed me from head to toe then rolled her eyes  and pointed at the lobby."Just take a seat at that lobby," She said lazily. I gave her a thank you and walked to the lobby where I found seats aligned . The walls were plain white lighting up the place. Some other people were there as well. Well looks like I'm not the only  one who desperately  needs this job.


  After some minutes the interview began . It was like they were using a different  technique. We were called in fours where each one would go in a different  offices where each individual was interviewed . It was my turn and now I was interviewed  by a guy named Elias.  He was polite and well asked me  the required questions. "Well Mrs. Rae we'll  sure inform u further about your interview" He said "Thank you," I smiled then left the office heading to a cafe nearby. The cafe looked cute to be honest it had flowers on the walls and the colour was just perfect. A smile formed at my face at the sight of it. I entered the cafe and the door bell rang . I went to the  counter and ordered my favourite coffee and  a cupcake. Yes I love coffee and yes I do have a sweet tooth. The waiter was polite that she even suggested me a table . As I sat eating my cupcake the table in front of me was a man and a child. They looked so great together. The child was giggling as if demonstrating something to the man. Then the girl smiled and pointed at me shouting,"Yes,like her. She's pretty,"She said laughing.  I shall not lie that I nearly choked. I did choke ! I kept coughing like a fool. I took my coffee trying to sooth my throat and that's when the guy turned around . My eyes nearly popped out of  their sockets.The guy was  a guy. Like I mean all those definitions of how those cheesy  romantic novels. I swear my heart flipped and damn Allison. He looked at me and I looked back at him till when he blinked and when I came back to reality. Ooh shoot way to go me I just embarrassed myself. My face turned crimson red and the girl made an aww sound. Wasn't she too young to make an aww  at that age. The guy  cleared his throat and just went back to what he was doing with the girl. Damn i did not expect that. I need to stop reading cheesy stuff. To be honest I was expecting home to atleast say hi but what can I say. I got up and went to the counter paying my bill. Well wow my mood seems blank and it's because of that. Damn hormones . Suddenly the litter girl came and said hi to me,"hi,I'm Rose and that's my brother London,"She said sweetly.i smiled at her niceness,"uh well hello I'm Ally,"I said .She then smiled and left. And so did I heading home. I was so ready for some wattpad novels.

  Well there ya go my first chapter ,hope you enjoyed.