
Let’s Read The Word

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The Day I Met Her

The Day I Met Her




In a heart wrenching story about queer youth and self discovery. A trans woman (Alice) descovers herself and falls in love for the bad ass across the hallway. She faces self discovery, transphobia, homophobia and judgement untill she meets the girl of her dreams. Sadly, she can't hold on to it.

  I woke up from a pleasent dream of me twirling around in a lavender ball gown in a field of roses, sweet scents of rose, and pine in the air, the warm sun on my face, and a light breeze through my auburn bob; which I started growing out this spring succeding my coming out. I opened my eyes realizing I wasn't in my own bed, I was in my brothers. Why? What on earth was I doing here? "Goodmorning lil sis!" Robert says with the enthusasm of a four year old at a birthday party. "Robert why the hell am I in your bed? What happened" I question as my head starts to pound. "Well, you see... we went to a party last night and you drank to much, so when I went to put you to bed you puked all over yourself, and the sheets. I picked you up and let you crash there. I slept on the couch." As he explains what happened he laughs a bit. "What?" I say knowing something else happened. "You totally ruined your sheets, and dress. When I said the stains weren't going to come out you said 'damn I like flamingos'." He cracks up laughing. I laughed to because, neither my bed nor my dress had flamingos on them. My head ached, knowingly Robert threw a bottle of asprin at me. As I dry swollowed the pills I ask "What's for breakfast?" He laughs again "McDonald's, I'll drive, you pay." I grab my purse and slip on my flats "Deal". He gives me the look of no way, and then I finally think to see what I'm wearing. An old pink crop top and some christmas sweat pants with gold flats. Who the hell put this on me? Robert looks guilty and starts muttering "Listen, I couldn't find anything else that fit you and that dress was a gonner, I-" I crack up laughing "This is the worst outfit ever! I am going to put some jeans on and freshen up my makeup then we can go. I'll be ready in 5." Not believing the last statement Robert rolls his eyes and leaves to go wait for me somewhere else. I enter the room expecting the pungent smell of vomit, and to my surprise no such scent happened. Gratefully I realize he'd cleaned up. I then find a pair of black ripped up skinny jeans and get to work on the hot mess I am. Trying my best to look as feminine as possible I apply more makeup and realize how much I'll always look like Rob. We were twins after all. I decide to add red lipstick and a simple hair clip after I applied black mascara to my lime green eyes. Those same eyes Rob, and my dad had. The Hawkings eyes as my dad says. Satisfied with my apperance I search for Rob and we head out. As we got in the car my eyes caught someone else's. A carmel brown forbiding and stormy pair of eyes caught my stare and sent my heart and mind elsewhere. "Take a picture nerd, it'll last longer" said the girl who owned those beautifuly life-altering eyes. "Get in Al" Rob's voice pulls me back to earth. "Who is that?!?" I ask in utter shock. "I belive that is our new neighbor." he replies. "Why, you gotta crush or something?". Lying the best I could I scoff "No". I continue, "Even if I did nothing would happen. Nobody falls for trans girls. Ever." Rob looks away werialy. We both remembered what happened earlier that summer. My close friend, Solomon, had met a girl who said she would love to meet me. Well, I agreed and we started dating. About a month ago, mid-July, we were getting pretty serious. I haven't dated much prior to coming out as trans and was to afraid and to busy with my transition to date since. Well, until Lila. As I said earlier Lila and I got pretty serious. I trusted her and thought she trusted me. As our relationship hit around the 3 month mark me and Lila were starting to form a real relationship, or so I thought. That's when Lila came over and said horrible transphobic things like tr*nny, f*g, I'm just weak man and I'm not a real woman. Along with some other grotesque things. Apparently it was all a sick joke Lila and her boyfriend, yes boyfriend, planned. It crushed me, but I think it crushed Solomon more. He appologized for a whole month after the whole ordeal. I told him it was okay, I was going to deal with transphobia at one point or another, yet he kept blaming himself."Yo Al, we're here" Rob's voice pulled me from my thoughts. "Awesome! I wanna 10 piece with fries, mustard, and a large coke." Rob orders our food and I give him the money. Realizing how hungry I am my stomach growls and I dig in. "What's the plan today sis?" Rob asks like we go on adventures every day. "I got work at noon til 9, so nothing too exicting can happen." Rob exagerates a frown and I giggle. We head home clean up, and I shower to get ready for work. I hate showers, allthough other girls love them. They give me too much time to hate my non cis body. I quickly dry off and get dressed. Rewearing the jeans I had on I pull on a light purple v neck, and add the pendent Rob got me when I came out. I put my black heels on my large feet, and head towards the door. I wave to Robert and go to my shift at Walmart. After a long day of work I go home to find Solomon, and Robert playing minecraft on the couch. My dad's in the kitchen making potato goulash, and my mom is reading "The Giver" by Lois Lowry. I pick up a controller and plop down between the boys. We beat the game as dad calls us for dinner. We make small talk and laugh then me and Solomon clean up. "So, how's the head" he chuckles. "Just peachy, thanks." I remark. We contine talking as we clean then we go upstairs to play more video games. After a couple of hours I pop some popcorn and the boys pick out a movie. Around 11:30 Solomon gives me a hug, and he heads home. I shower and then me and Rob watch another movie. "Oh, shit! We have school!" I remember. "Oops." Rob says as he puts our cans in the popcorn bowl. "Thanks, get some sleep" I say. "No promises!" he smiles