
Let’s Read The Word

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Cara, who was born as an Omega, tries to make her family happy, breaking the stereotype of an Omega who can't do anything. Being someone who is considered weak in her environment makes Cara experience difficulties, she has to face various problems in her life until she finally meets her mate, an Alpha who almost rejects her as own mate.

This world is filled with greedy people, who only care about their own desires without regard to the needs of others. The strongest will gather with the strongest, and the weakest will be discarded.

There are three genders that differentiate them, Alpha, Beta and Omega. Just think of the three genders as their second gender as humans, gender is formed from when they are born, many factors influence the formation of gender within them, but the main thing is strength.

Alpha is synonymous with males who are more dominant, independent, smart, fighter, strong, brave, everything related to someone's greatness will make them born as an Alpha.

Alpha is a born leader for their next pack, Alpha also has its own level to differentiate it. Fighter, usually those who protect their pack from anyone's attacks, Wiser, usually those who provide direction for what they should do next to survive and the highest, , the highest throne for a leader, but not many are born as Hyper, only Alphas can tell the difference and Hyper is the most visible difference from the other Alphas.

Usually they look cooler, more protective, more withdrawn, sharp gaze with shining eyes. His eyes will turn emerald green when he finds his true love and will turn blood red when he wants to go to war, only Hyper can do this, while other Alphas can only turn their eyes red. It doesn't matter if it's love or war.

Alpha can only mark an Omega, he cannot mark a Beta even though he want, but marking a Beta will only break their line of descent. Because honestly Beta doesn't have any specials, she's just like a human.

Like Alpha, Omega also has three levels, usually Omega is synonymous with a woman, because they are considered the weakest creatures on earth. Due to being the weakest, not many Omegas end up dying before finding their mate. The reason is simple, they can't fight when the excited Alphas approach them.

The Basic Omega is the weakest Omega, she usually never leaves the house, rarely finds her mate to death, her life time is not long, but many are born The Basic Omega, then there is Keeper, those who can freely leave the house because they can adapt to the surrounding environment, not as strong as Beta, but not as weak as Omega as usual. And the highest, The Bold, there are only 1 in 10 births on earth. This Omega almost resembles Alpha except that she is a woman. She doesn't know fear, instead her curiosity is higher. An Omega like this can actually be very dangerous, because the scent can invite lots of Alphas to have sex with her.

Her eyes will turn bright blue when she finds her true love, but will turn pitch black when she wants war. The war here is not fighting like the Alphas, the war that Omega is doing is a form of self-protection. They are more intelligent than other Omegas and only Alphas can recognize such Omegas.


That morning the sky looked overcast, not long after that the sound of rain was heard falling on Cara's house. Cara, her little sister Rosie, her mother and father were sitting at the dining table, preparing to have breakfast together as usual. There's only one Alpha in the house, that's her father, of course. Her father has a level as Wiser, while Rosie just got her gender results in two months when she was 18 years old.

Cara, who was 23 years old at that time, was also not used to her new gender. That was because after her gender results came out, she became a different person, she was no longer the way she used to be. Her body is more sensitive to the scent on her body which makes it difficult for her to leave the house. Unlike her previous life, after her gender came out and she was declared an Omega, every month she had to feel excruciating pain all over her body because of her heat cycle.

Her mother always gave her a pill to ease her pain, but it didn't actually relieve anything. The suppressant that her mother gave her only relieved her pain temporarily, whereas she had to go through that heat cycle for a week and it was the moment she hated the most in her life.

For a week Cara just locked herself in her room, she didn't eat or drink during her heat cycle. She works as a waiters in a coffee shop. She works alongside her friend Gemma, she is a Beta, she is older than Cara. So Cara sees her as her own older sister.

That day her father had to accompany his boss out of town for a week, his father had been an assistant in a construction company for a long time. The job provides a fairly high income for them.

"While daddy is away, you all should always take care of each other, especially you Cara, next week is your heat cycle, don't miss it like last month. It's very dangerous for you, is the blocker I gave you still there?" Her father said.

"Yeah, I still have the blocker you gave me dad, you don't need to worry, I'm fine, we'll be fine" Cara said.

"Okay I have to go now before I miss the train" her father said, he walked over to his wife, hugged her tightly and kissed her before hugging his two daughters and leaving.

After her father left, the rain fell even harder. Cara turned towards the window, seeing how hard it was raining outside.

"Do you have to go now? It's still raining hard outside" Her mother said.

"Yes mom, I can't let Gemma work alone" Cara said.

"Will I be able to work like you when my gender results are out?" Rosie said.

"Of course, but you have to have a better job than me" Cara said.

"But mommy said we couldn't have a higher job than that" Rosie said.

"Rosie, there are many other jobs besides being a waiters like your sister, but they are very high risk jobs and we only have the two of you, so I don't want you to take that risk, okay?" her mother said.

"Okay mom" Rosie said.

After breakfast, Cara decided to still go to work, she opened her umbrella, put a coat on her body, put a scarf around her neck and put earbuds in her ears, songs are perfect in such a rainy season.

Cara, who was humming on the pavement, suddenly stopped in her tracks. She saw a man carrying a woman by force, she saw the woman's body full of bruises, yes that was very obvious because the woman was only wearing a mini dress that exposed her body. They walk under the rain. She was sure the woman was a prostitute and the man might be one of her dissatisfied clients.

When the two people passed by Cara, she could smell the woman's scent, the smell was really bad, the scent seemed to be mixed with the man's scent. Makes her want to vomit. But Cara quickly ran away from there to escape the scent.

She often encountered such things on the streets, that's why her father was always worried about her. But many also show harmony between Alpha and Omega, maybe because they have met their mate.

When Cara arrived at her workplace, she saw Gemma serving customers. She just smiled and went into the crew room to change uniforms. She also put blockers around her neck to hide her scent, so Alpha would think she was just a Beta.

She left the crew room and approached Gemma who had finished serving the customers.

"How was today? What did you find outside?" Gemma said.

"The same thing I often see, why are there so many Omega working as prostitutes? I mean, wouldn't that work just hurt them?" Cara said.

"For an Omega getting money is very difficult and being a prostitute is an easy option that can make money fast, you don't think to do that right?" Gemma said.

"No, I've never been interested in touching men"

"But your mate is a man"

"Yes, but that's not my main focus, I just want to work and save my money, for my family"