
Let’s Read The Word

Open APP


Author:Sammy T



Avery never dreamt of falling in love or having a boyfriend. though naturally no guy make advance toward her and she was always bullied in college so she kept to herself and was always lonely. but there was something interesting about her and that made her quite known. she was brilliant and smart but along the way Avery world change when she met her half that she was created for and she might at well not know that her half is the coming king of the world, Lucifer's son , a strong demon and incubus. ######### Gordon was a powerful man who owns the world and a very powerful business man. He doesn't acknowledge women but he has a mistress and a half who he doesn't like but when he saw her in physical he might just want to keep her and kill or destroy anyone who hurt or disturb her. And also he was Lucifer son and next coming Lucifer.

  * A lonely girl *

  Avery groans while getting up from the bed. Her mother at yelled at the door that she was late and she wanted to be late, if possible unable to go to college. She was attending Yale university based on scholarship and she wasn't finding life interesting or appealing to her. Countless time she is always been bullied or laughed at. Not like she care but it hurt. Hurt so much that she wished she wasn't on earth. Avery dashed into her bathroom and slipped off her night wear before entering the shower. The water fall on her dark hair down to her body and her painful memories of how she was bullied,insulted and mocked by guys and girls about her body. Avery wasn't slim or fat but she was kinda plus size more of curvy and thick than skinny like the popular girls in her school. She wasn't choosy about the type of food to eat but she do maintain her balance diet.

  Avery stepped out of the shower and began to dress up. She wore a black hoodie and black leggings with a white sneakers and she let her hair fall since she wasn't the pony tail type. She pack her book and laptop into her bag and hurried down the stairs to the kitchen for her breakfast. She was the only child of her parents but though her dad is dead. He died when she was very young so she doesn't have much memories about him and since then her mother has struggled a lot to take care of her since they weren't rich but an average family.

  " You had better finished this food before you run late" her mother said pulling her away from her thought

  " Sure Mom" Avery said rushing her pancakes when she was done she ran toward the door and bid her mom goodbye. Avery got to school and almost cursed under her breath when she realized she was late. She hurried ran to her department where she was having economic since she was studying business administration. When she got to the class door,she politely knocked and saw the students and teacher attention on her. The teacher teaching was her favorite teacher Mr Jacob so she felt relived.

  " Care to explain why you are late miss Avery" Mr Jacob asked with his charming blue eyes fixed on her. He was a handsome man with good body but she never felt anything sexual toward him because she knows she wasn't his type.

  " Am sorry Mr Jacob I lost track of time" she said with a sincere look on her face that made her look different or rather cute since she was considered a ugly girl.

  " Well you can have your sit " Mr Jacob said gesturing for her to enter. When she entered she could hear murmur and laugh from the students and it was normal for her since she was use to it. While walking Avery stumbled and fell which lead to laughter in the class and she knew who did it. She didn't care at she stood up and turn to see the school famous sexy bitch Helen smiling at her. She was wearing a mini skirt and black tank top with a black sneakers. Avery was sure is was Helen doing though she did as if nothing happened.

  " Now will you all keep shut and let move back to our topic and miss Avery hope you are okay" Mr Jacob asked with concern in his voice

  " Yes sir am okay" Avery said letting out a fake smile.

  " Now back to our topic we are going on an excursion to the most powerful and leading marketing industry in the world which is the GL marketing industry own by the most powerful and richest man in the world named Mr Gordon Lucifer. He has invited us over to his company and I want the best of all of you over there" he said.

  Avery could hear delight in people voice most especially the girls. Yes she has heard of the GL marketing industry owned by Mr Gordon and has seen his pictures. Truth to be told he was striking handsome and was a bachelor but something felt strange anytime she sees his picture or hear his name her heart beat fast as if he was here for her or like he wanted to speak to her. It is stupid to imagine that but that is was she felt and it seems to disturb her because no way will the most powerful and handsome man seek for her or acknowledge her since she was the lonely girl with lonely heart.

  This is my first time writing here and how did this First chapter goes.....I hope you enjoy it.....thanks handsome and beautiful ❤️ if you do and please don't forget to vote and you all!!!!!