
Let’s Read The Word

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It was already four years ago after that memorable night. Night that he met the most amazing and beautiful woman, Pat. Chris can never stop thinking about her especially those lips. For four years, he kept finding her but he failed. One night, as he decided to forget all of the memories of Pat, he met other girl and that other girl is exactly looks like her. But she isn't Pat, she is Tricia. But Tricia, runaway just like Pat did. If destiny made a way for them to meet again. Then who he will meet again? Is it Pat or Tricia?

Hello Everyone, so this is the very first start of the story and the very first chapter that I'll be written. Thank you for reading. Just love.

Chris' Point of View

      "Mr. Greyson, the plane is all set sir." My secretary told me as I sat in my office.

"Okay Ms. Maine. I'll just leave all the papers here, you know what to do." I replied as I stand on my chair and went out to the building.

I went straight to the airport after I ordered my driver Julian, to bring all my things needed in my stay in the Philippines.

I will be in the Philippines for a week. That's long for a CEO like me but I will not just go there for a meeting. Since according to my half-Chinese and half-Filipino business partner, Philippines is very great when it comes to tourist spots. Well, I'm not interested at first but even though I won't admit it, I really needs a break. Running an empire is stressing though. I needs to have peace of mind and I think, Philippines is the best place for that.

Blue's Point of View

"Jesus, Blue! What kind of brain do you have bitch?" my friend Margaux shouting and screaming after we found out the result of the bar exam in the Philippines.

I just cannot stop smiling after we found out the result. I am the top 3 in the bar exam. Well, that made me very proud of myself but still, shocked. I expected that I will pass but I never admire to be in top because I am too busy since while studying law in the most prestigious and expensive school in Philippines, I am also working to get my license as architect.

While studying architecture I met my friends. Even we have different courses we became very close because they are very down to earth and selfless. Margaux studied business administration and Shane is a chef. According to them, I am very genius. Maybe that's true because that is my genes and my IQ is so high.

       I took the Architecture board exam months after I finished my training and experience. That has a very short time to review but I managed to be a topnotcher.

After that, I tried to take the entrance exam of law and then I was in. Now, I am in top again.

    "How could it be?" I asks my friends.

    "Come on girl, is that even a questioned? Because you are damn genius!" said Shane.

We are planning a celebration and I heard a ring on my phone.

"Hello Mom?", I said.

"Hello Baby Blue, Congratulations.  You made us very proud of you!" my mom, Cassie.

      Then, I heard some noise on the phone shouting and screaming happily, its my family. They are very happy with the news.

"Hello baby, congratulations!" I heard my father, Michael.

   "Thank you, Dad!" all I can say.

    "And now, maybe you can have your vacation here in Palawan, we are very eager to meet you baby!", my dad said.

     I know I have been very busy and because of that I rejected all the invitations by my parents to go in Palawan to have a break. However, I believed that I badly need that vacation now.

     "Yes dad, I will." I replied excitedly.

I can hear excited mourn on the other line. I know my parents and family there are very happy. It's almost 4 years the last time I visit Palawan. That's after I passed and topped the Architecture board exam. I was just 19 years old back then. I graduated college very early because I started school early. I am gifted maybe because my IQ is very high.

Maybe you wondered why we are an English-speaking person yet we are here in the Philippines? My father is a Half-Filipino, Half-American and that my mother is the American one.

   We live in Los Angeles until I was college that is why I am English speaking. I can speak Filipino terms and understand it because it is been a decade living here. My mom is an architect and my dad is a lawyer that's why I have that courses. When my parents decided to start their business in Palawan we transferred here in PH. My mom here has a very good family background that is why she owned some land in Palawan. When we got here, my father build several resorts in my mother's land. And expanded it in the country all through-out the years. My mother has their company with his brother in New York but left it there to start there new business. My mother and his brother has still have a very good relationship to each other until now so don't worry they didn't fight because of my mother's choice to be here.

   Yes, that is a very long introduction with my family background so let's go back to my friends.

Oh yup, Margaux and Shane. They are extremely rich. Actually we are heiress of our family's businesses. We have many similarities and the weirdest one we never had a boyfriend. Margaux is half-Filipino and half-Aussie while Shane is half-Filipino and half-German. They are very close because they are cousins.

Short chapter, isn't it? Well, I think this is just a warm-up so I decided to make it shorter. Hope you enjoy reading!