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A Vampire's Mark

A Vampire's Mark




I don't believe in myths. About supernatural elements likes vampires werewolves And witches. I don't think they do exist. In this phase of generation. Those creatures only exist in story books, novels and movies. Like Bella and Edward from twilight. Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt from Interview with a vampire and so forth. But it change when I met him. When I fall inlove with him. He is a vampire. A vampire that I love so much more than my life.

I am Chelsea Veronne Lopez. Twenty years old. Half-filipino and half- spanish. A medical technologist and was currently working in Vegara Medical Hospital- Laboratory Department.

Vegara Medical Hospital was famous. Not just by it's name but of course by it's  service. And the doctors' behind it's success.

It was owned by Vegara family. The surname itself, you know who and what they are in the society. Vegara are rich and famous internationally.

They are very popular in business world. Health care services and other venture all over the world

They owned most of the country's first class hotels and resorts. Condominiums, malls, offices, shipping companies and etc. Name it and all are owned by them.

Don Sebastian Vegara was the owner and the CEO of the hospital. He was a famous surgeon. He studied his medicine in Harvard. And practically he practiced his profession in the same institute.He was a widower.

And according to goggle. His wife died of a rare disease. I don't know what kind. But I guess it's uncurable. He had three children. Two boys and one girl.

The eldest was Marcus Drake. A famous business tycoon . He was known as the heartless and ruthless in business world. Not so much about him in search engine. Women? No news about it in google. No picture of him. Unknown photo as it always shows.

Second was Anton Lukas. A heart surgeon. He was now the chairman of the hospitals Department Heads. And was the chief of the Guild of surgeons. He is single. He is a certified playboy according to my labmates. Popular in women. Name it all. Models and actress are linked to him. But he was not into a relationship as facebook status says.  Too complicated as he states in his account.  His look a like? He look like one of a greek gods in Greece. Indeed he was. Jaw dropping and drooling handsome.

Third was Deanna Dane. She was their princess. A famous model and fashion designer, they said. She was a spoiled  brat but down to earth person.  She became a cover model of IT magazine when she was six years old. The youngest model as it recorded.  Her face was plastered in magazines all over the world. And no single person wouldn't know about her.

And that's all that I got from search engine. A little information about them. Blah blah blah. Knowing them. They are too private to open their lives in public.

Two years of working in this famous hospital, even a shadow of them I didn't see. Oh well, maybe because I was in the laboratory. You know working in a laboratory is like you have your own world. Not discriminating though but I think working in the lab is like being an autistic. Sometimes its suffocating. You work like a robot, you do this and that. We go to work. Face our machine like our life depends on them. 

Lucky me, us  if we bump into one of them. Yes, in our dreams. Every girls dream I guess. Seeing them in person, for real.

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I was sitting at the fourth block of chair in our conference room. I yawned  whenever I heard the speaker's voice. We are invited to attend this boring lectures of guidelines the WHAT TO DO AND DON'T  in our hospital's anniversary celebration.Out-reach program as part of our hospital's anniversary celebration. Yes! They are conducting some medical missions. And as chosen healthcare professionals we are obliged to render our service in rural communities. Which is quite fulfilling in our part too.

My colleagues and I were to participate in this event. Some says we are lucky to be part of it. Since few people are selected personally by the president. Mr. Sebastian Vegara. But not me, I don't want to come but I can't refused to not coming. I don't like going places that i don't know, I mean I didn't travel far away from school way back when I was a student and from work. So everything about this out reach program is new to me.

And the event will be held far away from the city. The location will be in one of its resort. From there we will go to some remote areas for our duty.

After that long years of sitting and yawning. I went home pack some necessary things for a week of being exiled from my house. I'll be leaving tomorrow morning.

I check my luggage. I don't like having heavy bags and stuff like that.  Besides nobody will help me in carrying those like as if I've done travelling before. As I am finished packing. I sighed. And look around the four wall of my house.

Thank God I don't have any pets at home. But am thinking of having a fish but not for now. Because if I do. They will not survive. They will die in hunger especially when I am away like this.

Tomorrow will be a new chapter in my journey. I can feel it deep down through my bones. Something good will happen, well being positive is all I can do right?

I yawned again. Time to sleep for tomorrow's trip.

I woke up before the sun came out. I eat cereal and had a glass of orange juice. After eating and checking all the possible  entrance of our house. I took a quick shower.

I looked around before leaving. All are lock inside I said. Convincing myself. I step out the door and saw the flowers at the corner. It was my grandma's garden. I was calculating the length of time I'll be away. I think they will survive for a week. I watered them already. I just wish that our neighbor is kind enough to sprinkle a water from outside.

We assemble at the hospital's lobby around five in the morning since we will be traveling together.

Everyone is set to go. I took a deep breath when our team leader instructed us to our designated cars.

I sat near the window. It keeps me busy. I really don't like long travel as if right,? I guess it's a pain in the ass. Literally.

After two hours of sitting my butt is aching in pain. No matter position I made still it's uncomfortable.

Thank God the view was beautiful outside the window glass. I wanted to open it, smell the fresh air but considering I'm not traveling alone. I might dismiss the idea.

The sun is starting to show its mighty shine. And my colleagues are sleeping soundlessly hand and hand with their partners hugging each other.

Well, you can see I'm an outcast in this group. I don't have a love life. Hell with it right? I still have my favorite pig pillow with me.

Anyways our team as we call it composes of three medical technologists and two nurse phlebotomist.Three girls and two boys.

I turn my head again to the window. The outside was a breathtaking. You can see the green leafy trees proudly standing along the road. Swaying and dancing with the tune of the wind that is blowing them lightly. Flowers all over the tress. Birds flying freely.

I really enjoy sightseeing. Looking and appreciating the beautiful scenery. In every place we've been or passing by. It's like my life it was passing by faster that I didn't notice that I existed in this world. I should travel more often, I mumble to myself.

At long last , five hours of travel we arrive at the resort.  When I step out from the car. The cold wind brushes my skin. Home. It feels like home. Why home, well i don't know either it just popped out in head.

The scenery was magnificent. The beachline, though its a bit far but you could see the beauty in it. As you enter the gate of the resort. Different kinds of flower are blooming, no wonder why it feels like home . Trees are standing in line guarding the place.

And the structural design of the building is fabulous. A bit of Spanish and Egyptian symbols are carve in the surface of the wall.

The lobby's interior design is very elegant. Crystal ball of lights surrounds the main lobby. A ball like chandelier was hanging in the center. With a little falls in the right corner. A first class beach resort. Lights are everywhere it maybe left or right.

As we enter the sliding door you could see that the furniture are native in made as I inspected it.Well, thats good the owner like native products. Native products are expensive. The chairs, tables and other sets of furniture are native. And are precisely place in each corner of the lobby with class thae exudes perfection.

There this warmth smile of the employees welcoming the guest.  Greeted you as you pass by on them.  And oh, they are very accommodating. Well trained, I guess.

The front desk woman give us our room numbers. My colleagues. Elma and John are sharing the same room as well as Iza and Troy.

They are lovers you know. And me, I'm all alone with my peggy pillow. And it is just fine. I don't even like sharing a bed with someone. I hissed.