
Let’s Read The Word

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Blurb: Anel is a teenage girl that came from American, her mother Mrs Kathrine is rich, she did not have a father and she did not know who her father is, whenever she asked her mom about her father, her mother would changed the topic and sometimes she won't answer her. Anel is attending movic high school, the best school in the world, she wish to become a dancer and a singer because love to sing and dance but Mrs Kathrine did not want her to become a sing nor dance. As time goes on she became a dancer using veil.

Anel the secret dancer

Episode 1 ✍️

Anel was in her room singing and dancing when her mother Mrs Kathrine came in.

"Anel...didn't I told you not sing nor dance again" Mrs Kathrine said.

"Sorry mom" Anel said.

"It's okay baby but don't sing or dance again" Mrs Kathrine said.

"Mom...why can't I sing and dance, tell me the reason" Anel said.

"Don't ask me the reasons" Mrs Kathrine said.

"That is what you used to said everytime, I asked you the reasons" Anel said with a roll.

"Go and take your bath" Mrs Kathrine said.

"Mom...who is my father, I want to know him" Anel said.

"Anel go and take your bath and stop asking me questions" Mrs Kathrine said angrily.

She nodded her head, entering the bathroom.


I don't know the reason why mom did not want to tell me about my father, she did not want me to sing nor dance, whenever I asked her the reason why she did not want me to sing nor dance, she would changed the topic and sometimes she won't answer me.

My name is Anel Andrew, am seventeen years old, I came from American, am attending movic highschool, the best school in the world, I have a mother but I don't have a father...I did not even know if my father is alive or dead, my classmates make jest of me because I don't have a father, I love to sing and dance and I wish to become a singer and a dancer.

"Anel" my mom called.

"Yes coming" I answered.

I ran out of my room, when I got downstairs...I met the maids serving the food on the dinning table, when the saw me they bowed their heads.

"Anel...come and eat" Mom said.

"Okay mom" I said walking to the dinning table.

"Sweetie, Mr Kane will be the one to take you to school today" mom said, sitting beside me.

"Okay mom" I said.

A minutes later, I finished eating, I carried my bag then I pecked my mom cheek.

"Bye mom" I said.

"Bye sweetie...take care, love you" mom said.

"Love you too" I said walking out of the Mansion.

When I got outside, I met Mr Kane standing beside the car, waiting for me.

"Good morning ma'am" he greeted.

"Morning" I replied entering the car.

He also entered the car then he drove off.