
Let’s Read The Word

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Author:David Chuks Ndu



A story based on African settings; A young inquisitiive mind who hungered to have a taste of the outside world. Relinquishing the godly background, set for him by his parents. His desires were bare before him at the later stages of his life. Was this opportunity relishing him, or rather caused him to gnash his teeth. Find that out, yourself.

Gazing dreamily at the dashboard, while subconsciously paying attention and detailing each drop of the rain that falls off on the wide windshield of my dad's 1989 rickety Volvo car, as we drove to my new school. My thoughts wandered wide to the style of life I'd fancied for myself whenever I get to leave the overprotective shadows of my parents.

You obviously wouldn't want to experience the hell it is being the first son of a local African church pastor. Rev. John Obi, My dad, could pass for the perfect description of an African pastor. Disciplinarian per excellence, very mean with a protruding tummy that could confuse one into believing he owns a local beer parlor. Most times on long tie with oversized shirts tucked halfway beneath his trouser, hung on his belly button. Always on an unfazed demeanor that could portray sadness, bitterness, eagerness, and anger. Depending on what time of the day, you meet him.

The “D” day Is finally come.

Oh! How much I've longed to see this day.

The day when I wouldn't be rushing off to open the church doors as early as 5:30 AM, each Sundays, for Sunday school classes and morning prayers. The day when I wouldn't be the one to lead the opening and closing prayers on Friday night vigils and waiting thereafter to make sure the doors and windows of the church are properly shut before going home to crash. The day when I can boldly fixate my eyes on dangling bum of young ladies on the street, markets, and church practices without harboring the fear of being caught and labelled, Demonically possessed. This has got to be the most fascinating of them all, for me.

The day When I wouldn't… En hen… Steven! My dad's crackly voice came alive, jolting me out of the deep thoughts I was, “Yes sir!” I muttered faintly. Have you contacted James to know if he's around the school building, so we wouldn't get there and start wandering about? “I haven't, Sir” I replied, dipping my hand into my pocket to fetch my phone. “Tell him we're almost at the school gate!” I nodded, with the phone now placed firmly on my right cheek.

James, whom I'll be staying with on campus, the son of elder Pascal one of the richest and the most respected Deacon in my dad's church, I learned from my mom, is very intelligent and committed to the 'things of God', on and off campus. A level 300 sociology student. Over 6 feet

1.83 meters

tall, handsome, broad chest, muscled arm and thighs like he sleeps and wakes in the gym. Ladies dream man. He often got heads whirling, ceasing attention of both the married and the single, whenever he walks in late for church services. With this great macho scent that introduces his arrival, from distances away.

I never liked James one bit, and he's never seemed like someone I could roll with, until the connection made by my dad, after I gained admission to study law In Sea view University. The same institution as James. We got to the school gate and James was already standing by the gate, an umbrella on his left hand shielding the showers and a calm cold face, beaming with smiles and warmth. Excited to see dad and I, we exchanged pleasantries like we'd known for ages, as he helped unload my belongings from the car trunk. Seems I misjudged this gentleman to be incommunicable and too pompous all along. This will be an interesting ride, I muttered beneath my breath. I just hope he doesn't become a stumbling block to the nightlife and club life I planned to put up in school.

“James, here! Your father said I should give this to you”.

“How are you coping with the weather, school and studies, by the way…” “Very well sir, thank you very much” James replied, squeezing the brown envelope my dad gave him into his back pocket.

“Hope you still attend campus fellows…”

Yeah… I'm the financial secretary of Christ the king gospel fellowship, here on campus, sir. James quirked sternly. Ceasing further questions from my dad's lips.

“That's a good one!” You boys should focus on your studies and make us proud! Okay… Yes sir! James and I chorused, almost simultaneously.

I'll have to start heading back to base now before the light of the day fizzles out completely. The time is late. My headlamp isn't bright enough to drive in the dark. Alright, sir! Again, we both chorused. My dad opened the door of his car, hoped in, twitched his car key which was left all along in the ignition, and the car came alive. Be good, boys! Always remember to read your bible. Remember whose son you both are, let your life radiate God's light and righteousness. We'll always remember you in our prayers back home, he said as his car drove away lazily.

As we were about making our way to the hostel… Faint screams of “Spirit Jay” encroached the air. Echoing repeatedly from a distance. I turned around to see 3 beautifully endowed ladies, marching hastily towards us, waving that we take no further steps. Immediately, I turned to James. His wry face already gave answers to the question I had in mind. The onrushing ladies got closer, as they took turn, wrapping their arms around James neck, in a tight embrace.

“What's up with you, dude! We've been looking for you all over the campus!” one of the ladies blurted.

“Aren't you going to come to Joy's birthday party, anymore?” The tallest among the ladies inquired, searching deep into James's eyes as if, in there, lies the answer to the question she asked.

There's still enough time, ladies! James retorted as he took a glance at the leather watch on his wrist. This is just 6:47. Isn't the party slated for 7:30! You guys know how we run things here. “African time” is still miles away…

“But you're the MC and the life of every party!” The lady James introduced to be Linda spoke, gesturing him to see reasons why he should be at the venue already.

I didn't say a word, as I stood aside, watching them argue with my both hands buried deep into my pockets. Moreover, if there were any words to say, It would be a request from me, for them, warm hugs to go around. Somehow, they convinced James, and he agreed to go with them. How to get my bags to the hostel became an issue, since I don't know my way around.

Don't worry. I will take Steve to the hostel, we'll meet you guys at the party, Linda volunteered. Argh!!! You ladies always have your way, James growled in defeat. I trudged sheepishly behind Linda like a lamb that's being led to the abattoir for slaughter. The pounds of flesh wobbling beneath the loosed palazzo pants Linda wore ceased my attention on the very first glance. This has got to be the closest I have seen an ass, Except that of Vivian's. I felt my dick tug in excitement, protesting to be freed from my boxers. The urge to bury my face on the sight that captivated my thoughts became imminent.

It was my chest against Linda's, in a split second. Pinned to the wall like I've seen in movies… Our lips locked against each other and our tongue wrestled for supremacy. I felt my fingers dig deep into Linda's ass. I've never felt anything close to this all my life. This has got to be the promised land! Heaven at last! Heaven on earth. I gasped, spilling the content of my erected dick on my boxers. Sh*t felt so real. I cannot believe it. I have hallucinated again.