
Let’s Read The Word

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Burning Rage

Burning Rage




Sawyer Zane Samiz, a man who called perfect by many ... famous and professional. You don't have to look for anything else because he already has what women are looking for. They said he's perfect? But no, Sawyer Zane is not perfect that everyone think. He has a strict and controlling parent. They always want to know what he was doing to do. They holds his neck, so Saywer Zane decided to stay in his friend island for a week. Sawyer wants to be away from his parents even for a moment. But when he went to the island of his friend he did not expect what will happen. The chopper crashed because of heavy rain. He have no choice but to jump in the sea. When he jumped, he thought it was finally okay, he even thanked God for saving him but that was just the beginning of his calvary. Can Saywer Zane survive in that incident? Or would he rather choose to close his eyes forever?

THE smell of smoke from the vehicle, the hot weather and the confusion of the reporters welcomed to Sawyer Zane when he went out to the airport.

Many guards were stopping the reporters from trying to approach him. Sawyer slowly took his eyeglasses and went straight to the car that was waiting for him. Surely, his parents sent it to pick him up. What else was he expecting. He knows what they want, they sent someone to fetch him for a nonsense reason.

“Straight to my own house,” he coldly said to his mother's driver.

The driver looked at him and slightly bowed his head. "Sir, Ma'am Juliana told me that I will be going to accompany you to the Mansion of Samiz.”

Sawyer was running out of patience. So he sighed heavily and firmly closed his eyes. "I'm so fucking tired. I want to have a fucking rest now. Can you just listen to me and fucking drive?" 

He's not ready to face them yet. He's tired listening to his parents rant again. For the past years, he didn't hear anything from them but nonsense and not so important words. They compared him to his god-damned brother. He never been their favorite son after all. But he doesn't care anymore.

“But Sir...”

He gave him a death glare. “Do you love your job? Then fucking drive!" 

The driver can't do anything about it but to follow Sawyer's command. He is still his boss son after all. Sawyer rested his head and close his eyes. But minutes passed, he felt his phone vibrate. He grabbed it in his pocket and looked at the caller. Well the caller is his Father.

"What?" he asked coldly when he answered the call of his Father.

“Don't give me that tone of yours, Sawyer Zane! Tsk! Why don't you imitate your brother? Go home and we will talk!” There's an authority in his voice. He did not budge. The corner of Sawyer's lips rise up because of irritation.

His eyebrows rose up but stay calm. Well Sawyer used to it. His father always tells him that, he's sick of hearing it again and again. Tsk! What did Helton have that Sawyer's don't have? Sawyer knows that he's not good in anything just like his brother but he can fight manually. Helton, is not as handsome as him too. He is smart and Sawyer not but who cares? Yes his brother was smart but he is still handsome. A handsome man who has his own companies and hotels. Of course that's him.

"I'm going there tomorrow. I'm tired now, dad. Bye!" Then he ended the call.

He doesn't want to talk to his parents for now. He's really tired of being their pet. He doesn't want to be controlled by them. They can't fool him anymore. The last time he allowed them to control him he lost his beloved grandfather. He fucking regretted that he listened to them. Damn them! He suffered a lot, he won't let that happen again. They will kill him before it happens.

He hasn't put his cellphone to his pocket yet when it rang again. But this time, he's a friend who was calling.

“Now what?” he was annoyed with him.

He has been annoyed with this lunatic since yesterday. He is the reason why he is in a hurry to go home after years staying in America. This lunatic is so demanding. Sawyer's planning to come back to the Philippines next month but because of this lunatic who demands him to come back in a hurry.

“When will you come back here? What time is it then? I really want to eat something spicy, dude.” See, he's a fucking lunatic.

"You just like a damn irritated pregnant woman who asks for a damn spicy food! Why did you go to that island without bringing any fucking food? Tsk!” 

Noele, his friend took a vacation and went to his island last day but he forgot to buy groceries because he thought that there's stock of food on his island.

That lunatic, he sent his caretakers home two days after he went there. They forgot to tell him that there's no food left in the fridge.

His caretaker was to go there every week to clean his house. He didn't tell them that he's going there. He just called and told them that they don't need to come to the island for cleaning. He will just call them for their service in another time. They didn't ask him why, so Sawyer think it's his friend's fault why they didn't put a food in the fridge. He didn't explain to them every detail that they need to know.

His friend was too lazy to go back in town to buy his own food so he ordered Sawyer to buy it because he told him that he was going there to unwind his island....or better say to avoid his parents. But he didn't tell him immediately that he will just go there next month, Noele expect that he will come home this day. That's the reason why he ordered him to buy his food.

“Tsk! Just hurry up dude, I'm hungry. I'll pay you triple when I get back to manila after two months of vacation.” Sawyer shook his head when he told him that.

“I'm still in the car going home. So, you better endure that for now because it will take hours to come there.” Sawyer shook his head when he heard his friend whine.

“The hell, dude? I'm hungry! Make it in one hour.” He's whining like a child.

“Who's fault it is then?” There is no emotions in his voice, it was cold and plain.

The moment of silence until he answered him. “Me?” 

He shook his head again. “Of course! Tsk! Don't disturb me, I'm resting. Bye! I will call you later.” Then he cut the lines.

Sawyer closed his eyes as he waited for them to arrive at his house. When his grandfather passed away he left his parents mansion. At an early age he learned to live alone in the house inherited from his grandfather.

He hates his parents very much. He hates them for making him feel different, unlove and not belong to the family. Yes they are still communicating, but they rarely see each other. Looking at his parents' faces was like torturing him. He just remembered his grandfather who took care of him every time he looks at them. He won't forgive them.

“Sir Sawyer, we're here,” he heard the voice of the driver. 

He opened his eyes and got out of the car. He walked towards the gate. “Go home, tell mom and dad that I'm going somewhere later so don't expect me to go there tomorrow.” 

When he entered his house, he just threw his suitcase somewhere and went straight to his kitchen to get all the food on his refrigerator. Fortunately, he has many food there.

He took all the food inside of it and he put it in a big bag with a shoulder strap. After packing all of his foods Sawyer lazily get his phone to call his friend, Noele.

“I'm going now. Just ready my room because I'm sleepy already.” He did not wait for him to answer him, he ended it immediately.

He called someone again. “Bring my chopper here in my house. Use my car when you get home.” Just like in the first call he ended it without letting the person who's in another line to answered him.

He walked into the living room carrying the large bag in which he put the food. He settled the bag on the glass table and sat on the single sofa.

Minutes of waiting he heard the sound of his chopper. His house has a lot of space, so he is comfortable enough to fit the chopper there in the backyard.

"Brute, your chopper was outside now. Where are you going anyway? You just got back, don't you have a hangover?" The door of his house opened and a man wearing a plain white shirt entered. His pilot friend, Dawell Mercadejas.

"I'm going to Noele's Island. Do you want to come?" He stood up and lazily took his big bag.

Dawell shook his head before following him. Whether he wants to go along is not possible. His flight has been in succession these past few days. Tomorrow he will have a flight again until next week. He's damn busy unlike to his two friends, Noele and Sawyer who's the CEO on their own company. They hold their time.

“I'll be there next. I will finish my last flight and take a three -week vacation.” Sawyer just nod at him.

Sawyer climbed into the chopper. Before he operate it, he threw the key of his car to Dawell. And he put his phone beside him. "Don't tell them my exact address if ever they'll ask you."

He nodded knowingly and step away. “Take care.”

After Sawyer put the headphone on his ear, he start operating the chopper. He smirk to his friend before take off.

Sawyer breathed heavily as he was in the air. He couldn't help but to glace at his cellphone that was just on his side. He was waiting a call from someone since last day. She knows that he's coming home but Sawyer thinks she doesn't have plan to see him. What did he expect to a dishonest woman?

Sawyer had a hunch that she knew already that he's aware in what she was doing while he was in America. He sighed. It was his fault thought. He has no time for her in the past month. She come home first in the Philippines two months ago. He did not followed her immediately because something happed. Well he doesn't have care anymore, he's not serious to their relationship after all. He was just force to do that. He just tried to be serious but he can't. He just only see her as his younger sister.

Sawyer saw that he is near at the island where his friend was. But when he looked at the sky it was too dark. He didn't notice that a while ago. He must come right there in the island before the rain is poured out and stronger.

Sawyer glanced his phone once again as it lit up. Someone was calling. He wants to answered it but the rain suddenly pours down which causes the chopper to move. He calmed himself but he knows that everything was not okay. He can't control the chopper anymore because of the heavy rain. He cussed loudly.


He cuss repeatedly when the rain and winds grew stronger. The two mixed that make it difficult to adjust the fly of the chopper. 

He reached the safety jacket but before he got it something hit the chopper and that caused the chopper to plunge down. He removed his seatbelt and ready himself to jump in the sea.

“This is fucking shit!” One more cuss came out of his mouth before he jumped.

When he plunged to the chin, sea water caught up with him. He looked up and saw his chopper approaching on his spot. He swam to get away from where the chopper would hit. The waves were strong so he knew he would have a hard time swimming. But he did everything to get away there.

When he looked back at his chopper an unexpected thing greeted him. He looked up and forced to swim away but it was all too late. The high and big waves crashed to him. His body was hit on something he can't know. It was hurt but he bare it.

He tried and tried to get out from water but to his last try was very hard for him. The last wave is stronger than the other. He wanted to shout in the pain when his head hit strongly on something that he thinks it was part of the chopper.

He also has difficulty swimming due to pain in his body. He starting to feel dizzy. He drink a lot of water. He can't count how many things have hit his body. Until he finally closed his eyes as he remembered his loved ones.