
Let’s Read The Word

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The One Who Turn Wolf

The One Who Turn Wolf

Author:This book will be werewolf type



Lilliana was your normal human working on her farm jobs with her dad.she would get straight A+ and work hard on anything she can complete. Life was looking up for her intell that trip to Alaska they go hunting every winter to get food that can sell down where they live . While they were looking for elk when suddenly her and her dad got separated from the snow storm . She quickly found a cave and went in for warmth . She sight dad this wasn't good call at all . After few minutes she saw something that was large and it had fangs ,claws. She look closer and it was huge white wolf she couldn't explain what the hell she was seeing . I must be dreaming she slam herself in the face and shake her head and still see it . T.that not possible the wolf see her and ran at her . Oh he'll said I'm not going to be wolf food .she ran out the cave and try to hide from the huge creature . But the wolf can sniff her out and the wolf spot her again. She ran and ran but she got tired the wolf was faster . The wolf pounce on her and bite her on the neck she began to scream. Stop it she replied and the wolf just ignore her scream and begging. Then the wolf shake her and throw her to the side . She began to bur and closed her eyes . Suddenly someone told her I'm here to protect you and with that darkness surrounded her.

Zack's pov: Hey, my name is Zack and I'm in the warriors position. Yeah, being warrior is tough. yea I'm also a werewolf but sometimes suck my brother Ethan is the future alpha and will be soon announced. I finally ground my mate, but she rejected me because I'm not alpha like my brother. She goes to my brother's arms and laughs about it. My wolf was in a rage and confused; she was supposed to be our forever, but she doesn't want us.My wolf replied well f her we don't need her anyway. I took a run with permission and wolf out. My wolf is pure black, just like my brother and my young twin's brothers.I ran through terror and calm down I took a deep breath and punch the tree I scream and howl I cry because rejected suck what did I do to my brother to dersve this why I did I look too weak for her. Did I do anything to her? to make her hate me? I ran back to the pack house and grab my stuff for school I hate this pack more then I ever do. So told mom I'm going to school and she apologized for what happened I said I didn't care about her or my brother so with that I went to school I do have a group of friends who I hang out with hey buddy I hear what happened I'm so sorry about that dude I replied it fine she wasn't my type anyway but dude she was your mate and you know f your brother. Yea yea I don't want to hear it ugh I want to think about something else than a dumb mutt but when I saw Lilliana she was so beautiful why couldn't she be my mate my wolf replied idk she doesn't look too bad I replied not to bad just look at her brown hair and green guys nice skin tone she just absolutely looks stunning my wolf said oh go get a room I replied hey hey she not like that dude my wolf say what a bored and I grr back she also 15 dudes my wolf replied oh so your pedo hahaha I yell at him it isn't like that you know my wolf replied yea and crawl back into my mindsight as I turn to around her yea I kinda mess with her but her red cheek are so cute and her eyes spark like a green emerald. I pretend to not know who she was and she kinda looks sad but I put my finger under her chin ik right away which make me and her feel better. Then I let go and went back to the group I hear she was going to Alaska for her birthday and that sounds fun, hope she has fun. So I watch her left but when that ass of Rosco came in she was looking at him and he said excuse me and she said sorry and exited. Ugh you are a bastard you know that man he turn to me and replied watch your mouth warriors hr growled and walk away jeez he's such an ass h Rosco is the alpha of the other pack he is more serious and more strict ugh well after some time we wrath up class and went back home man I should ask Lilliana if we could be friend again then I wouldn't have to go home