
Let’s Read The Word

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Author:Katelyn Nicole



Title: Moon's Redemption Genre: Fantasy/Action-Adventure Troupe: Werewolf Pack and Slayer Alliance Theme: Redemption, Trust, Sacrifice, Overcoming Differences Setting: Aranthia, medieval kingdom threatened by evil Blurb: In Aranthia, werewolves can't shift, but as evil looms, King Cedric strikes a pact with the pack for redemption. Alpha Luca allies with renowned slayer Gabriel. Amid rising tensions, they unite to save the realm from eternal darkness, overcoming differences. Characterization: King Cedric: Aranthia's ruler, seeks werewolves' aid to defeat evil. Alpha Luca: Pack's leader, seeks redemption, allies with Gabriel. Gabriel: Traumatized slayer, learns to trust werewolves to fight evil. Beta Elena: Pack member, trust tested by betrayal. Sir Marcus: Brave knight and advisor, faces loyalty challenges in the alliance. Erebos: Mysterious force threatening Aranthia, revealed in the final showdown. Plot: Exposition: Gabriel reluctantly allies with the pack to defeat the Shadow King. Luca aims for redemption and change. Inciting Incident: King Cedric seeks pack's alliance against the Shadow King. Gabriel's prejudice poses challenges as he leads. Rising Action: The alliance faces external threats and internal rebellion. Gabriel questions beliefs, develops feelings for Elena. They find the Shadow King's power source and seek sorceress Isadora's help, manipulated by her. Climax: The alliance confronts the Shadow King in the Dark Forest. Gabriel shares crucial knowledge, gains advantage. Marcus sacrifices himself, Gabriel channels grief to defeat the Shadow King. Denouement: Kingdom heals, Gabriel and Elena find solace, pack is pardoned. Gabriel sees werewolves differently, works for coexistence. Kingdom unites in peace, fueled by Gabriel's journey from vengeance to forgiveness.

Adelaide POV

"Aria, Adelaide, get up. You need to hide now," I heard my father whisper urgently, barging into their bedroom.

I could hear the fear in his voice, and it sent a chill down my spine. I looked at my younger sister, Aria, who was still half-asleep, and shook her gently, trying to rouse her.

"What's going on?" I asked, my heart pounding in my chest.

"I don't have time to explain," their father replied, his voice strained. "Just get under the bed and stay there until I come back for you."

I could see the fear in his eyes, and I knew that something terrible was happening. I quickly grabbed Aria's hand and led her to the bed, sliding underneath it and pulling Aria in with me. My sister was just a baby and had yet to realize what was going on.

We huddled together, our hearts racing as we listened to the sounds of our father's footsteps as he moved through the house. I could hear the muffled sounds of a struggle, and I knew that my father was fighting to protect us.

As we lay there, I felt a surge of anger and fear wash over me. How could anyone be so cruel as to attack our family like this? What kind of monsters would target innocent children? An innocent pack like ours?

I looked at Aria, who was trembling with fear and felt a fierce determination rise inside me. I knew that I had to protect my sister, no matter what the cost. Father had left this responsibility for me.

And as I lay there in the darkness, listening to the sounds of the battle raging outside, I vowed that I would do whatever it took to keep my family safe, even if it meant putting myself in harm's way.

I peered out from under the bed, my eyes widening in horror at the sight that greeted me. In the moonlight streaming through the window, I could see my father's wolf battling ferociously against another, darker wolf.

The two animals were snarling and biting at each other, their teeth glinting in the dim light. I could hear the sound of flesh tearing as they clashed, the air thick with the scent of blood and sweat.

Suddenly, the dark wolf lunged forward, its jaws snapping shut on my father's wolf's neck. I gasped as I watched the creature rip a huge chunk of flesh from my father's wolf's neck, blood spurting from the wound.

My father's wolf howled in agony, its eyes blazing with fury as it struggled to break free. I could see the fear and pain in its eyes, and it broke my heart to see my father's wolf so vulnerable.

I used to ride on that wolf, touching its fur. Ever since my mother died, my father has been my only companion. Losing him would break me.

As the dark wolf prepared to strike again, a surge of rage and grief welled up inside my chest. My heart pounded furiously as I watched my father's wolf being overpowered by the dark creature. Tears filled my eyes as I clutched my sister tightly, praying that Father would somehow emerge from the fight unscathed.

But as the two wolves finally broke apart, my worst fears were realized. My father's wolf lay wounded and bleeding on the ground, while the dark wolf stood over him, baring its teeth in triumph.

Slowly, the dark wolf began to shift, its form contorting and changing until a tall, muscular man stood in its place.

I gasped in recognition as I saw the face of Marcus Blackwood, the son of my father's friend. They used to be close, and he used to play with us, take us on picnics, and always have enough gifts to last for the whole of Christmas.

How and why?

My father was forced to shift into human form as well, his injuries too severe to allow him to remain in wolf form. He looked at me and Aria with a sad smile, his eyes filled with regret.

"I knew it was you, Marcus," he said quietly, his voice thick with pain.

Marcus merely shrugged, a cold smile playing at the corner of his lips. "You should have known better than to cross us, old friend," he said, his voice dripping with malice.

“You are right. I deserved it.”

“Good that you know,” Marcus looked around the room. “I wonder where your girls are.”

My father struggled to sit up straight. “Don't touch them, please. Please, Marcus. This is my last dying wish”

Marcus scoffed. “You think you deserve that? No, you don't deserve that one bit” he then kicked my father in the stomach before leaving.

I felt a surge of anger rises in my chest. This was all Marcus's fault. He had orchestrated this attack, he had wounded my father, and now he was standing there, gloating over his victory.

Her fists clenched at her sides. "You'll pay for this," I spat, her voice low and dangerous. I promise they will pay for this.

With a heavy heart, Aria and I scrambled out of our hiding spot under the bed. My eyes were still fixed on the lifeless body of my father, his once strong frame now still and lifeless. I felt tears well up in my eyes as I took in the gruesome sight before me.

Aria's small hand slipped into mine, and I turned to face my sister. Aria's big brown eyes were filled with tears, and I knew that I had to be strong for both of them. I gulped down my tears and tried to appear strong.

"Aria, we have to go. We have to hide before he comes back." I said, my voice shaking slightly.

Aria nodded, her small hand tightening around mine as I stumbled towards the door. I cast one last glance at my father's body, my eyes burning with tears, before I took Aria's hand and we ran out of the house.

As we sprinted through the woods, I could hear my heart pounding in my chest. I knew we had to find a safe place to hide, somewhere that Marcus and his pack would never think to look for them. Until everything has settled down before they can come back.

"Where are we going, Addy?" Aria asked, her voice shaking slightly.

I paused, trying to catch my breath. This was much more than what my ten-year-old body could handle. "We have to find somewhere to hide, somewhere safe," I said, my voice firm.

We continued running until we stumbled upon an old abandoned cabin. I pushed the door open, and we quickly ducked inside.

I sank onto the floor, my back against the wall, and pulled Aria into my arms. I could feel Aria's small frame shaking with sobs, and I held my sister tight, whispering comforting words.

As we huddled together in the dark cabin, I felt a mix of emotions wash over me. Grief, anger, fear. But most of all, determination. Determination to survive, to protect my sister, and to avenge my father's death.


I stride through the rubble, my iron-clad boots crunching on the broken stones that once formed the foundation of our pack wall. It's been years since that fateful night, but the memory still lingers like a bitter taste in my mouth. I've grown since then, both in strength and in spirit. The weight of my responsibilities as pack alpha rests heavily on my shoulders, but I carry it with pride and conviction.

Even after they had not hurt me and Aria, they still tried every single means to weaken their forces.

The blood moon pack, enjoy seeing us build and rebuild.

Marcus. He was a psychopath that enjoys this.

As I pass by the fallen bodies of my soldiers, I can't help but feel a pang of sadness and anger. They gave their lives to protect our pack, to defend our home from those who seek to destroy us. And yet, we were still overrun. We were still defeated. But I won't let their sacrifices be in vain. I won't let their memories fade away into nothingness.

I stop and look up at the sky, feeling the cool breeze brush against my face. It's a beautiful day, despite the destruction that surrounds me. But I know that this moment of peace is fleeting. Marcus and his pack are still out there, still plotting their next move. And I'll be ready for them. I'll be ready to defend my pack and everything we stand for.

With a deep breath, I continue walking, my boots leaving a trail in the dust behind me. I have work to do, plans to make, and a pack to lead. And I won't let anyone or anything get in my way. I took a deep breath, trying to compose myself as I looked out over the battlefield. My eyes scanned the fallen soldiers, my heart heavy with grief for their sacrifice. But we had to keep fighting, for them and the future of our pack.

As I took another step forward, I heard the sound of footsteps rushing towards me. I turned to see my sister and beta, Aria, running towards me, her face etched with worry.

"Adelaide, you need to come to see this," she said urgently, grabbing my arm.

My heart raced with fear and anticipation. What could it be? I followed Aria, the weight of my ironclad boots heavy on the ground, as we made our way through the fallen soldiers towards whatever news awaited us.

And then, just as we reached the crest of the hill, everything went dark.