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Dante's Default Bride

Dante's Default Bride

Author:C. Jacobs



Dante Castillo never imagined he would be marrying anytime soon... Least of all, to another man's betrothed. But that is exactly the situation he finds himself in when his brother, Sebastian Castillo, disappears without notice on his wedding day, leaving his bride, Sophie Gonzales, stranded. But there's more to this marriage than just a broken hearted bride and a runaway groom, so Dante finds himself having to fill in his brother's shoes, by wedding Sophie Gonzales by default in order to secure the contract with the Gonzales. Sophie is however, not too happy with her new groom. Infact, She absolutely despises Dante and can't wait to be "unmarried" to him. There seems to be no hope whatsoever of their ill-fated marriage surviving a night, talk more of a week. But just when the ill-fated couples dare to hope on some silver lining in their sky, a dark cloud appears to be threatening close by, and soon they begin to discover that all is not at all as it seems.


The moment Sebastian stepped into the familiar elegance of his father's private study, he felt that overwhelming burden that always overcame him whenever he was summoned here.

The familiar oak panelling walls and the wooden furnitures with dark trimmed finishes, that was supposed to emit a comforting atmosphere, only served to suffocate him.

His father, Gaius Castillo, clad in a simple grey cardigan and matching cotton pants, was standing at the broad expanse of the study's window, his hands crossed behind his back as he stared outward and even with his back firmly turned against his son, Sebastian still felt oddly intimidated as he had always been, by the older man's presence. The unpleasant feeling had stuck with him for as long as he could remember.

It was the same stifling feeling of discomfort that could be likened to the experience of being placed under a microscopic inspection.

Like being summoned to the principal's office to face a charge of misconduct and having the principal look disapprovingly at you from the tops of his ridiculous spectacles.

Gaius Castillo had always been a stern disciplinarian and as a business Mogul who wanted to lead an exemplary life, he tended to be strict on his family and those around him, most especially on his two sons_Dante and Sebastian.

Although Dante hardly ever complained about anything.

Sometimes, Sebastian wondered if his brother, Dante, ever felt this peculiar way in the presence of their father. It was hard to tell.

It was always hard to tell what Dante was feeling from his more often than not poker face.

Sometimes, Sebastian wondered if his half brother felt anything at all, besides the endless look of boredom or displeasure that often alternated his otherwise expressionless face.

It was no wonder he had earned the nickname "Stone Cold" when they were younger.

In contrast, Sebastian was the glaring opposite of his brother. Charming, Charismatic and of course, the mesmerizing Casanova who graced the top covers of the weekly magazine, although to be fair, half of the time, what they published about him were either exaggerated truths or sometimes, even outright lies.

He didn't mind it though. He had stopped being mindful of what society said. He had decided to turn their obsession with him in his favor.

He was used to the fame by now and thus, simply basked in the spotlight_unlike his brother who was literally Camera shy_of being one of the most scandalously elusive bachelors of Manhattan, and that fact, oddly enough, only made him one of the most eligible gentlemen amongst the ladies, if you could call him that.

"Papa.." Sebastian called softly after a moment, because his father was still not making any efforts to acknowledge his presence and it was beginning to grate on Sebastain's nerves. He knew what this was about and even if he didn't, the daily news paper detailing his involvement in a recent casino brawl that had ended only with the interference of the police and a copy of the latest print of Zip magazine, boldly displaying his face on the cover page with the damning headings "billionaire playboy breaks another heart" which was lying on his father's large mahogany table, was enough incriminating evidence.

Gaius Castillo did not turn immediately, of course not. He stood another moment at the windows, staring into space and completely ignoring his son. There was a moment of silence which was quickly stretching into a bit of awkwardness as Sebastian tried to distract himself from the building tension weaving itself around the atmosphere.

"I would have thought by now, you would have had more sense and know how not to court trouble Sebastian!"

Gaius spoke finally, although he still stubbornly had his back to his son.

Sebastian could hear the ring of displeasure in his father's voice and his sense of disappointment was palpable.

He wanted to explain and let his father know that it was all a misunderstanding this time, and not to believe everything he saw on the magazine or the papers. He really had nothing to do with Emiliano Serbes. Not anymore. Admittedly, he had dated her a couple of years back, but their relationship was well and truly over, and he had made no promises to her, meant to lead her on.

"But Papa, I have nev..." Sebastian started, but Gaius put up a firm hand in the air to cut him short as he eventually turned to face his son. At nearly sixty five, Gaius Castillo looked as strong and agile as was possible for a man of his age. He had that kind of masculine beauty and undeniably appeal that only got better with age and he had that commanding aura that obviously gave him an edge in the business world.

"Not a word!" it was obvious that Gaius had no interest whatsoever in hearing Sebastian tell tall tales.

He was tired of hearing his son rant and promise to change, only to slide right back into debauchery. So this time, he had the perfect solution.

"It is evident that I can no longer leave you to your devices.." Gaius started.

"So, I've come to the conclusion that I must take matters into my own hands." He said, calmly falling back into his thick leather chair and leaning backwards so that he could gently swing himself sideways at intervals.

"You are cordial with the Gonzales girl, eh..?" Gaius popped the question, seemingly out of the blue.

"Sophie? yes. We talk, from time to time..' Sebastian answered. He was wondering about where this was leading.

"Well, you will have to do more than just 'talk' from time to time" Gaius said

"I will..?" He wondered out loud with a puzzled look.

"Yes, you will"

"But why..?" Sebastian asked

"Because you are to court her." His father stated.

"I am?' Sebastian gasped the question, looking incredulous.

"Papa, do you mean to say that..."

"You will marry Sophie Gonzales " Gaius stated in a tone that brooked no argument. Sebastian's eyes very nearly popped out of its socket at the declaration.

"But father.."

"No buts Sebastian. This arrangement would be beneficial to the company and it's about time you start pulling your weight if you ever expect me to hand you the reins one day" Gaius interrupted.

"You've had your youth and fun. It's time to settle down and be a man." There was a slight pause before he continued

"Mark my words Sebastian, Marrying that girl might as well be your last chance at redemption." He concluded sternly and with that, passed the damning sentence on Sebastian's life.