
Let’s Read The Word

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Steamy Stories

Trisha Cobbs a beautiful crazy middle class woman hardworking and jovial. Trisha has gone through a lot of heartbreak,men keeps blackmailing her cause of her kind nature. The last heartbreak she had almost led to her death thanks to her friend Tasha who stood by her all through cause they stay together. This faithful night Tasha forced her to follow her to the club only for that night to change her entire life. . Adrian Castle a popular business tycoon from a rich home,the CEO of everything his father ever worked for, (though he has a step brother) one thing he detest most is women the sound and sight of them irritates him. He decided to go to the club that faithful day cause his friends forced him to and that was where he met Trisha and they clashed. . Two months later. . Trisha noticed she was pregnant and decided to keep the pregnancy to herself cause she didn't want anything to do with Adrian who was already her boss knowing the type of people he had in his family. Would Adrian find out about the pregnancy? What would be his take on it? Why does Trisha experience heartbreak? Why do her boyfriend's break up with her? How long is Adrian hate for women going to last?



Chapter 1




"What did I hear you say earlier on the phone?" I asked Roland my boyfriend.

"You heard me right Trisha,I believe you are not deaf or is English now a problem for you?" He asked rudely.

"Well, I that it is starting to be,can you rephrase your sentence?" I asked swallowing the lump in my throat.

"I will repeat my sentence if you want me to." He said and my heart beat increased in fear of what he was about to say.

"I am no longer interested in this relationship anymore." He said bluntly.

"Why,why after all I have done for you,I bought a car for you,rented this apartment for you and now,you are no longer interested,how does that sounds to you?" I asked allowing the tears to flow down.

"Well,you truly did all this, but I never asked you to,or did I?" He asked with a scoff.

"Why..why would you do this to me,I try my possible best to satisfy you even if it's not convenient for me to,why?" I asked hitting him with my weak hands.

"What is the use of a relationship without se.x,you refuse to have se.x with me." He said pushing my hands off his body.

"I begged you to wait till our wedding night,is that too much,you were the one who said you are not ready for marriage,how is it my fault, just how?" I asked and he laughed out histerically.

"Marriage you say? You must be very stupid,why would I want to marry you,not even you,why would I want to marry when I still have a lot of time to enjoy my life." He said.

"You were with me to pass time,it would have been fun if you allowed me have se.x with you,but you refused and have gotten someone else who is ready to please me anytime any day,I can possibly come back when am looking for a wife or you can wait if you want." He said seating on the couch while I collapse on the floor as realisation hit me.

He doesn't want marriage,he wants a se.x partner and that is against my principle.

"You have overstayed your welcome, leave my house, my sweetheart will be here any minute from now and I won't want to ruin her mood,so leave." He said lifting me from the ground roughly.

"You are sending me out of the house I collected with my money?" I asked picking up my bag which was on the floor.

"Your money means nothing here,you collected the house in my name,so the house is automatically mine,now leave Miss Trisha, don't let me lose my patience." He said with a raised voice.

"I won't leave,do your worst,I want to see the good for nothing bi*ch you ditched me for."I said maintaining my stand.

"Don't say I didn't warn you, you can still leave now,my sweetheart is not a fool like you,she won't want anyone coming near her properly,she guides me jealously." He said smiling.

I ignored him completely cause my mind was made up,I needed to see the person and maybe warn her off Roland. I thought seating on the couch closest to me.

The door finally opened revealing a lady whom I almost mistook to be a clown cause of the heavy make up on her face,she was in the company of another lady, probably her friend.

"Hello baby." She said walking towards Roland with a smile on their face. I remained standing as I watched the two of them kissing like there life depended on it.

"Have really missed you so much, meet my friend Montana,we are both here to have fun with you." She said seductively while Roland just stood there grinning like a fool.

"Hi babes,am Montana and am going to take you to another level." She said bending revealing her b**bs.

"Wow,I will always love you babe, don't worry,am also ready for you two." Roland said shamelessly.

"Do you realize am still here?" I asked when I couldn't take the disgusting sight anymore.

"Who is this babe?" The lady asked looking at me like she was just seeing me for the first time.

"Well that is my dull ex I told you about,the one who got us this place out of foolishness." Roland said with a shrug.

"Oh,you should have told me so I will thank her personally." The lady said with a scornful smile.

"Am so sorry miss foolish, pardon my manners and thanks for this little place,we appreciate your support and efforts, please leave." She said.

"So, you are aware I own this place and you called it foolishness?" I asked unbelievably.

"You heard me right,now leave or we help you." She said stretching her fingers.

"And what if I don't, you should be the one to leave." I said trying to hide my fear cause the lady obviously wanted to fight.


"So you mean Roland's bi*ch did this to you?" Tasha asked looking at my battered face and I nodded in tears.

"Why would you fight in the first place,now look at you,just see your face,I warned you about this guy but you won't listen." Tasha said.

"How am I supposed to know he would do this?" I asked crying painfully.

"It's okay,wipe your tears and go freshen up." She said leading me to the room.

Roland and his girlfriend almost killed me,if not for the spirit of my late grandmother,am sure I will be dead by now.

I just keep asking myself,when exactly will all this be over,when am I going to have a relationship that would lead to marriage?