
Let’s Read The Word

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Torn Between Cardio And Love

Torn Between Cardio And Love




A billionaire heiress who has it all but not a love life and struggles with obesity suddenly finds love in a strange place but soon finds herself in a love triangle. Joan weighs about 200 pounds which makes her vulnerable to her fiancé who treats her awfully and fat shame her . Joan find peace and consolation from food , she is also aware of how her lifestyle is affecting her health but she lacks motivation. When she met Liam , a manly sophisticated bodybuilder she has an opportunity to change her lifestyle. But when her one night stand Carlos shows up right in front of her, she must resist her addiction to food and take revenge on everyone who had body shamed her .

“Get your car off the highway woman” a motorist said ..

I was so shocked because I didn’t know the traffic light turned green already.

“Whoops that’s embarrassing” I said as I drove away towards the restaurant a block away from the traffic stop.

As I parked in the front of the restaurant I started to panic about my look.

“I hope he doesn’t embarrass me again today, oh lord “ I said to myself while checking myself out of my mirror.

“Good morning ma” the valet said as I came down from the car and I handed my car keys to him and he drove away.

Finding where he sat down wasn’t so hard because he is always trying to impress the ladies with his boring and cheap jokes.

“Good morning Sam how are you doing, hope I didn’t keep you waiting for too long” I said avoiding his eyes and pulling a chair for myself .

“What is good about the morning and you are asking if you didn’t keep me waiting, what time did we agreed to meet hmm” he yelled

“Can you bring down your voice please you are yelling “ I said as I was apologizing to the other occupants in the restaurant.

“Look at you I wonder how I got engaged to a fat, ugly girl as you. You disgust me” he said as he looked at me with a disgusting look on his face.

I couldn’t believe my ears, did he really just say that to me out loud. Even though his actions were always cold towards me but I never expected him to insult me out loud.

“What did you just say to me Sam” I said with tears in my eyes. He just rolled his eyes at me and scoffed.

“You don’t have to mean to be me, I was just 5 minutes late and you know I am trying my best to look good for you” I said as I tried to touch his hands.

He moved his hands away from mine “ look around you how many ladies look like you, hmm all you do is eat and lazy around” he said before picking up the menu and calling the waiter.

“I want bacons and eggs with a cup of coffee” he said to the waiter. While waiting for me to give my order to the waiter.

“Well I want rice with well cooked steak and some coleslaw with some fresh orange juice please” I said to the waiter.

He scoffed loudly “ And you are trying to look good for me with all this food you just ordered, you must be joking”

“But today is my cheat day, I have been eating vegetables for five days now and I am really hungry” I said.

“And so what if it’s your cheat day can’t you eat something light” he said sarcastically.

“Why do you always criticize everything I do, can’t we just have breakfast in peace without the insult and embarrassment “ I said disheartening.

“I don’t think so, if you don’t want to be insulted and embarrassed then lose weight and look sexy” he said with a smirk on his face.

This bastard is not worth this embarrassment I said to myself and what exactly has he added to my life if not insults and more insults..

“Alright you can as well break the engagement with me and find someone that’s suits you “ I said as I stared straight into his eyes.

“Hahaha, look at you I am only helping you and your parents out; who would want to marry you. Just look at yourself “ he said pointing at me

“No man wants a shapeless woman to be his wife even if you have a fine face alright “ he said with a scornful look.

I couldn’t take it no more so I stood up and poured the glass of wine a waiter was taking to another customer on him and throw the engagement ring right to his face.

“Suits you right and for your information you are ugly as well and boring return my dads credit card and the Porsche car back before the 2o’clock pm today or you want to be in big trouble loser” I said as I picked up my wallet off the table.

“Babe it hasn’t gotten to that yet, I was just joking around with you “ I heard him say as he stood up to walk towards me.

“Coward look at you so cheap and I don’t want to ever hear from you” I said as I walked out of the restaurant.

“Joan Joan what has gotten into you, come back here right now” he shouted.

I was so embarrassed and shaking as I was waiting for the valet to bring my car back out .

“If you walk out now I won’t accept you back when you come crawling back to me because no one wants to marry you or even date you not even if your dad begs me ” he said threatening.

I lost it when I heard him drag my dad into his threat, well everyone in the restaurant already are in my business already because they can all hear what he is saying so why act normal when I can embarrass him too.

I walked back to our table, he was laughing thinking I was coming back to him because of what he said and he was feeling proud.

I walked close to him and put my hand in his chest pocket and brought out his purse and checked for my dad’s card and took it.

“Hey Joan don’t act like that and whereas your dad gave that to me” he said looking stupid.

“Yes I know he gave it to you because you were engaged to me but we are no more engaged and you better send back the Porsche car with no scratch on it loser” I said yelling too…

As I worked out of the restaurant I could hear people praising me for the confrontation and booing him for been a gold digger..