
Let’s Read The Word

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'The Female Devil' is what she is called. She never lets her enemies go scot-free, as she believes in one motto "An Eye for an Eye, A Tooth for a Tooth" Michelle Anderson, is a Senior General of the Army and she is known to have gotten to such an influential position at such a young age. Her Calm and Arrogant Demeanor is well known in the military At the same time, her Brutal character is also what so many people fear. Apart from her Younger Brother who she cares so much about, nothing seems to be able to move her. Or that's what it was supposed to be. But that was until he came into her life. As her life seemed to have taken a turn either for the better or the worst

Chapter 1 Found a Suitable Blood Source

In the heart of Northon city, Martinez hospital stood right at the center which made it easy for everyone to see it. Several doctors were going on with their own business attending to patients.

But on the top floor of a VIP ward, stood a Doctor and A man in his twenties with knotted brows. The tense atmosphere in the room can be sensed from far away.

Although not knowing how he would react, the Doctor still stepped up to let him know what was going on "Mr. Richard Martinez, we've found someone with a compatible blood type for your fiancée." The doctor announced to him while hesitating.

"Then what are you waiting for?! You should start the transfusion immediately." Mr. Martinez growled at him.

Sensing his anger, The doctor took a step back wanting to keep a safe distance, "But there is a problem"

"Which is?"

"The other party is only six years old." The Doctor implied.

"Do I look like I care? They should be grateful that I'm giving them such an opportunity" He declared with a trace of sympathy, as his eyes gleamed coldly.

Richard Martinez looked down at the pale woman on the bed as his gaze gradually softened and turned gentle.

The frail and pale lady on the bed was Karen Brown, his fiancée. Richard Martinez is the sole president and CEO of the Martinez Group, which held great power in Northon City.

He was well known for being successful and carrying onto the family business at such a young age.

Noticing how worried he is about her, She pulled Howard's sleeve weakly and smiled slightly to reassure him, "I'm fine, Richard"

The assistant standing behind Richard stepped forward cautiously keeping a safe distance between them so as not to be a victim of his anger. "Mr. Martinez, Ms. Brown is out of danger. She just needs rest and she will recover soon." The Assistant, Mr. David chimed in while thinking of the several proposals in the office that Richard is supposed to sign but was all left because of the one lady on the bed.

Karen glanced at the assistant with a slight dissatisfaction in her eyes, obviously not pleased by his words.

"Richard... Ahem... I'm really fine. You don't have to worry about me, after I get a good rest I will be alright. There's no need to cause harm to other people because of me. Ahem..." Just after she finished speaking, she began to cough non stop which almost made people there think that she would spit out her gawl.

"Does Karen look like she can wait even for a little bit, Don't you see that she needs the transfusion immediately !" Richard questioned while patting the table next to him angrily.

"I don't care how you do it but bring the Blood donor here immediately, No time should be wasted at all! Karen has to be treated immediately!" He ordered instantly

David, Afraid that the anger and aggression will be transferred to him immediately nodded to Richard, "I will take care of that immediately!" "

He then walked quickly to the blood collection room.


While this was happening in the hospital room, Somewhere else in a very high building busting with several people in a high level position.

Up all the way to the last floor, inside the conference room was filled with cold air and several important VVIP figures in the country.

These people in one way or another have great authority in the country, Despite the solemn atmosphere they are sat up while looking at the empty seat in the middle of the conference room.

Only one person has the authority to sit on that chair and that's who they were looking forward to.

While they were in the midst of waiting, unlike before that person was always time conscious and made sure that she arrived on time but it seemed different this time around.

Slowly the room was filled with whispers, everyone wondering why she is not here yet.

Just as everyone was confused, A Soldier in a battle uniform rushed into the conference room and walked up to a man who had been silent, "Field Marshal." He whispered as the Old man turned and looked at him.

"What's the problem? Why isn't she here yet?" He asked hurriedly.

"General Michelle Anderson said she has something urgent to deal with, so she won't be able to come to the meeting today" The Soldier reported the news to him.

"Did something happen?" Field Marshal Benjamin Moore sat up and asked hurriedly.

"General Michelle's Six years old brother was taken by force by the President of Martinez group."

"What?!" He stood up and asked in a loud voice before he realized it.

The soldier took a step back to maintain some distance, "From inquiry, President Martinez wants to use her brother as a blood donor for his Fiancee!"

"What?" Hearing what he said, the people in the conference room were astounded and shocked by it. No one knows if it's because of the audacity that the president of the Martinez group has or if it's the fact that the person in question is the brother of General Michelle.

"What does Richard Martinez think he is doing? To use such a small boy as a donor for his stupid fiancee. Talk more about the fact that he is the brother of General Michelle!" Mr. Benjamin Moore couldn't believe his audacity.

"So what you are trying to say is that Richard Martinez's fiancee was involved in an accident which caused severe blood loss and she needs a donor to survive. And the donor that they found is General Michelle's brother and they took him without permission. Do you know what I see?" Another man at the extreme end concluded everything with a smile on his face.

"What?" Mr. Benjamin and several others turned to look at him.

"I see Someone digging their own grave. I wonder how much one had to spend for a funeral because we are about to attend the funeral of Richard Martinez and his fiancee, And who knows, The hospital and his family might also get involved." The man patted the table as if excited of what will happen next.

"From when he was young, I never liked him. Although he had the ability, the fact that he can't even see the true face of a woman that will make him Hurt a Six years old child, is really disappointing" Mr. Benjamin shaked his head. Afterall he saw the cute brother of Michelle not long ago, only for such a thing to happen today

"You are right, To perform a blood transfusion on a six years old child is just too heartless no matter how urgent it is!" Those in the room agreed to his words.

The room that was already tense seemed to become even worse as everyone was angry.

The Soldier who ran in to break the news continued, "So General Michelle had to leave the meeting and rush to the Martinez hospital. We just hope she gets there fast before they can do anything. No one knows what she will do if anything happens to her brother, Not to talk more of the Martinez family and group, Even the Northon city might also be a..." The Soldier trailed off but everyone in the conference room understood what he was saying.

General Michelle was the youngest general in the history of the country.

At such a young age, she has had several and great military accomplishments and even scaled all the way to a high position. The fact that she is just 19 is the most amazing part because it's almost impossible for someone her age to achieve such things.

In the country, The Ministry of Defense is known to have the most power. And they oversee everything in the military and also in the country.

Then there is the Field Marshal, who is known as the leader in the Ministry of Defense. The Field Marshal takes care of everything in the Ministry

Then below the Field Marshal are the senior, middle, and intermediate levels, and each of these levels consist of a colonel, major general, and general, with the general holding the highest rank amongst them.

Even though Michelle was so young, she was a Senior General, only second to a few Field Marshals! Which proved and showed how much power she held at such a young age.

Besides that, she was ruthless and merciless and was commonly known by others as the Female Devil!

If anything happened to her younger brother, they would not be surprised, even if she blew up the whole of Norton City to avenge him.

Meanwhile, the reporting shoulder received a notification from his communicator.

Looking at the news that appeared on his communicator, He looked up anxiously, "Field Marshal, General Michelle has arrived at the Martinez Hospital already!"

Marshal Benjamin's face darkened slightly as he made a swift decision"Let's head over to Northon City, too!"