
Let’s Read The Word

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All-Seeing Village Farmer in City

All-Seeing Village Farmer in City


Realistic Urban

Thousands of fertile acres I carry with me, the protagonist returns home to grow vegetables. Luxury cars and beauties come at my beck and call, billions of wealth spread still remains. I have a pair of divine eyes, the ability to discern treasures at a glance. I wander freely at my own pace, living life to the fullest in the prime of youth.

Night falls.

On the highway leading to the subordinate townships of Donghua City, Wen Qing is pedaling a shabby tricycle, dripping in sweat as he navigates through the obscuring darkness.

His feet are continually pedaling, glancing at his phone's time intermittently, reflecting a sense of urgency in his demeanor.

Three months ago, Wen Qing's father passed away from cancer. His mother had been wracked with illnesses and unable to work, while his younger sister was still very young. Debts flooded the Wen family, their life plummeting into dire straits.

At the time, Wen Qing was preparing to pour his all into getting ready for college entrance exams. However, the brutal blow dealt by fate forced him to relinquish his studies and take on the duty of caring for his mother and younger sister.

Wen Qing took over his father's old trade, setting off early and returning late each day. He ventured from the village to the city to sell fruits, cycling a forty-mile round trip. The exertion was immense.

Nevertheless, despite such hard work, his daily income remained insignificant.

His sister, Wen Xin, studies in the local middle school, leaving early and returning late. Therefore, their mother was left alone at home all day.

Their mother's health was frail, and the demise of their husband and father dealt a major blow to her. Concerned about leaving her alone at home, Wen Qing couldn't help but pedal faster, hurrying home.

Wen Qing's home, in Yintang Village, sits twenty miles away from Donghua City. As the city's development plans have not yet reached this area, Yintang Village retains its original rural scenery.

However, the village's able-bodied workforce had long ceased farming, instead heading to Donghua City for jobs, or like Wen Qing, hustling day and night with small businesses to make ends meet.

Wen Qing's home was located at the eastern gate of the village, not far from the highway. As he pulled off the road, he could see the fluorescent bulbs lighting up his family's main room from afar, his mother sitting under the light talking to a visitor.

Who could be visiting so late?

Surprised, Wen Qing could not help but frown as he got closer and recognized the latecomer.

The unexpected guest was no stranger to him. It was his cousin Wen Lao Si, who was fourth in the seniority among his father's generation in the clan.

My father, when he was still alive, was in the fruit business and had borrowed some money from Uncle Wen. But before he could repay the debt, he passed away.

Uncle Wen is a man who only cares about his personal gain and doesn't value family bonds. Seeing my family's decline, he often came to our door to demand payment. Since he is waiting here now, he must be here to pressure my mother about the debt.

"Uncle, look at the current circumstances of our family, we are truly..."

Just as Wen Qing parked the car outside the courtyard and tip-toed into the yard, he heard his mother's stricken voice pleading with Uncle Wen.

"Sister-in-law, repaying one's debts is a matter of justice. Even if your family is in a dire situation, you still have to pay back... Moreover, I am in need of money myself!"

Upon hearing her complaints, Uncle Wen's face fell and he sternly stated.

"But… Uncle Wen, I understand what you’re saying. I’m not saying we won’t repay you. It’s just… your second brother just passed away, we simply can’t afford to repay..."

Hearing Uncle Wen’s words, a troubled look appeared on Wen's mother's face, and she felt even more desolate and helpless.

"No, this is non-negotiable! Even if you can't repay, you still have to!" Uncle Wen’s face darkened even more on hearing this.

His eyes swept around the room, and he said sternly, "I came here today with the firm intention of collecting my money. If you're not going to repay, don't blame me for seizing your valuables to offset the debt."


Just as Uncle Wen was about to barge into the room to seize the assets, Wen Qing stormed in and stood in front of him, declaring, "Rest assured, we will repay you. I will be the one to repay the debt!"

"Qing!" On hearing Wen Qing suddenly appear, and hearing him declare such a thing so decisively, his mother was taken aback.

"Good, a son should pay his father's debts! Qing, you truly have some backbone."

Upon hearing Wen Qing's guarantee to repay the debt, Uncle Wen was overjoyed. He waved the debt note in his hand, extending it to Wen Qing, saying, "Your father owed me a total of 9,020 yuan. To my own misfortune, forget about the rest, you just have to repay me 9,000."

Speaking with a deep voice, Wen Qing said, "I told you, I will pay you back, but not right now. Please give me some time. When I've saved enough, I'll repay you."

"Save enough money to pay back?"

Upon hearing this, Wen Laosi seemed as if he had just heard the biggest joke in the world, derision displayed on his face, "Haha... lad, do you take me for a three-year-old, to be so easily fooled?"

"What I say, I always deliver!"

Wen Qing calmly met Wen Laosi's gaze, asserting every word with gritted teeth.

Wen Laosi was apparently taken aback by the resolute color in Wen Qing's eyes. Nevertheless, after momentarily flinching, he regained composure, sneering and said, "Where will you earn money? My money is not just 90... nor just 900. I don’t care, if you don't pay me back today, I will confiscate something."

Having said that, Wen Laosi started moving around with thieving eyes, indiscriminately looking for valuables.

"Eh, what's this?"

Suddenly, Wen Laosi's gaze landed on a small copper mirror hanging in the corner of the room. Instantly, those greedy eyes couldn't move away.

It was a round copper mirror the size of a bottle mouth. Although it appeared simple and unadorned, anyone knowledgeable could tell at a glance that the mirror had age and was definitely valuable.

With his sharp eyes, Wen Laosi recognized the valuable antiquity of the mirror, his eyes gleaming as he took it down.

"Don't touch it!"

This copper mirror was a cherished object of his deceased father and the only memento left to him. How could Wen Qing let Wen Laosi snatch it? He instantly wanted to rush over and grab it.

"Get lost!"

Powerfully built Wen Laosi barely took youthfully slim Wen Qing seriously, and pushed him aside.


Too quick on his feet, Wen Qing lost his balance and stumbled, his forehead colliding with the corner of a table, causing him to bleed profusely.

"Qing, my son..." Upon witnessing her son's injury, Mrs. Wen was shocked and quickly stepped forward to cradle him.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to... take this mirror as a debt payment, then we're even."

Wen Si, the fourth brother, had not expected to injure Wen Qing and was equally shocked. He immediately picked up the bronze mirror and rushed towards the exit.


However, before he could get far, Wen Qing had grabbed a bench and smashed it against his back.

"Return the bronze mirror to me!"

With blood streaming down his forehead, Wen Qing, seemingly unhinged, charged forward, toppling Wen Si, who was disoriented from the impact, and snatched the bronze mirror.

"Damn, I'll kill you!"

Wen Si gritted his teeth in pain as he struggled to get up, intending to get back at Wen Qing. However, seeing Wen Qing's ferocious expression, Si hesitated, unsure if he should approach.

"Give me half a year and I will pay back the money in full with interest. If you don't leave, I'll call the cops and report you for burglary."

Wen Qing tightly gripped the bronze mirror, blood dripping down his face. Completely unbothered, he glared at Wen Si and spoke fiercely…

"Kid, remember this, you've got half a year, if you don't pay back the money, don't blame me for getting nasty."

The two stood off for nearly five minutes, Wen Si eventually decided not to provoke this death-defying young man, leaving a warning behind as he morosely retreated from the Wen's residence.