
Let’s Read The Word

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Author:Authoress Amy



Defiled Prologue Jane is a 19 years old girl who lived with her stepfather only since her mother is dead... Her stepfather took advantage of her Everyone she loved betrayed her She thought love doesn't exist..and she promised herself to deal with her stepfather Everywhere she runs to, she seems to meet betrayals Find out the story of this little poor girl and how she founds love

In the dark living room was Mr. Pete

He was sitting down impatiently waiting for his step daughter Jane

Jane was just nineteen years old

But still he found her attractive

It has been over a year since he lost his wife and to him, he feels empty

He doesn't care anymore if Jane was his step daughter, all he cared was having her

Jane was beautiful, very beautiful indeed, she has a very nice body which attracts everyone ...

She couldn't further her education because her Step father always complains that he does not have money..

The living room was scattered.. sheets of papers could be seen lying on the floor

The torn carpet which lay on the bare ground was the only thing that was good in the house

Mr. Pete was impatient...he wondered where Jane must have gone to

He picked up a cigarette and lit it up...Yes he was a smoker

Just when he was about to give up.. Jane walked in, wearing a skirt that was tight to her skin

On seeing her, Pete smiled with all joy

To him, his mission was about to be accomplished

"Good evening dad" Jane greeted him..She was scared because she thought he was going to beat her like he always do whenever she comes back late from her sales

She sells snacks

But today was different, Pete was smiling at her, she was surprised but she didn't take it serious

"Jane, how was sales today?" Pete had asked standing up from his sit

"E..r..m, it was fine I guess" she said not understanding the scenario

Pete came closer to her and she could feel his breath on her neck and this made her shiver

This was the first time this was happening

"Sit on the floor" he had commanded

She sat down like the diligent girl she was

And just before her eyes, her stepdad removed his trousers leaving him in his boxers alone.

"Take my boxers off" he told her

But was she going to do it?

Was she going to see the nakedness of the man she called her father??

Definitely not

She was devoted to God and she will do no such thing

"I'm sorry sir but I can't do it" she pleaded

And just then...

She felt a hot slap landing on her face

"Don't dare me Missy, do as you were told" he said

Seeing that she was not willing to do it, he walked towards the living room door shut it and came back holding a rope in his hands

He pushed her hard on the floor and tied her hands and leg on the cushion

She was defenseless

He took off his boxers and was Stark naked in front of his own daughter

He tore the skirt and the shirt she was putting on and she was left with just her underwear

"Please don't do this to me" Jane pleaded but all fell on deaf ears

He successfully removed her underwear and she was naked

He smiled sheepishly

He walked towards her and wide her legs

He penetrated into her and blow flowed

He has taken his own daughter's virginity

But this didn't seem to bother him

She was screaming and pleading and struggling in pains for him to leave her but he was determined to carry out his tasks

He kept on thrusting in and out of her

And the little poor girl kept pleading and pleading

She was loosing her mind

She couldn't believe her step father could do all this to her.. Never did she imagined this

He continued this until she passed out

"Will you open your eyes fool" he yelled at her

After many attempts to wake her up

He left her and walked into his room

Fell on his bed and slept off


Jane woke up weak and bittered. She thought all that had happened was a dream...yes, it was a dream. But when she got up and looked at herself she saw it wasn't a dream

She burst into tears. Her stepdad had defiled her. The man she trust...the man she loved. The man she called her dad.

No, this cannot be, she was no longer a virgin

She needs to tell someone about this, yes, before things gets out of hand

She needs to avoid this before she hears stories that touches the heart

Just then the ugly poor wretched looking man came in yawning

"So you finally decided to wake up...why didn't you die from there" he said not feeling remorseful about what he did

"Go..od morning Dad" she said scared, her head down

"What's good about the morning huh? Where is my food? You want to starve me right? You didn't satisfy me with that "food" Last night and now you want to starve me this morning" he said and landed a hot slap on her face

Why was he beating her?

Was she not supposed to be angry with him or poison him?

He still had the guts to beat her despite what he did

Well, she was going to pay him back one way or another

Yes, she had to tell his best friend

Yes she had to tell Uncle Andrew

"I'm sorry sir, I just woke up" she said to him

"You just woke up right?" He said picking up the belt that laid on the cushion

"You woke up late right?" He said and began whipping her with the belt

She screamed and was running around the house, he chased after her and kept on flogging her

The neighbors didn't dare come close to safe her because Pete was mad

He behaves like someone who is insane

He gave her different bruises on her body

"Now, go prepare my food!!" He had commanded her

"He wants food right?" She muttered under her breath and walked straight to the kitchen preparing both the food and the snacks which she had to sell

She added excess pepper into the food

It was more than excess

It was she added the whole pepper in the house inside his food

Then she went in to serve him the food, he smiled on seeing it

"You will make a good wife to your husband" he had blurted out and hit her a**

"I want to go and sell my snacks now" she had told him

"Won't you eat?" He asked

"I have already eaten in the kitchen" she said

"Okay, you can go but don't keep me waiting" he said looking at her a** and licking his lips

"Hmm" was all she muttered and left the house

Pete ate the food, he felt the pepper but decided to keep on eating

But now his mouth was burning

It was bad, like really bad

He drank water, a whole lot of water but it seemed like it was increasing the pepper

He was definitely going to kill her when she comes back











"Uncle Andrew!! Uncle Andrew!!" Jane had screamed entering into the compound of her father's best friend

He came out looking at her surprised

Why was she screaming his name like that?

"What is it?" He asked her

"Uncle, my dad wants to kill me" she said

"Kill you but why??" He had asked her

He took her inside and she narrated everything that had happened

While narrating her story, she could swear he was throwing glances at her and was definitely licking his lips

"I hope his not like my dad" she thought

"Let's go to your house and meet your dad.. Why must he do such a thing?" He said

She was scared to go back

Her mind wasn't at rest

She didn't trust him one bit

She walked behind him until they both got to her house

"Ahhh, Jane I was worried about you, where did you go to?" He asked smiling

But deep down in Jane's hear she knew he was pretending

"My friend, how could you do this to her?" Uncle Andrew had asked Pete

Pete beckoned Andrew to follow him and they both went into Pete's room to discuss

Jane his something behind her back cause she didn't trust the both of them

After few minutes, they both came out smiling at her

She was confused

"Jane sit let's talk" Uncle Andrew had told her

They left the front door open so she was calm

The both of them started rubbing her body, her step dad was putting his hands under her skirt while her so called "uncle Andrew" was busy putting his hands in her b***sts

She thought of what to do

Uncle Andrew was at her back and her "dad" was at her front

What would she do?

"Take of your clothes baby" her dad said

"Okay Dad" she said

He was pleased she complied today

Maybe she now understands

She now enjoys it

She starting unzipping her skirt from the back and then she brought out

A knife....

And stabbed her dad on his right leg

Pushed him and ran out of the building

"Jane!!" Her dad screamed