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Chasing The Billionairess Back

Chasing The Billionairess Back




Ruby Sullivan also known as the female powerhouse was Veridian heights youngest billionaire and everyone wanted to get in her good books because it was said that who ever got in her good graces automatically became one of the elite of the elites. She is out to seek revenge on her unfaithful father who she believes was the cause of her mother's death. But what happens when she crosses path with her lover Ethan Hawthorne, the president's son who she had been separated from for 8 years, who out of the blue handed her a contract, an unconventional pact to a marriage. To borrow his power to take revenge, she signed her name on the paper. However, the status of this unconventional pact changes when Ethan wanted more than the benefits of the paper... Would she fall more desperately in love with him again and her passion for revenge dwindle or would he help her carry out her revenge?

Exhaustion had overwhelmed me, and a splitting headache had settled in, sending a sharp pain radiating through my left eye. Was it a cluster headache? I pondered the name, realizing I needed to schedule another appointment with my doctor.

"Miss, are you alright?" My assistant, Mielle, inquired with genuine concern.

"I'll be fine; please fetch me a glass of water," I replied while gently massaging my furrowed brow.

"Of course, Miss," she answered and swiftly left the room.

I let out a weary sigh, my gaze sweeping across my room, where only the lifeless, monotonous colors met my eyes, seemingly taunting me with their boredom, as if they were mirrors reflecting my lackluster life. A bitter chuckle escaped me, and I questioned my sanity, pondering the need for a second appointment. Shortly thereafter, Mielle entered my office, announcing her presence with a soft knock.

"Thank you," I murmured, immediately quenching my parched throat with a sip of cool water. That was refreshing.

"Um, miss, we still have an appointment with the president at 2:30," Mielle informed me, her eyes glued to her tablet as she efficiently managed my schedule.

"How could I forget that? Please inform Mr. President to expect us soon."

"Alright, miss, that's an hour from now."

"Thank you for everything, Mielle. You have no idea how much I appreciate your help."

"Don't mention it, miss. I made a promise to your mother to watch over you before she passed, and, besides, I've grown accustomed to handling a spirited character like you," she teased, playfully flicking my nose. I couldn't help but giggle.

"What are your plans regarding the shareholders, Ruby?" Mielle asked me, her tone cautious.

I replied, "Mielle, there isn't much I can do. I'll observe how my father deceives and confuses them. It won't be long before they see through his schemes."

Mielle reminded me, "Your family was against your mother marrying your father, and look where it led her."

Determined, I said, "I'll reclaim everything from him, Aunt Mielle. I promise you and Mom."

Mielle's eyes welled with emotion as she said, "Your mother would be so proud of you."

I am Ruby Sullivan, the young female billionaire who strikes fear into the hearts of others.

My mother, Anna Sullivan, was a self-made millionaire who fell in love with James Crew, a struggling teacher. Their love story took a tragic turn due to my father's infidelity.

I mean, what do men want? My mother was beautiful, kind, and humble despite her wealth. She was the best mother and wife one could ask for, yet he still cheated.

Shortly after my mother discovered that my father had a daughter of my age, I realized that I was actually a month older than her. It came to light that he had been secretly sending money to his other woman. My mother's reaction was immediate - she requested a divorce. However, my father refused, fearing he would lose everything he had "worked for." Their battle dragged on until the day I returned from school to the shocking news that my mother had been involved in an accident. I was too stunned to react.

My father didn't return home that day, and nobody knew where he was. He came back two days later, pretending to be devastated, claiming he couldn't bear to look at me because of my resemblance to my mother. Legally, he gained control of my mother's wealth until I came of age, which was when I was only 14 years old. Before her passing, my mother designated me as her sole inheritor, and I've been in a battle with my father for the past 12 years. He desires everything he didn't earn to live in luxury with his other woman and their spoiled daughter. I refuse to acknowledge them as my family.

To escape this painful situation, I enrolled in a military school immediately after my mother's funeral, unable to endure their happy family. My grandfather, Head Sullivan, assigned private forces to protect me, and with their assistance, I started my own company from scratch. I'm not seeking to regain my mother's company because of the money; I want it to make my father grovel at my feet.

My father has been attempting to persuade the major shareholders to sell their shares to him, unaware that I own 55 percent of the shares and will always remain at the top. I patiently observe his actions, waiting for the moment he makes a significant mistake and falls into the trap I've prepared. I'm Ruby Sullivan, and I never go easy on anyone. With that, an hour passed, and I found myself in the car on my way to the White House.

I was welcomed by the tranquility of the surroundings, the fresh air, the gentle breeze, and the sweet melodies of the singing birds. It felt like an otherworldly experience. We went through the necessary procedures at the gate before receiving clearance.

As I stepped out of the car with Mielle, I took a moment to touch up my makeup. Mielle commented with a laugh, "Miss, if you haven't seen much wealth in this lifetime, you would be incredibly awed by this scene."

I nodded and replied, "Yes, you're right, Mielle. I was thinking the same. Though the president certainly has good taste." Mielle smiled in agreement.

Shortly after, the butler emerged with three maids and greeted me with a slight bow. He said, "Miss Sullivan, you are here. Welcome. The president has been expecting you."

I returned the smile and replied, "Thank you, Mr. Adams."

He chuckled, "Ah, the young miss still remembers this old man's name."

I teased him, saying, "Oh, stop it, Mr. Adams," nearly bursting into laughter.

"Right this way, miss," he said, leading me through the hallways and into the blue room. I thanked him and he asked, "What can we offer you?"

I answered, "Chamomile tea and a slice of lemon loaf cake would be perfect."

"Okay, miss, expect that in 6 minutes," he assured.

I glanced at Mielle, and she caught my meaning, blushing slightly. Mr. Adams nervously suggested, "Miss Mielle, would you like a tour around the White House?"

I couldn't contain my laughter, saying, "Aunt Mielle, don't worry, I don't need you here anymore. You can go and do your stuff."

Mielle, her cheeks still flushed, picked up her bag and left with Mr. Adams. I released the laughter I had been holding in and picked up a Forbes magazine from the table, where I found myself on the cover, headlined as the "youngest female billionaire owner of SullivanX."

A voice behind me commented, "So, how does it feel seeing yourself on your own paper?"

I turned to face President Hawthorne, who looked as ageless as ever. "Feels good, not gonna lie," I admitted.

He smiled and said, "Hello to you too, my dear Ruby," as he entered. I shook his hand in greeting.

" Hello president Hawthorne" I said. I loved pissing him off with this, and it worked everytime.

"How many times would we correct this, dear Ruby? It's Davis. Call me Davis," he urged.

I replied, "I'm sorry, President Hawthorne. I kind of prefer it this way."

"Always as stiff as usual," he noted with a dramatic sigh, which amused me. Despite being in his 60s, his playful demeanor was endearing.

"I'm sorry my wife isn't here today; she's at a conference," he mentioned.

I responded, "Oh, that's fine. Please send my regards to Laura."

"Ah, she's Laura, and I'm Mr. President. That doesn't seem very fair, does it?" he grumbled playfully.

I sighed, "You wouldn't let go of this, would you, Davis?" I could see the twinkle in his eyes, making him seem as lively as a Christmas tree's lights.

"Wasn't that difficult, was it?" he inquired.

"Thank you," I expressed my gratitude to the maid who had just served my tea and snacks.

"Chamomile tea again?" Davis quipped with an amused expression. "Every time you visit, you request chamomile tea. I'm certain my staff recognizes you for it," he continued, helping himself to some juice. "Why not try a different type of tea?"

"Chamomile tea has numerous benefits for the body. I could list them, and besides, it was my mother's favorite," I explained, taking a sip.

"Living up to your mother's legacy," he remarked with a smile.

"Anna was a wonderful person. I met her through Laura. She was always calm, polite, and incredibly intelligent," He reminisced.

"Davis, you've told that story so many times that even I, who enjoys hearing about my mom, have grown tired of it," I teased.

"Ah, I apologize," he laughed.

"So, I assume you didn't come here to discuss my mother, tea, or how I address you," I said, placing my tea cup on the saucer.

"Still as direct as ever, I see. You're right, though. I didn't invite you for any of that. I heard through the grapevine that you were involved in bidding for the land in Blueville. I pulled a few strings, although I didn't have to do much since you were already the preferred choice. I just held on to it to prevent any foul play, and I secured the bid for you," he revealed, producing a blue folder I hadn't noticed before.

"Wow, I got it... Thank you, Davis," I said as I accepted the folder. "So, what's in it for you?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Nothing. Just consider it a gift from me to you," he replied.

"Oh, I'm a little wary. You're not trying to set me up again, are you?" I questioned as I glanced through the files.

"I'm hurt," he responded, feigning injury and placing his hand over his chest dramatically.

"Thank you very much," I said sincerely.

"You're welcome. Your mother would be so proud of the fine woman you've become," he said, and I thought I saw a glimmer of emotion in his eyes.

"I've heard that twice today," I mentioned, patting his hand.

"Would you like to stay for dinner? It's almost time," he offered, pacing around as if expecting someone.

"I would love to. I don't have any other plans, by the way," I replied.

"Great," he said.

"Hey Dad, I'm sorry I'm late. I got caught up with something," a familiar, cool, masculine voice interrupted, causing me to freeze.

I missed that voice, like it was from decades ago. I turned swiftly to see his handsome face - my childhood sweetheart, Ethan Hawthorne.

As I met his gaze, a whirlwind of self-doubt hit me. Was I wearing too much makeup? Were my clothes rumpled? Did I look good enough? I scolded myself internally, "Get it together, Ruby. You're a Sullivan, for God's sake."

I took a deep breath to calm myself, but it didn't work. Before I knew it, I rushed up to him and hugged him tightly. "I missed you too, Sparkle," he said, and I could feel his smile from the top of my head.

I retorted, "I'll let that nickname slide because it's been so long, and I want to stay in your arms."

He playfully responded, "Oooh, I'm scared." Stepping away, he gave me a good look and remarked, "You've grown since the last time I saw you; your baby fat is gone."

I defended, "I was 18 when you saw me last."

"Seven years ago, time flies," he mused.

Then, an unwelcome voice interrupted, "Ahem, babe, who's your friend? Aren't you going to introduce me?"

The term "babe" sent shivers down my spine. I wondered, who was this "babe" referring to? My whole world crumbled in that moment as I felt betrayed and a rush of negative emotions.

I saw Ethan give this person an irritated look before introducing us.

"Sparkle, this is Amelia, and Amelia, this is Ruby, Ruby Sullivan - my childhood friend, you should know her."

Amelia, with a sickening nasal voice, replied, "Oh, I do not know you. Is she like, popular or something?"

Ethan attempted to defend me, saying, "Amelia, how would you not know Ruby Sullivan? She is the Ruby Sullivan."

Amelia remained unfazed, "I am his girlfriend and I do not you. Is that a problem?" She said without me asking

I decided it was time to exit the situation. "It's fine, Ethan. I didn't know you had a girlfriend; you didn't tell me that."

Before Ethan could explain, Amelia chimed in with disdain, "He didn't feel you were important enough to tell. He told his parents, so..."

I had a strong urge to rearrange her nasal bones at that moment. "Amelia, stop it," Ethan interjected.

Amelia snapped at him, "I do not like her. I do not like her getting all touchy with you. Is that bad?"

Unable to contain my frustration, I said, "Ethan, fix whatever you have going on here. I'm going home."

Ethan, looking concerned, asked, "Are you not staying for dinner anymore?, I heard you say you would stay."

I replied, "No. Tell Davis thank you." I stormed out, reminding myself that I was a Sullivan and should not let this get to me. There had to be a reasonable explanation for this drama.

Mielle was waiting in the car,

" miss are you ok, I was with Adams and I saw the young master walk in with a woman"

and I told her, "I'm okay. Let's go."