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Can't Forget You, My Love

Can't Forget You, My Love

Author:Udhaya Vivek



This is the heart touching story of three beautiful people Dhiya, Akshadh & Janu. Dhiya and Akshadh are Famous Oncologists by profession. Janu is a Social worker. How these three peoples get connected? What will happen if Dhiya and Janu falls for Akshadh? Whom did Akshadh choose to be with his life partner? Who is the sufferrer? What did the destiny plan for them? Akshadh falls for Dhiya but unfortunately got married with Janu...Will Janu melt Akshadh's heart by her love? Will Akshadh gave justification for his love? Did true love get united wthout hurting anyone? Life is what and how we handled. They travelled their beautiful life with lot of love and happiness.If you are true and loyal to a relationship then you would receive the reward sooner or later...

Dhiya's POV

Early morning

"I landed in U.S safely. No need to worry about me. I am not a kid Mom",I pressed the phone in my ear and stepped forward taking my luggages.

"You are always a kid to me, my girl" my Mom said with a bit tension in her voice. I heard my Dad who is in urge to talk to me.

"Dhiya!" My Daddy's voice.

"Daddy, I reached U.S, within few hours. Your daughter is going to attend the world class conference and make you all proud." I said happily because this is one of my dreams.

"Waiting for it. Good luck my daughter."

"Thank you Daddy." I disconnected the call.

I am Dhiya, Oncologist

Cancer specialist

. I am an Indian. The only daughter of my parents, Deepak Chandra & Shivenya. My dad is the owner of Dhiya importing & exporting companies, Dhiya college of science, Dhiya Bankers, the list goes on. My Dad has earned everything with his hardwork.. He is a successful entrepreneur worldwide. My Mom is the M.D of Dhiya companies.

This minute, I am thankful to my Daddy who brought me up boldly & encourages me to pursue my dreams.

I am currently working in a Medical & Research Institute, Delhi. I wish to be dependent so after few trials I got good position in this institute. My Daddy owns a hospital in Mumbai, In my free time, I  visit there too.

My higher officials suggested my name confidently to attend the programme. Recently, I am selected to attend the world class conference in U.S regarding the research in Oncology.

This is the purpose of my visit to the U.S.

My Daddy arranged everything there, though he knew that I don't like any formalities and wish to be Independent. I can't refuse my Daddy's words too because he is my inspiration, my supporter etc.

I accepted the travel arranged by him kindly and reached the hotel. Few minutes later, I prepared a coffee and took hot shower as it was chill outside, refreshed myself.

I looked at the mirror, I could see the happiest Dhiya standing before. I wore formal light blue colour dress. Then, applied cream in my face, mascara in my eyes, light shaded lipstick and then added small bindi in my temple. I am ready.

I took all my files and research related papers carefully. Before leaving, I checked the slides of the presentation. I was satisfied with my work till now.

After 1 hour, I reached the worldwide conference meeting. It was a large building enclosed by glasses. The meeting was at 12th floor. I was excited to see Oncologists like me from worldwide. The session was about to start.

We were sixteen panel Oncologist from different countries sitting as round table conference. There were 5 panel judge committee members.

They announced, two Oncologist from India, 2 from China, 3 from Russia, 3 from the U.S, 3 from U.K, 3 from Canada.

Aww! Great, Two from India, My patriotism triggered me. The session started.

I am excited to see each of them coming with different opinions and views. I took notes of the point which I like the most.

Next is my turn,

"Ms. Dhiya Deepak Chandra, D.M

Medical Oncology

from India, who treats many cancer patients and provides the necessary medical & financial support to them will proudly present her opinions" the committee member gave an intro as before the speech of everyone.

Akshadh POV

"Good morning everyone. I am Dhiya.

According to my research & experience, in countries like India, even the educated people are thinking that cancer is a killer disease due to lack of awareness resulting the mortality rate get increased year by year. Except few Cancers, other types can be identified easily if we closely observe our body. In case of growth of any tissue includes tumor cell with or without inflammation should be checked immediately. If we identify cancer in early or atleast in mid stage and the patient is mentally strong, then the patient can overcome it very easily. Cancer doesn't mean we are going to die, fight cancer with strength and courage."

I was listening to her carefully. She came up with the same points what I mean to say more or less she conveyed all my points. What a coincidence? I admired her courage and the value she has given to her points. The way she expressed her views makes everyone think about cancer awareness and how to make it reach to common people.

She got a good applause from everyone. She made India proud.

Next is my turn.

Dhiya's POV

"Next is Mr.Akshadh, M.Ch

Surgical Oncology

from India. His social service has no bounds. He did many free surgeries and gave medical facilities for free cost. Few months ago he was awarded for his social service by U.S medical university. We proudly welcome you sir to share your opinions."

Akshadh!! I heard this name many times for social services in press, medias etc. but I didn't see him before. This is the first time I am seeing him who lightens the family of many people. He is the real hero of many.

"I am Akshadh and happy to be the one among you. Proper awareness about Cancer helps people to fight  against it. So every country is responsible for taking the next step. Better access to effective prevention and curative treatments help to decrease the number of cancer deaths in the coming years. Good life style with proper exercise and diet help our body directly. The most common factor is most of the people are addicted to the food items that cause cancer, avoid consuming tobacco, fast food, junk food, preserved foods etc."

After completing, he looked at me and took the seat opposite to me. We smiled at each other. He received good appreciations and reviews from judge panel.

The presentation was over and it was the time to know the results. The judge panel underwent serious discussion for about 15 minutes and they came up with the results.

"Hello Everyone, we welcome and appreciate all the specialists from different countries who shared their opinions and here is the certificate for you all. We have selected 6 members from 16 specialist to undergo training for future projects here for about two weeks and any objections can be reported immediately."

Then they listed out the six members in the sheet and pasted in the Medical conference notice board. It is really a big opportunity to get selected and trained.

As I expected my name with country was there in the list and I was happy to be get trained. My eyes were searching for Akshadh's name apart from Indian, I was impressed by his humanity that helps many needy people.

I was occupied with unknown happiness by seeing his name in the list. I stepped back to reach my seat. I took my seat and searched for him but he was found nowhere. Where did he go? Didn't he have interest to continue the training? Or by being a busy man did he reject the training opportunity? This training is very much useful for every doctor to help cancer patients. He should attend this programme so that it will help nim to lighten up many lives.