
Let’s Read The Word

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Difficult Love: The Annoying Ex-Husband

Difficult Love: The Annoying Ex-Husband



After being secretly married for three years, he tossed a divorce agreement at her, stating his first love had come back and he needed to sort things out with her. Xu Zhiyang signed the papers with a broken heart. The day he registered his marriage with his newly found old flame, she got into a car accident, and the twins in her belly ceased to heartbeat. Since then, she had changed all her contact methods and left his world completely. Later, she heard that Huo Tingshen abandoned his new wife and started searching all over the world for a woman named Xu Zhiyang. On the day they met again, he cornered her in the car, kneeling as he pleaded, "Yangyang, please give me another chance."

The quietness of the night deepened.

Xu Zhiyang was feeling troubled, having been unable to enjoy a good sleep and often tossing and turning, muttering in her dreams.

She was conscious of an extra hand on her waist. Deliberately moving a few inches towards the edge of the bed, she’s drawn back in just as she was about to fall asleep.

Xu Zhiyang, being stubborn, moved away for the second time, only to be forcefully pulled back into the man’s embrace.

So it went on, time and time again.

The man's desire for dominance was successfully awoken by her. No longer content with resting his hand on her waist, his touch became increasingly audacious.

Xu Zhiyang fully awoke, gripping his muscular arm in an attempt to push him off, beseechingly pleading with a hint of tearfulness, "I truly don't feel like it today."

In their three years of marriage, she had always been synonymous with gentleness and docility. This was the first time she refused his demands.

Huoting Shen turned a deaf ear to her, flipped over, undid her collar, and began spreading a domineering kiss from her rounded shoulders.

Resistance proved futile.

Xu Zhiyang’s eyes become empty, numbly enduring his domineering advancement. Tears surged out, just like a Pandora's box being opened wide.

Only in the darkness, would she let her tears flow unrestrainedly.


Several hours before, Xu Zhiyang had been to a bar to send something to Huoting Shen's sister. While returning, she had been a victim of a robbery.

The two thugs showed no interest in her branded handbag, jewelry, and even wallet. They only took her wedding ring while trying to drag her into the darkness for assault. It didn't seem like a robbery for money but more of a premeditated violation.

Had it not been for a passing policeman, tonight would have marked her demise.

She squatted on the curb, clutching her torn clothes and trembling as she dialed Huo Ting Shen's number. A charming female voice on the other end answered,

"Ting Shen is taking a shower now. What do you need from him?"

The voice was sweet and melodious, questioning her and asserting dominance all at once.

The faint sound of running water from the phone put her in a great shock, rendering her speechless. Silently, she put away the phone and wept inconsolably under the streetlamp.

The voice was not unfamiliar to her, it was Qin Zhenzhen, the woman Huo Ting Shen cherished deep in his heart, she has come back.

After the call ended, Qin Zhenzhen sent a provocative message with a simple line and a picture attached,

"Only the one who isn't loved, is a mistress."

When she zoomed in, the picture turned out to be a B-ultrasound scan showing a six weeks old embryo with a clear gestational sac.

Remembering more than a month ago, Huo Ting Shen was on a business trip to country M for a week, and the timeline matched perfectly.

He must be looking forward to their baby.

So many things happening all at once, Xu Zhiyang felt her brain could barely take in everything.

The words of the policeman who saved her kept echoing in her ears,

"Those two were hired hands, but we still don't know who sent them. Have you offended anyone?"

Xu Zhiyang's heart was flabbergasted, wondering who could possibly wish her harm. As a housewife who barely got out of the house, who could she have offended? After much thought, there was only one person who could harbor such hatred for her.

Lost in her thoughts, Xu Zhiyang became somewhat absentminded, the heartache numbing her emotions.

Huoting Shen's grip tightened around her as if punishing her drifting attention.

"ZhenZhen is back in the country and our agreement is almost up. Let's find a time to finalize the divorce proceedings."

Hearing him utter these words, Xu Zhiyang's heart palpitated violently, the pain so severe it left her breathless.

She had expected his proposition to end their relationship but she hadn't anticipated it being during such an occasion.

Engaging in something so intimate and discussing his future with another woman.

This is heartbreaking, nothing more.

Huoting Shen, I am not an insensate thing. I too have a heart.

Underneath him, Xu Zhiyang couldn't help but tremble. She strained to compose herself, so her voice wouldn't break.

"Well then, congratulations to you both. May true love always find a way."

In the darkness, Xu Zhiyang spoke these insincere blessings with tear-stained eyes. Indeed, loving someone can bring one's humility down to the dust, sprouting into a flower.

"Are you crying?"

In defiance, Xu Zhiyang responded, "No."

It seems Huo Ting Shen was not satisfied with her blessings, almost knocks her soul out.

Xu Zhi Yang almost died.

After the act, he lays immobile by her ear for a long time.

"I wish you can reunite with brother Ming Xuan soon, as a couple. Feel free to come to me if you encounter any difficulties in the future."

Xu Zhi Yang is so weak and powerless, just like a delicate flower ravaged by a storm, she completely passes out.

The next morning, when Xu Zhi Yang woke up, there was no sign of Huo Ting Shen on the bed.

He is extraordinarily disciplined, regardless of what time he goes to bed, he wakes up on time in the morning, does exercise, eats breakfast, and reads the news.

Like a machine installed with fixed procedures.

After Xu Zhi Yang quickly freshens up and comes downstairs, the morning news from the TV is reporting about a sexual assault attempted incident that occurred on Bao Hua Road last night.

Huo Ting Shen is sitting in the small dining room. His black shirt sleeves are rolled up, revealing a part of his smoothly muscled forearm. Shoulder pads fill out the shirt, like the angular man himself, never willing to give her a bit of warmth.

He has a financial magazine in his left hand, a freshly made sandwich in his right, and has no interest in the shocking news playing on the TV.

His whole person exudes a forbidding and cold demeanor.

The nanny, Aunt Liu, sees Xu Zhi Yang coming down the stairs and asks with a smile, "Madame, would you like Udon noodles or Wonton today?"

Xu Zhi Yang purses her lips and says, "Anything is fine, Aunt Liu. It's better to call me Miss Xu from now on."

Aunt Liu's smile freezes on her face while she tries to understand the deeper meaning of these words. Her gaze sweeps between Huo Ting Shen and Xu Zhi Yang, not daring to reply.

"Let her be."

An indifferent reply came from Huo Ting Shen. His gaze remained focused on the magazine in his hand, not lifting his eyes even once.

In the midst of their meal, Huo Ting Shen got up and left. Roughly a minute later, he tossed onto the table two divorce agreement forms and a check.

"Sign this. Fill in any amount you want on the check."

Xu Zhi Yang paused for a moment before lifting her gaze met with his deep gaze, reminiscent of black obsidian.

He was the successor of the Huo's Jewelry Group, controlling the economic lifeline of the capital city. A formidable figure in the business world, he never gave any quarter in dealings.

Yet here she was, futilely attempting to make him fall in love with her, to gain a sliver of love from him.

How laughable.

Xu Zhi Yang took the pen and immediately turned to the last page, signing her name without looking at the contents.

"When are we going to exchange certificates?" She asked.

A faint flicker of annoyance crossed Huo Ting Shen's eyes.

"Are you really in such a rush?"

Xu Zhi Yang took a bite of her dumpling, which tasted like waxen dust. Her expression was indifferent, but her heart was a storm of emotions. The overwhelming dismay threatening to break her cool composure, even her breath was shaky. She tried her best to keep her emotions in check, not letting her fear show, preserving the last shred of her dignity.

"I just don’t want to hinder you and Miss Qin."

Huo Ting Shen scoffed lightly, took back the agreement, and grandiosely signed his name in the spot for the first party.

"Or perhaps you're in a hurry to be with your dear brother Ming Xuan."