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Alluring Attraction : CEO's love

Alluring Attraction : CEO's love

Author:Shar Nie



Aria at 21 years lost her voice and memory anomalously, from the hands of those she could not remember A bizarre circumstance led her to meet Mr Lucas Lin, a successful business owner. What happens when the striking hands of love hit the cold mighty CEO and stunning Aria,amidst everyone's opposing gazes What happens when she regain both her voice and memory and is set on making a brutal revenge to her enemies? Will she leave everything behind and focus on revenge or will she let things be and live married to her beloved?

It was a dark and stormy night. The flash of the lightning, the roar of the thunder. The only source of light was from the reflection of the ghostly moon. She couldn't see where she was going, nor did she know where she was going, nor did she know who those people chasing after her were.

Nonetheless, she ran as fast as her little legs could. It was easy for those men to detect where she was as the dried leaves made a rustling sound as her cold uncovered feet stepped on them. She has never felt trepidation as she did that instant.

" Come on, there she is, get her" A man holding a flash light pointed at her from a distance yelled.

The reverberating voice of that man made her entire being tremble in panic. Her entire legs were sore and aching, they were begging to give out. But she didn't stop, she couldn't.

Who those men were and what they wanted from her, she had no idea. But one thing she knew was that she needed to get away from them. They were obviously bad people. She ran helplessly through the thick forest. She could hear the loud and rapid beating of her heart. Although the live she was living was probably one of the worst on earth, she still didn't want to die. Who would want to?

Is this how I die? I feel like I've been running since forever and I've still not gotten out of this creepy street.I don't see any route leading out of this forest either? Who are those men anyway? What do they want? I don't want to die yet. Oh lord, please

A million thoughts ran through her head in seconds. She prayed silently for someone to come to her rescue

The worst part was that the street next to he forest looked so isolated. Not single soul was seen walking the streets. No one could come to her aid, except God intervened.

She looked back and saw that those men were at a very close distance to her. Maybe it was because of fear or because her legs were weary, she fell down.

She could hear the footsteps of those men getting closer and closer. She gathered her strength and got up quickly, ignoring the throbbing pain in her body.

Finally, she sighted a road from afar. She clustered all her strength and ran even faster. Those man didn't slow down either, they were more than determined in capturing her that day.

She got to the roadside and saw a car approaching. God answered her prayers!! She ran to the middle of the road and waved to the car with both hands indicating for them to stop and help her.

Perhaps, it was because it was raining and dark. The driver didn't see that someone was at the front. He was driving at a high speed and Bang!! The car sent her flying about ten feet away.

She was shocked! She didn't expect it!

"Perhaps I was destined to die today. At least, I get to rest, finally"

Due to the fatigue, and the accident, she lost consciousness immediately her body hit the floor.

Inside the car;

What was that? The man at the car bench seat said.

S.... Si..... Sir.... I think I hit someone "the driver nervously replied.

The man didn't reply, he got down almost immediately from the car and went to take a look at what happened.

He saw a small frail girl who was almost all bones with mud on her feet. Blood! He saw blood all around her head. His driver did hit her! He darted to her, picked her up and ran to his car


"Yes sir"

The car left.

In a single room apartment ;

" So you all failed" . A tall lady dressed in a black leather jumpsuit and red heels said

All three men had their heads bent downwards

The lady twirled the wine in her glass conscientiously, she took a sip and placed the wine glass on the small table next to the sofa she was sitting on.

"Three against one and she still managed to get away. How does she manage to escape every single time"

" We're sorry ma'am. We almost had the job done this time but....

Before he could complete his sentence, the lady went up to him and slapped him on his left cheek. Hard.

But you failed! We have the upper hand now, she doesn't know who she is. This is the only time we can capture her. The moment she regains her memory and voice, we're all dead, you hear me?

Get out!!!! The lady yelled angrily.

The lady threw the cigarette in her hand on the floor and stepped on it.

Nestled behind a huge garden, as elegant as a castle, was a two-storey mansion. Its high arched windows were as shy eyes,large enough to welcome any ray of light. Its door was made of tinted glass. In the middle of the spacious compound was a water fountain with a swan's statue in the middle.

A red carpet lay on the floor from the entrance of the door to the car parking lot. A car sped through the gates and halted in front of the door. Lucas dashed out of the car into the house , carrying the lady in his arms

"Call Ryan" He told a maid as he carefully laid her down on the bed in the quest's room

"Yes sir" The maid hurriedly went to contact the family doctor

Ryan arrived in a few minutes time. He was still wearing his doctor's coat. He ran to attend to the lady

In the living room downstairs, the driver was on his kneels with his bowed head touching the cold tiled floor

"I'm really sorry sir. I apologise. Punish me, don't fire me" He pleaded with a trembling voice

Lucas was quiet. He stood with his hands in his pocket as he stared at the man

"Cut my salary three months short sir. I'm really sorry" The driver raised his head and clasped his hands together in a begging manner

"You're fired" Lucas spat coldly before leaving, not giving the driver a chance to reply