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Aiden My Nonchalant Billionaire Husband

Aiden My Nonchalant Billionaire Husband




Cassandra found herself in a forced marriage to Aiden Belmont, a prominent billionaire, aimed at solidifying the business ties between their families. Despite her attempts to escape, Cassandra was unable to evade the marriage and eventually tied the knot with Aiden. Their relationship remained distant and strained, with both living as virtual strangers for six months. However, everything changed one fateful night when Aiden returned home intoxicated, accompanied by another woman. This event sparked a series of unexpected events that would alter their lives forever. Aiden's advances towards Cassandra that night ignited a passionate encounter between them, breaking the icy barrier that had long existed between them. However, their newfound closeness was short-lived as Cassandra was soon kidnapped by Janice, a woman also vying for Aiden's affection. Janice's threats against Cassandra's life added a dangerous twist to the already complicated situation. Meanwhile, Aiden made a shocking discovery—Cassandra was pregnant with his child. Despite this revelation, Aiden had no recollection of their intimate night together, leaving him torn between his feelings for Cassandra and the murky circumstances surrounding their relationship. As the story unfolds, the question remains: will Aiden be able to save Cassandra from Janice's clutches and come to terms with his true feelings for her?

Cassie struggled to open her eyes, her vision blurry. Blinking rapidly, she tried to focus, her body trembling.

Attempting to rise, her knees buckled, forcing her to crawl toward the overturned car in front of her.

Hyperventilating and sobbing, she reached the vehicle and saw the lifeless body of her boyfriend, Jake.

Overcome with grief, she collapsed, crying uncontrollably.

Cassie and Jake had planned to leave Los Angeles to marry elsewhere, as her father had arranged for her to marry Aiden to strengthen their business ties with Mr. Belmont.

Cassie dialed 911 on her phone, leading to their discovery and rescue. At the scene, Jake was tragically pronounced dead, leaving Cassie inconsolable.

She was rushed to the hospital, where her father, Mr. Benson, arrived and took care of all the expenses. Despite his support, Cassie could sense his disappointment upon learning the truth behind her escape.

The weight of her decisions and the loss of Jake weighed heavily on her, leaving her devastated.

Cassie pov

Surviving alone feels like the deepest abyss, especially after losing Jake, my partner of two years.

My father, Mr Benson, had warned me to end things with him, as I was meant to marry Aiden, someone I barely knew and had reservations about. What if he was dangerous? What if he was someone I couldn't trust?

I just wanted to be with Jake, but now I've lost everything - my freedom and the love of my life.

After spending a week in the hospital, I returned home, still feeling the pain in my knees from the accident.

As I entered, I was met by my mother, who immediately began yelling at me.

Her words were nothing new; I had always been blamed for everything, especially since the tragic incident with my sister when we were kids.

I tried to explain that I had just come from the hospital and needed understanding, but she continued to berate me.

It was heartbreaking to be treated this way, especially when I needed comfort the most.

After my mother walked out on me, leaving me feeling empty and alone, I sought solace in my room.

The only family member who had truly cared about me was my brother, but he had been sent to Germany five years ago to establish his business.

I felt trapped and abandoned, especially knowing that my father, a powerful businessman, was more concerned about securing his status among the elite through his collaboration with Mr. Belmont than he was about my feelings or well-being.

Locked in my room, I could only sob, feeling the weight of my isolation and the loss of the few connections I had left.


The Belmont family was visiting our home to discuss the upcoming wedding. When my father knocked on my door, I hesitated before opening it.

“Get dressed and come downstairs, we have guests” and left without waiting for my response.

I chose to wear a black hoodie and a skirt, despite knowing it was inappropriate for the occasion.

As I emerged from my room, I was met with my mother's disapproving gaze. She took charge, leading me back to my wardrobe and selecting a more suitable blue sundress.

With a few adjustments to my appearance, she transformed me from a rebellious 25-year-old into a more presentable version of myself.

Descending the stairs, I noticed Mr. Belmont's approving expression, as if he had found the ideal match for his son.

However, Aiden's fleeting glance in my direction, followed by his quick diversion of eyes, left me unexpectedly hurt and confused.

I sat with my mother and they started talking, I zoned out and started thinking about how my life would be after I married.

I hope he does not ask for children, my thoughts were interrupted, “Cassie? Are you listening?”.

I apologise, I zoned out for a bit, let's carry on.

“I was asking if you wanted a ball gown as a wedding dress or a sheath” My mum looked at me waiting for my reply

Even though I hate this wedding I won't get another chance, I want it to be grand.

"I want a ball gown, “if you say so,” Mum said.

I glanced at Aiden and he looked like he wasn't even part of the meeting, is he also being forced like me? He just sat there emotionless and didn't bring anything up.

Can someone like this be my husband? He's so nonchalant and cold. Unlike Jake, my golden retriever boyfriend.

I'm sure if he was the one I was marrying he'd be so overjoyed that he'd even choose my wedding dress and not me. I miss him so much.

We finished the preparations and the Belmonts left. I was so relieved because I just wanted to go and sleep in my room. I made my way towards the stairs when my mum yelled at me to halt.

I turned to face her, she then told my dad the way I planned on dressing to meet the Belmonts and my father got furious

I just wish I died in that car accident. “Cassandra Benson! Why do you want to disgrace this family? I had to pay so much money for reporters not to talk about the reason you had an accident”.

I just stared at him, he always made me feel like his property, and he never made me feel like he loved me. He just left money and left.

Is this happening to me because they think it's my fault my sister passed away or this is how everyone goes through?

Father I do not want to marry Aiden I don't love him, “ shut up! Do you think love will feed you? Is that why you wanted to run away with that poor boy? You always disappoint me, Cassie, this marriage is happening whether you like it or not”.

He left after saying that, I looked at my mum and she also left without saying a word

My life is such a living hell, I've had so many chances to leave this world but I always manage to stay

I remember when my sister and I were playing by the poolside and I slipped and fell, she didn't hesitate in jumping into the water to save me despite knowing that she couldn't swim.

She struggled and got me out but couldn't come out, I rushed to call my brother and he sprinted to the poolside

He got Valerie out but it was too late, he didn't know how to do CPR and with that, she couldn't make it.

My parents watched what happened on the CCTV camera and blamed me for what happened, ever since that day my mum never smiled at me and my dad hardly talked to me.

I sought solace in my brother's arms all the time but my parents sent him away, ever since then I became their puppet.

I sat on my bed as thoughts flooded my brain, my soon-to-be husband didn't even say hello to me. How will this relationship be?

Cassandra's thoughts were abruptly interrupted by a knock on the door. Opening it, she found her mother standing there, who entered without waiting for an invitation.

To Cassandra's surprise, her mother began to pack her belongings into a suitcase.

Confused and alarmed, Cassandra asked, "What are you doing?"

Her mother replied matter-of-factly, "Mr. Belmont says he wants you to move in with Aiden, so you're leaving today."

Shocked, Cassandra protested, "What? Are you serious? You're just packing my things and sending me out without discussing it with me?"

Her mother's response was curt: "What is there to discuss? You will be living with him after marriage, so why wait?"

Determined, Cassandra declared, "I won't go." Her mother paused, turning to look at her with surprise.

"Pardon?" she asked.

"I'm not leaving. You and Dad cannot just sit there and plan my life without my involvement.

This is my life, not yours. You've never played a role in my life, so why are you suddenly making all these decisions? It's annoying!" Cassandra's frustration spilled out.

Her words were met with a sharp slap across her face, sending her head to the side. She instinctively touched her burning cheek, stunned by her mother's sudden violence.

I looked at my mother's furious face while holding my cheeks and I burned with anger.

Cassandra reached her breaking point.

Who was she to dictate her life when she had never shown any real care for her?

Fueled by frustration and anger, Cassandra stormed out of the room, her mother trailing behind, calling her name.

She headed straight to her father's office, where he was reviewing some papers. As soon as he noticed her, he set the documents aside. Her mother entered the room behind her.

Confused by the tension, her father asked, "What's going on with the two of you?"

Without hesitation, Cassandra made her declaration: "If you marry me off to Aiden Belmont, I will commit suicide.”