
Let’s Read The Word

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CEO Daddy, Mommy Has Taken Back Her Love!

CEO Daddy, Mommy Has Taken Back Her Love!



Why did she give 4 years of her life to a man who treated her as invisible except in bed. He was nearly her whole world and she pandered to all his needs and desires. Was she hoping that he was the father of her son? To him, was she only a convenient bed partner who did not dare to voice any protests when he paraded his dalliances with an endless stream of beauties? To her, he was her limerance, a pathological condition she had to overcome so that she could live for herself. She could not keep living in a fantasy that he would one day return her affection and have a story book ending. Will she succeed in cutting him from her life. Why is he making things difficult by stalking her and being manipulative?

"Eight o'clock tonight, Belgravia Gardens."

As soon as Pearl Murray disembarked from the plane, she received a text message.

Suri Hill strolled over and took a glance, and said wryly, "Information certainly travels fast; the message comes in as soon as you got off the plane, right on cue."

Having said that, not feeling it was provoking enough, she acerbically added, "I saw you on a date with that up-and-coming pop star in the paparazzi shots from a couple of days ago. I thought he was too hot to take any notice of you."

Pearl Murray remained silent, put on her sunglasses, pulled the brim of her hat down, and handed her suitcase to Suri Hill, "You can go ahead."

Suri Hill rolled her eyes, seemingly accustomed to such a non-reaction from Pearl, nonetheless continued to remind her, "Don't use the VIP passage anymore. Even though the fans cannot recognise you, they might remember you if they see you standing there."

Pearl Murray…

Such comments are really a stab in the heart for an actress.

Celebrities thrive on attention, their popularity is built on the adoration of their fans, wouldn't they be depressed if no one recognises them in the streets?

She hailed a taxi at the side of the road, said, "Belgravia Gardens," the driver took several glances at her from the rear view mirror whilst driving, and after a few minutes,

grinningly said, "Young people these days are really capable, they are able to buy houses in such places at such a young age."

Pearl Murray remained silent.

After driving for a while, the driver tried again to make small talk and asked, "Which university did you graduate from, Miss, and what is your major? Don't think I am being too nosy, my daughter wants to go to university this year. so am helping her narrow down the available options, helping her choose a good major so that she can get a good job after graduation. Where are you employed?"

"A cleaning company."

"Huh?" The driver was a bit confused.

Pearl Murray sighed, "Mister, can you drive faster? If I am late, the client will complain, and it will result in a deduction from my pay."

The corner of the driver's lips twitched, and he shut his mouth.

He muttered an expletive quietly and thought to himself, cleaner? Dressed like that to an upscale residential area? Probably up to no good!

The car arrived at Belgravia Gardens. After paying the fare, Pearl Murray got out. The driver, without uttering a word, turned around and drove off, splashing mud onto Pearl Murray's leg as he sped off around the corner.

She clicked her tongue, flicked the mud off her pants, pulled out her keys, and entered the house.

The Belgravia Gardens area was filled with luxury homes of Grade II listings because of their architectural and historical interest. Living in Belgravia were famous names and faces and of course the exceedingly wealthy. Pearl Murray did not see very much of the residents, though, everyone kept very much to themselves too. She usually came home in the late evenings close to midnight, and there was barely a soul in the streets at that time. She had no interaction with any of her neighbours even after staying there for more than three years.

After entering the townhouse, she changed her shoes and went to her room to pick out her home wear, before slipping into the bathroom.

Under the shower, warm water gushed down on her head; soaking her hair and splashing all over her tired body. Pearl Murray then stepped into the bathtub, easing in and activating the jacuzzi feature with a satisfied hum. The jacuzzi bubbled merrily as she closed her eyes in relaxation.

Living alone, having such a large bathtub to soak in was quite luxurious.

She heard the taps turned but before she could open her eyes, she felt strong arms pulling her out of the bathtub.

Frantically squirming, covered in slippery suds, Pearl Murray almost slipped right out of the man's grasp back into the tub.

"Stop moving!"

A disgruntled voice complained, carrying an air of authority that made Pearl Murray obey instantly. She obediently wrapped her arms around his neck and said in a tiny voice, "Mr. River, I'm scared."

Gray River's lips twitched, "Speak properly!"

Pearl Murray leaned in and bit his Adam's apple tantalisingly, "I want to play a game."

Gray River carried her to the bedroom and lay her down on the bed, his voice low, "What game?"

Pearl Murray rolled over and pounced on him, biting his lip. "A little game of love chasing..."

This love game, prompted by Pearl Murray, ended in her sobbing for mercy, pinned beneath Gray River.

The sound of a new text pinged on the mobile phone. Gray River leaned against the head of the bed, picked up the phone with one hand and placed the other on top of Pearl Murray's head. He was absentmindedly stroking her hair. He had Pearl Murray's scent lingering on him not to mention the afterglow of their intimacy.

Pearl Murray, with half-closed eyes was watching him.

His deep-set eyes, high nose, sensual lips, and the perfect curve of his masculine jawline was picture perfect. Being a man in his thirties, he was in his prime and undeniably attractive. His mature allure was so much more appealing than that of the pretty-faced young stars in the entertainment industry. His body, all lean and muscular, was strong as he pressed against her and his firm hands gripping her waist possessively.

She tilted her head, studied him for a moment, then voiced aloud bravely, "Mr. River, I won't be coming anymore."

Gray River paused at her words, his gaze landing on her face. The warmth in his eyes, accumulated from their intimate moment, had completely dissipated, leaving only a frozen coldness.

"What did you say?"

His thin lips parted slightly, his voice was so icy cold that Pearl Murray held her breath with trepidation.

She had been Gray River's bedmate for nearly four years. She couldn't claim to understand him or his temperament completely, but she could predict his reaction and behaviour at least seventy to eighty percent of the time.

Even though he clearly heard what she said, his response was obviously the cue for her to retract what she said.

Pearl Murray had always been considerate; she refrained from doing things that displeased Mr River and shared his likes and dislikes. In the confines of the bedroom, she was both the pampered kitten who purred under his touch and command and the seductress who ensnared him with her sensuality. She had never opposed him.

But now...

She took a deep breath, conjuring up what she thought was a sweet smile, "I have someone I like now..."

Gray River stared at her without a word, his gaze turning frostier. He tightened his grip on the mobile phone he had in his hand, vein-popping tight. Pearl Murray was beginning to feel more worried, would he just hit her delicate face with the mobile phone?

There was no turning back now that she had started so she mustered the courage and continued, "My acting roles in these past few years have been mediocre at best. After numerous years in the industry, barely anyone recognizes me. You were right when you said that I'm not destined for stardom. Soon, I will be twenty-five, the prime age for a female actress will soon pass... I don’t plan on wasting any more time on this as I doubt I will achieve any success. Recently, I've met someone. I really like him, so I don’t want to maintain our current relationship. Mr. River, let's part amicably."

This might be the most she had ever spoken to him for the duration of their time together.

She spoke quickly, having rehearsed mentally many times what she wanted to say. A flush started to spread across her cheeks, whether that was from her nervousness or because she mentioned the man she liked, we cannot be sure.

Gray River lifted her chin, his fingers pinching tightly, staring emotionlessly at the enchanting face, "You don't want fame?"

Her chin throbbed under his grasp, though it hurt, she stopped herself from crying out. She smiled and responded, "It’s not my fate, I don't want to pursue that anymore."

"Are you throwing a tantrum?"

Pearl Murray was still smiling. "For someone who is indulged and cherished that may be interpreted as a tantrum. But I am aware of my own identity. Mr. River, I'm serious."

The force on her chin suddenly increased. Pearl Murray's face turned pale with pain but she still refused to show any weakness by crying out. Gray River leaned closer to her face, suddenly smiled, and mocked, "Does the one you like know I've ruined you?"