
Let’s Read The Word

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Ultimate Groupchat of Aces

Ultimate Groupchat of Aces



"What can you do with a red envelope? Money? You must be joking. This is a red envelope from the renowned Taibai Jinxing! What? Buying dog food for Tiankun? Oh, old man Tu Di, this is your desired toy! Attention, Marshal Tianpeng, hurry up and give out red envelopes! When Yang Luo joined a group of celestial beings, his life changed forever. He reached the peak of life just by grabbing red envelopes!"

As a graduate from a second-tier university with a background from a third-tier family, Yang Luo was relatively fortunate. Not long after graduation, he found a job as a minor employee in a company in his city. Every month, he received a mere salary of several thousand yuan. After paying for rent, utilities, and other living expenses, he could occasionally afford to indulge himself at a roadside food stand. Yang Luo was satisfied with his life.

Of course, this satisfaction was only until he got tricked by a scumbag today.

With a "thud," a stack of documents landed on Yang Luo's desk. A bald middle-aged man, pot-bellied with a cup of tea in hand, walked up behind Yang Luo and leisurely instructed, "Yang Luo, send this file to the director's office!"

"Do your hands and feet not function?" Yang Luo was not pleased, who had been chatting with a girl on WeChat, and retorted rudely.

As a junior who had just joined the office, it was normal to be shuffled around by older employees. Yang Luo didn't mind this initially, believing that things would improve after enduring a period. However, some people seemed to take undue advantage of this, like this team leader who asked him to deliver documents.

"How dare you speak like this, new guy. You only just started here and aren't overloaded with work, but here you are, spending your day on WeChat. What’s the problem with you delivering some documents?" The team leader was infuriated. A minor employee dared to contradict him. He hadn't had a dose of discipline yet, considering himself more important than he was!

"Me, idle! I'm busy serving you tea, cleaning up trash all day, am I idle?!" Hearing this potbelly's shameless comment, Yang Luo also began to argue. People are not made of clay, thinking they won't retaliate, and treating them as if they are pushovers.

"Yang Luo, the team leader asked you only because he saw you had some free time. The director's office is not far away either, so delivering a file wouldn’t cause too much trouble."

"Yeah, that's right!"

Seeing Yang Luo arguing with the potbelly, a group of brown-nosing office workers began to lecture Yang Luo.

"Fine, I'll deliver it! Team Leader, you take a break. Don't snap your back," Yang Luo huffed coldly, snatched the document off the table, and left. "What kind of attitude is that!" the potbelly yelled at Yang Luo's departing figure.

"Team Leader, please calm down. Yang Luo just has that grumpy character; you should not lower yourself to his level." "That's right!" Seeing Yang Luo gone, a group of people queued to flatter. "Hmm!" After hearing these words, the potbelly's facial expression improved a bit, and he walked grumpily to his desk with a huff.

Holding the documents and walking on the road, Yang Luo couldn't help feeling aggrieved. Things like this happened not just once, and each time everyone sided with that jerk, just because he was the team leader and crossing him would only lead to being picked on.

If it weren't to assure his parents at home, Yang Luo would've very much liked to resign. On any given day with that jerk, he would be picked on.

Standing at the door of the director's office, Yang Luo finally calmed down and knocked on the door, calling out, "May I enter?" After a long while, there was no response from the inside. Yang Luo reluctantly knocked again, but still, there was no response.

"Is there no one here?" Yang Luo thought to himself. No matter, he was just here to deliver some documents and leave, whether or not there was anyone there was none of his concern.

With this thought in mind, Yang Luo pushed open the door of the office. In the next moment, Yang was stunned, finding himself wanting to strangle the damned team leader now more than ever.

Inside the office, a forty-plus-year-old director was embracing the young secretary who had recently joined the team. His yellow teeth nibbed on her pink neck while she sat on his lap, acting all coquettish.

Yang Luo had the urge to close the door and leave as if he had never been there. But in the next instance, both of them turned to look straight at him. As expected, the secretary's scream rang out, but luckily for them, the office was quite isolated, and no one outside could hear anything.

"Director, I didn't know, I thought there was no one in here," Yang Luo apologized, his face turning red. “Get out, get out!" The director disregarded Yang Luo's explanation and threw a pen holder at him.

The pen holder hit the floor by Yang Luo's feet. Seeing that his explanation was futile, he nodded apologetically to the director and closed the office door. The secretary’s cries and the director's swearing echoed in his ears.

Damn, he had been set up!

The kicked-out Yang Luo thought about the events that had unfolded and couldn’t help but curse. That bastard team leader must've known about the director's affair with the secretary and intentionally kept it from him, letting himself walk into the trap.

What a ruthless old bastard!

Yang Luo returned to the office space with a bitter face. No one even noticed if he had delivered the documents or not. After a chaotic day, he stepped out of the company's building. He looked back at the multi-story office towering behind him and let out a sigh. Well, he wouldn't have to quit now. He would probably get fired by the director soon.

Boarding the bus, the unlucky Yang Luo finally had a stroke of luck, there was a seat at the back. As the bus moved, Yang pulled out his phone and opened WeChat. He noticed the girls that he had added before had removed him due to his long periods of inactivity. Just when he was about to put his phone away with a bitter face, a new notification caught his eye.

“A stranger invites you to join a 'Fairyland Red Envelope Group'? Fairyland? A bunch of people with delusions of grandeur!” Feeling down, Yang Luo didn’t pay much attention to the invitation, but he accidentally clicked on it. The group chat messages instantly appeared on his screen.

Erlang Shen: "Haven’t seen you guys today, how is your virtue cultivation going?"

Food God: "Ah, it's been so many years since becoming immortals, it's getting harder and harder to cultivate virtues!”

Tu Di: "Yeah!"

Tai Bai Jin Xing: "Fellow cultivators, do not lose heart. I have recently made some gainings. How about I share with you all?"

Sun Wukong: "Thank you elder, please do share more."

Tai Bai Jin Xing: "Of course, I won't forget your share, monkey!"

Just as this group was chatting, suddenly, Tai Bai Jin Xing sent out a red envelope. Yang Luo, who had been staring at the screen, couldn't help but think: there really is one!

Seeing the red envelope, Yang Luo clicked on it subconsciously.

"Congratulations! You have obtained two hundred merits from Tai Bai Jin Xing. Would you like to exchange?" A pop-up appeared, causing Yang Luo to be perplexed.

"What is merit? Shouldn't it be money?" Unconsciously, he clicked on 'exchange', and a page appeared before Yang Luo.

Millennium Peaches: fifty thousand merits

Nine Transformation Golden Pill: one hundred thousand merits


Wang Xizhi's Insights as a Scholar: two hundred merits

A list of items available for exchange made Yang Luo feel dizzy. When he finally scrolled the end and saw the Scholar's Insights, he noticed that he had just received exactly two hundred merits. In his daze, he clicked on it. Suddenly, the screen of the mobile phone lit up and a flood of memories rushed into Yang Luo's mind.

Looking at his hands holding the mobile phone, Yang Luo suddenly felt different. Why did he have the urge to practice calligraphy?