“Chelsea, I want these files signed and stamped by tomorrow morning, understood?” My boss growled, dropping tons of heartbreaking papers on my palm.
“Yes boss.” I breathed, irritated as hell. This man stands on my nerves everyday and he knows it. ‘Your evil looks can’t hurt me. I’m your boss.’ Those are his favorite words. I turned around to walk away but his eerie voice called me back.
“Chelsea,” I could feel him smirk at how disgusted I am of him. I turned around again, counting the seconds with urgency. “I’ll need you to get ready, we have very important visitors coming tomorrow. I don’t want stupid excuses. Am I understood?”
I nodded slightly and walked away, cursing him under my breath.
From being the owner of a coffee shop in Italy to being a yes-man in the US? Somethings are worth dying for, and my elder sister, Marie, is first on that list. Nothing prepared me for the shivering cold that enveloped me after hearing her sharp cries and a sudden deafening silence few seconds after. That day took something too valuable away from me, my peace.
My family and I were set on a wild goose chase away from our hometown after a series of deathly threats from an unknown darkness. Marie’s death was the last straw. My mother’s health has been failing ever since, my younger sister has had nothing but nightmares and terrible seizures and my dad, my dad has been even weirder. He receives long phone calls, he is always on his laptop, he could be out of the house for weeks then suddenly he is back home for three whole months and other times, he could just be lively and fun. Whatever is up with him has definitely doubled these days because now he whispers, even in the house.
I have been on the hunt for the demons that snapped life right out of my sister and it’s been five long fruitless years. I even landed a high profiled job as the senior secretary of this stupid organization. I deal with loads and loads of confidential information everyday but every clue that logically links to my sister’s murder is more twisted and useless than the last!
“Done.” I sighed, stamping the last file. I packed up and tossed my things aside. Picking up my bag and my leftover sanity, I strolled out of the building and into my car. While others have their 9-5 from Monday through to Friday, I have 8-7 from Monday through to Saturday but it’s all worth it because today is Friday and it’s the busiest day at the bar. Yes, Chelsea Ambers is not only a secretary, she is a busy ass bartender.
“Chels!!” Aria, my best friend, yelled from a distance. I got off my car and immediately ran into her warm embrace. “Girl where the hell have you been? It’s already nine. The crowd has multiplied even more.”
“Cassey isn’t here today?” I frowned, searching for my lazy assistant.
“Who is Cassey?” Aria hissed, her voice deep in bitterness.
“She flirted with your man one time and suddenly she doesn’t exist to you?” I asked, drowning in laughter as the memories of their fatal fight flooded back. The club’s rowdy atmosphere comforted my spirit as my drunk friends hailed me absentmindedly. Sweaty bodies swaying here and there, cards, alcohol, vomit and weird music blasting resonated with my spirit very quickly.
“Chelsea!” Mr Rick called out, snapping his fingers to get my attention. I lifted my head and locked eyes with him as a response. “One Espresso Martini for me and one Negroni for the lady.” He smirked, cupping a chick’s butt.
“Tsk, does your wife know you are here, Mr Rick?” I smiled, lacing my voice with the needed menace. The lady stormed off but Mr Rick looked ready for a show down.
“What’s your business with my wife? What’s your fucking problem? Chelsea I,”
“Your faces on the ground now, everybody!!” A startling hoarse voice vibrated through the room. Everyone and everything froze.
In a flash, masked men and bullets took over, throwing the bar into commotion. Dust, shouts and gunshots filled the air leading to a brutal stampede which Aria and I managed to escaped by crawling on our bellies through the door till the fresh air outside touched our skins.
“Chels, Chelsea,” Aria gasped, trying to find her foot on ground.
“Where- ugh.” I paused, bumping into a huge figure. “Sorry, sorry.” I muttered, picking up a large steel ring with two Rs inscribed on it that fell after I bumped him. Unable to locate his eyes, I placed the ring into his opened palm.
Breathing hard with a banging headache, I collapsed into Aria who in turn crashed into a bench by the corner.
“What just happened? Who were those men?” Aria asked, panting even harder as she dressed her bruises.
“We need to get out of here.” I gulped, trying to hear myself through the continuous noise and echoes.
“Where’s my fucking key!?” I seethed, aggressively searching for my key with an eye out for the dangerous looking men dressed in black tuxedos.
“Let’s start walking, we’ll get a cab soon.” Aria suggested, grabbing my wrist as we scaled through the dark alley.
“We can’t walk all-“ my phone interrupted me. I picked it out of my pocket hurriedly, scanning the screen and noticing my father’s name. I tapped it and glued the phone to my ear as the neighborhood chaos intensified.
“Dad? What’s going on?” I asked, screaming at the top of my voice while running in the direction of my house.
“Chels,” he began, whispering as usual.
“Yeah?” I shouted again.
“Where are you?” He continued.
“On my way home.” I replied, pissed at his wrongly timed call.
“Chelsea, stay where you are! Do you hear me?” He suddenly ordered, sounding fierce yet weary.
“What?” My breathing hitched, an uncomfortable shiver ran through my spine. “Why?” I slowed down much to the confusion of Aria.
“Don’t come home tonight, you hear me?” He instructed, breathing through his teeth.
“Tell me what’s going on?” I snapped, tired of the unnecessary suspense.
“I don’t know what’s going on either but it’s not safe here. Please stay where you are, I can’t afford to lose another person tonight.” He murmured as his voice shook with impatience.
“Lose another person? What are you talking about?” I froze, thrown into oblivion.
He sighed as tears mixed up his words.
“Chelsea, your mother and your sister are gone.”