
Let’s Read The Word

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Daddy, Mommy Likes You

Daddy, Mommy Likes You



"Seven years later, she returned with a child. "Give me the child. Name your price!" "You only sowed the seeds in spring, and come autumn, you wish to reap a son? Tsk, man, aren't you thinking too simplistically?" "If you want me to call you daddy, you better make an effort to pursue my mommy. The man who wins my mother's heart will be my father! Otherwise, no deal!"

Yun Hanxiao felt hot... It was just a glass of wine, how could she get so drunk! She tried hard to open her eyes, looking at the seemingly righteous man in front of her, she couldn't help but be suspicious... Yun Hanxiao was a marriage guidance employee of Sweet Hearts Marriage Agency. She had to drop out of high school due to economic reasons and work. Her sweet appearance and intelligence caught the eye of this high-end agency and they employed her despite her lack of qualifications.

Because her salary was good, Yun Hanxiao was diligent in her work, setting aside all her girlish temperament and was an earnest and hardworking employee. In less than a year, she was promoted to a full-time marriage guidance officer.

Today, she was accompanying a so-called "triple high man" in his thirties for a blind date. For some unknown reason, the usually enthusiastic woman had suddenly canceled. The woman would not answer her phone calls, leaving the two in an awkward situation.

Although Yun Hanxiao apologized and tried to arrange for another woman to go on a date, the man who was stood up seemed to not mind. He suggested that since they were already there, it would be fine if Yun Hanxiao would accompany him instead.

It was perfectly normal for marriage counselors to have meals with their clients, as dating matters usually required a relaxed atmosphere for discussions. But Yun Hanxiao was relatively young and had limited social experience, so the senior employees of the agency usually didn't let her attend such meetings alone. This was her first time facing such a situation.

Yun Hanxiao, who was a poor drinker, tried to refuse several times, but was still forced to drink a glass of wine... Although she seldom drank, she wasn't a girl who could not drink at all. Now, with her heart pounding and her body hot, she was aware that she might have been tricked.

But his expression remained indifferent, as if nothing had happened.

Yun Hanxiao frowned, her best option right now was to leave as soon as possible.

Just then, a server knocked gently on the door.

"Come in…" Yun Hanxiao controlled her speech rate, calmly speaking.

The door opened... A female server walked in, dressed in a light blue uniform. She added tea for the two, replaced the dishes, and wished them a pleasant meal before preparing to leave.

Yun Hanxiao suddenly said: "I'm sorry, but could you take me to the restroom?" The man across from her furrowed his brow.

The server promptly replied: "Of course, miss." With all her strength, Yun Hanxiao maintained her poise, leaning gently on the table to stand and smiled at the man: "Mr. Li, please excuse me for a moment." Her elegant manners were flawless.

Mr. Li nodded slightly. Yun Hanxiao then followed the server out... She did not go into the restroom, instead asking the server: "Are there any vacant rooms upstairs? I feel uncomfortable and want to rest!" The server looked at her in surprise.

Yun Hanxiao pulled a hundred yuan bill from her purse: "I hope you can keep this a secret. If that gentleman asks about me, can you say you don't know where I went? Now, can you help me to a room, please?" She seemed to understand something, took the money, and helped Yun Hanxiao to the elevator, while calling the service desk: "Zhang, a guest wants to book a small room for a nap, are there any available?" "Um, all the rooms are booked today, only the presidential suite is available." Because it was afternoon and the front desk was tired and hungry, she spoke in a listless tone.

Looking at Yun Hanxiao, the server said: "Only the presidential suite is available, it's over ten thousand for a night. Do you still want it?" Yun Hanxiao was stunned. Over ten thousand, that's several months' wages. Why was her luck so bad! But she felt even worse now! All she could do was bite her lip and look at the server with tearful eyes, not knowing what to say.