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Diary of Her Puppy Boy

Diary of Her Puppy Boy



Meng Zili has been reborn. In her last life, her properties were all seized by others, and she was imprisoned until her death. In this life, she returned for revenge, swiftly kicking aside the scum man, cutting ties with the green tea woman, and annihilating her enemy's family... Her life of using external assistance needed no explanation, the only bug being the arrival of a young and innocent boy. Meng Zili: "If life is like a game, I'm a pay-to-win player!" Young innocent boy: "Miss, do you like playing games? How about trying a cultivation series!"

The silver lightning, snarling and dancing, seemed to be tearing open the sky. In an instant, it lit up the hillside villa, followed immediately by a booming thunder that exploded directly overhead.

The interior of the villa was incredibly luxurious, even the floor was covered with antique-style ceramic tiles, a pattern designed by five internationally renowned designers who were specifically invited years ago.

This villa, from the start of construction to completion, took three years. It became the favorite dwelling of the sole heir to the Meng's business empire.

Enormous raindrops pelted the huge windows. It was highly unusual to witness such intense rain in the South, especially in February. Its perceived by the elderly as a bad omen.

"Heavenly Rain Pavilion, the name you gave it years ago. Despite the building resembling a structure from ancient Rome, decorated like a European palace, you insisted on giving it such a soft nonsensical name that it feels mismatched and a waste of a good place.”

Zheng Bowen wore a smile on his face, his tone even carried a sense of indulgent helplessness.

"You are always like this, stubborn and wilful. You have been held up high by the people around you to the point where you can't see the real world anymore. You think with a bit of cleverness, you can manipulate everyone into the palm of your hand."

As Zheng Bowen spoke, he bent down, his initially refined and gentle face being reflected in the lightning revealed a brutal original nature.

"Regrettably, the Meng's were still ruined under your hand. At today's auction, your Meng's ancestral house was sold for a large sum of money!"

"Get lost!"

Zheng Bowen had just finished speaking when the person sitting on the side kicked him. The sound of chains rattling followed and a two-finger-wide tungsten steel tightly clamped onto a slender wrist, completely binding the person. It has been like this for five years.

Meng Zili lifted her head, her long hair scattered messily over her body, revealing her sharp eyebrows. Her gaze, piercing like a knife, was fixated on Zheng Bowen.

She didn't have much strength left. Years of being medicated had caused her body to become extremely weak, and she could barely even tolerate the weight of the chains.

“Why can’t you just learn to behave?”

Zheng Bowen, standing up and shaking his head at Meng Zili, wasn't really hurt by the kick, but the only one who ever dared to treat him like this was always Meng Zili.

Before, when she would throw a tantrum, the kicks she would throw would hurt far more than this, but he would still accompany her with a smile, placating her into a happier mood. However, there’s no more need for such self-abasement now.

Her long black hair, that once had a cherished shine, now felt lifeless like a handful of straw when tugged in his hand.

Meng Zili's scalp stung as she is jerked up by Zheng Bowwen tugging on her hair.

"Apologize to me."

Meng Zili, looking at Zheng Bowen's face so close to her own, only felt sickening disgust.

Zheng Bowen couldn't avoid Meng Zili's disgusted spit landing across his face, but he cleaned himself with a silk handkerchief, afterward promptly slapped her, sending Meng Zili rolling away.

Her face swelled instantly, Zheng Bowen repeated once again.


But Meng Zili erupted into laughter instead, a trail of blood leaking from the corner of her mouth.

"If you're gutsy, kill me!"

What Zheng Bowen couldn't stand the most was Meng Zili's glowing dark eyes staring at him, as if looking at a worthless lowlife that would never be of any value.

"You're seeking death, I'll grant you that wish."

Zheng Bowen, who maintained a mask for over thirty years, felt it shatter, all due to a single glance from Meng Zili.

Meng Zili, lying there, biting her teeth in silence.

She should have died a long time ago.

Zheng Bowan’s bout of violence was interrupted by a knock on the door, causing him to promptly withdraw his hand. He gazed down at Meng Zili, lying motionless on the ground, and sneered.

“How could you be so ruthless towards your own wife?”

Wang Ailin, dressed in a deep green cheongsam and an extravagant fur coat, sauntered in with every semblance of pomp and circumstance. Even looking at Meng Zili prostrate on the ground like a beaten dog brought her a measure of satisfaction.

“How did you get here?” Zheng Bowan regained his composure and drew in the approaching Wang Ailin into his embrace.

“We're sisters after all. Of course, I had to come see her off. A gentleman in Africa has offered a high price. He claims to have seen my sister once years ago, was struck by her beauty, and now wants her for his private collection."

Wang Ailin's eyes fell on the large bruises on Meng Zili’s body and gave Zheng Bowan a reproachful look.

“You’re really too rough."

“You enjoy my 'rough' side, don't you?"

With this, Zheng Bowan began to paw at Wang Ailin in front of Meng Zili. Wang Ailin let out a couple of heaves, thrilled at the thought of possessing the man Meng Zili once loved dearly right in front of her.

"Go easy, our 'sister' is still here...”

The more Wang Ailin protested, the more lewd Zheng Bowan's actions became. Eventually, they both began undressing and tangled together until a sudden clap of thunder sent them both scuttering.

A little put off, Wang Ailin looked at Zheng Bowan, who refused to stop. Ignoring Meng Zili barely clinging to her life, he pulled Wang Ailin towards a neighboring room.

Meng Zili remained motionless on the floor for some time, and upon hearing an unusual sound, quickly turned her head. A large shadow loomed through the floor-to-ceiling window, the glass door was opened, and a figure quietly stepped in.

Chilly and misty, Meng Zili opened her eyes and expressionlessly watched the man who was unlocking her chains.

There were two faint clicks, and the heavy chains were off her body. Feeling the freedom she hadn’t felt in so long, Meng Zili moved her lips, only to be scooped up the next second and carried off by the man.

All Meng Zili could hear was heavy panting, unable to make out who had come to her rescue. Even after trying to glimpse the person twice, she was unable to discern their features.

"Stay still."

The low, raspy voice came from the man firmly restraining her. Although Meng Zili knew her chances of escaping were slim, oddly, she felt at ease.

Despite the stinging cold rain pelting down on her, she didn’t feel chill at all. She realized how long it had been since she had breathed such refreshing air. The sound of barking dogs already echoed behind them. They seemed to be surrounded.

Located halfway up a mountain and surrounded by the sea on three sides, Meng once thought her villa was a beautiful place. But now, she found that below all this apparent beauty and consideration lay a lethal blade directed at her.

"Who are you?" she asked. Meng Zili couldn't understand why the last person to risk their life for her would be someone she didn't even recognize.

The man halted momentarily, then gently put Meng Zili down, choosing to shield her with his own body from a gang of bodyguards armed with iron rods. It was clear that there was no way out.

Meng Zili stood her ground, watching as the man was rapidly beaten to the ground. The sound of the iron rods smacking against flesh, the noise of bones cracking, were all terribly distinct, even amidst the raging storm.

Soon, the man lay unmoving. Meng Zili stared numbly at the man who had died because of her. He was probably the last one.

"Meng Zili, you dare to run!" roared Zheng Bowin as he stormed through the crowd.

Meng Zili bent down to cradle the cold body of the man who had died protecting her. With him in her arms, she sat on the edge of a cliff as she looked at Zheng Bowin making his way toward her.

"Every traitor will meet a terrible end!"

The final words tore through the air like a soul-deep curse, causing Zheng Bowin to pause and his heart to turn to ice.

With resolve in her heart, Meng Zili, holding the lifeless body, jumped into the stormy sea. As a bolt of lightning struck, she got a clear glimpse of the man's face in her arms...