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The Rise Of Christianity

The Rise Of Christianity

Author:Mlamleli Zide



The rise of Christianity alongside Democracy, which bring a complete life that humans are in need of. Religion is an organized system of beliefs, used to worship the gods while Christianity comes as a complete life of God, which is contrast of the Religion. The book outlines current challenges, which religion established backed by the devils and the pride in human hearts who call themselves, the saints and the messengers of Almighty God. These challenges includes generational struggle due to endless wars and conflicts, which the power of religion breeds with its laws and cultures, traditions and ceremonies trying to Have good motives of earning the right to be reconciled with God. Preachers drive people to God through manipulation and scare tactic with plenty of Taboos without even perceiving that, this Paints God as an angry, spiteful cynic. This sustain fear , which push people to God so they could escape hell while Christianity breeds the love of God and Mercy, which he wants all humans to perceive. Therefore, anger and pride is born and poured over into persecution as well, which hinder the people from reaching the light they seek. According to the story in the book, Religion will perish and the Christianity will take its place and rose to dominate with power the whole world. How? When the Youths of the island of Asgard according to the book, rose up against the elders and the rulers of the state to seek generational freedom to be at hand, the rulers established more taboos, which in turn, wounded themselves because of the loud cry of their children.

It’s in the afternoon in Asgard, the great Island located next to Medes, the Eastern state of the realm of Midgard. King of Asgard invited all the elders to compare the regulation of Asgard’s taboos and the acts of the current behavior of the youths due to the rise of Christianity. This has made them realize the cost of approaching God through multitude of deities who provide good fortune for a better living.  

The youths were not pleased by the rules and regulations of their elders since they contained too many prohibitions and forbiddances.

Therefore, their displeasure pushed them to arm their struggle to express their concern and pour out their griefs to the head of Darius, the King of Asgard. The elders were by King Darius even the king of Asgard while the youths were by their own. 

Therefore, it came to pass that, as the pain of their hearts poured out tears before one of Borr’s sons, Odin who then called his brother Villi for consultation.

He came to the house of their father to commune concerning the grief of the children of their father’s empire. Therefore, Odin and Villi, the younger brother of Odin from his mother, Bestla. They stood in the house made of rocks and communicated face to face.

Odin,   “Brother, Christianity is on the rise and we can never stop it as it proceeds out of the bosom of the God of heaven. It is believed to be the ruling realm in Eden. The youths are so blown away by this new culture, which stops them from worshiping the gods, even the glory of heaven. All they want is generational freedom since our religion proceeds from division, the source of all conflict. Let us do something for the sake of our father’s empire despite the Authority of King Darius, what is a plan brother?”

Villi,  "Tell me brother, what is religion? i ought to know before i could take any action."

Odin, "Religion is an organized system of beliefs which push humans to establish their own Languages, Tradition, Laws, Countries, to have a good motive with God. There are challenges

throughout the history in all generations of human existence. These challenges include generational struggle and suffering due to endless wars and conflicts, which the power of religion breeds with its languages, laws, cultures, traditions and ceremonies trying to Have good motives of earning the right to be reconciled with God.

All religions say “do good to have a good motive with God. Preachers and Religious leaders drive people to God through manipulation and scare tactics with plenty of forbiddances and restrictions without beholding this Paints God as an angry and a spiteful cynic who is there waiting to devour all souls that misbehavior. Humans try their very best to be in touch with the supreme and divine being. This sustain fear, which push people to God so they could escape hell; this is why you find people in their prayers keep asking for forgiveness. They see God as an angry punisher of misbehavior not a father. Therefore, anger and pride is borne, which hinder humans from reaching the light they seek. There are many religions, to mention a few of the most popular religions in the world are Judaism, Jainism, Hinduism, Islam, Roman Catholicism and more. But only one Christianity. The religious beliefs within modern churches are categorized into two namely:

1. Organized religion: in which their doctrines are ceremoniously documented for explanations on the questions about the existence of humans on earth where religious leaders express their devotion to supreme and supernatural beings through moral conducts and dress codes within the central place of worship. They set up rules whereby one makes himself “Worthy”.

2. Folk religion: in which cultural customs have been established with rituals and other activities and objects considered sacred; this is mostly done within this hidebound Africa where people are regulated by their social mores with a belief that ancestral spirits have the power to influence the future, to bring good fortune and protect living relatives and future generations.

Villi, "i get you brother, now tell me more about this Christianity that get my brethren fascinated?"

Odin, "Only Jesus provides the way to be right with God and to be assured of going to God. Christianity is not a religion because it does not involve humanity’s attempt to reach God, but rather God’s attempt to reach humanity. Christianity is centered on a personal relationship between a creator God and His human creation. It’s about a loving God who initiates the relationship by revealing who He is to His human creation by coming to us in the person

of Jesus. Through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus a person is given the way to become acceptable to God who is holy and experience the true meaning for their life.

Who created Christianity? Paul or Jesus Christ? Jesus Christ, or God in the flesh “the reflection of the joy and peace that God has promised to all of His children who follow Him.”, created

Christianity, Paul perfected it.

Christianity says we are “made” worthy by Christ’s sacrifice for us. If we’ll stop trying to change ourselves by willpower and phoniness, God’s Spirit will change us if we will trust Him.

Christianity is literally a possession of The Holy Spirit. he is interested in spiritual fruition

It’s a means to bring us to the feet of Christ. It’s a means to make requests that only our heavenly Father can answer. You have to learn how to separate from Gods words to the false

Prophets. You have to be careful of the message your Pastor is teaching you, remember he is still a man and twist things around.

Villi, “I hear you brother, i will call all the youths and join them unto me so we may pour our grief upon the head of Darius. We will bind his son, Ares and place him in our house we will choose, and then strike Darius with all manner of blasphemies. You will then come during the protest act like you are on the side of Darius so we may get access to his house and break his head then demolish all these elders that give praise to him.”

Odin,    “Therefore, do so according to your word.”   

Villi went out and called all the youths of Asgard and came with them to the palace of Darius, which is located at Asgardia in the midst of the state of Asgard. Therefore, they came in multitude but the scout from the state of Tyre, in Midgard whose name is Joel and the scout from Bablos, in Midgard whose name is Jess were present to see how Darius was valued by his people. They came alongside their guards twenty on each. They were sent by Apollo, the king of Abel, which is located at the western side of the country of Midgard.

Therefore, as the youth arrived at Asgardia, it came to pass that they caused the great cry standing before the assembly of the elders of Asgardia, shouting Christianity has come! Religion may fall! They continuously sang a song in unison. 

Therefore, they continued until the arrival of Odin according to his word with his brother. Ares, the son of King Darius was locked by his father in the upper room of his father, since Darius learned all the mischiefs of the sons of Borr, whom he caused to exile.  

Therefore, Odin arrived alongside his uncle Daniel with the intention that Odin had according to their conspiracy with his brother. 

They sat at the back because of the anger from the crowd of the youths who were dissatisfied by the king’s taboos within their culture. 

They wanted to know all that was happening and what befell the youths of Asgard. Therefore, they asked the two men, even the scouts, Joel and Jess, who were mocking the weeping crowd of Asgard. Therefore, Daniel came close to them and communed with them while Odin knew everything.

Daniel,   “Asked, “Midgardians, what is this that you are so happy with seeing ? The people are weeping. Tell us please, we pray for you.” 

Joel,    “Where do you hail from? The king has already delivered the speech before the Assembly of the elders of Asgardia concerning the legacy of the taboos, which your ancestors lived by and how they influence the youth and their behavior in this modern generation. Therefore, the youths are not happy with that.”

Daniel,    “It does not matter where I come from, what I prayed for, is the answer for the question that I asked you. I am asking you again, why are you giggling while children of Asgard are crying out there? What is your intention in this gathering anyway?”

Jess,   “Darius has proclaimed eternal existence of all the kingdoms of the gods and the continual worshiping of the deities.

Promised to keep Forced Marriage legal;  

Made Pre-marital sex Illegal; 

Established the worshiping of intermediaries even prophets, diviners, herbalists etc. 

Asgardians will continue to approach God through ancestral intermediaries who are honored through ritual sacrifices in order to bring good fortune; 

Forbidden Intercourse with the Widows other than your spouses; 

Forbidden to use blood products or including blood transfusions as usual; 

Prohibition from Sexual relations between people not married to one another and Fornication as usual; 

Forbidden termination of pregnancy even abortion; 

Forbidden Incest even sexual relations between relatives; 

Illegal Obscenity or vulgarity, 

Legal Polygamy even having more than one spouse at the same time, despite incurable diseases such as HIV and Aids;

Forbidden Pornography even showing body parts for sexual excitement;

Asgardians will continue eating only animals that are of a domesticated nature, in part because it influences people to be more domesticated and humble; 

Forbidden person to marry outside of Asgardians’ caste; 

In the temple, worshippers and visitors alike entering barefoot; 

Segregation of genders; therefore, men should worship the gods alone as well as women will worship the gods alone; but no room for homosexuals. If any, that room perishes when it appears before the king;

Give honor to the heavens during thundering and lightning by abandoning your current work, which includes:

Drinking or bathing with water during thundering;

Touching of blazing substances;

Standing in a room while thundering and storming;

Sleeping during the night instead of getting up and give praise to the heavens. 

Your king together with the elders of Asgard don’t want to embrace the change, only enjoy his inexorable attitude that is why he treats you like this. Therefore, the people are protesting because of the dirty words from his mouth, which proceeded these taboos.”

Odin,    “Men of good knowledge from the experience of your ancestors, you don’t belong in this meeting. You are from the Northern parts of the country even Bablos and That makes you discourage us. We know what is happening here, we are the part of it. We found you Laughing that means you are happy with what is happening. By the way, you came to despise us. Your tongues don’t belong here but to Bablos and Tyre. If I can call from the bird eye view, you will be put to demise. I have an advice for you, leave us and let us deal with our situation.”

Therefore, Jess and Joel alongside their guards dismissed with phobia but waited outside of the city by the mountainside to view what will befall the Asgardians. Nevertheless, Odin with Daniel found the way to the elders to be informed abundantly.

They found their way to the Assembly of the elders and called aside one of the elders whose name was Teddy. 

Daniel,    “What keeps these people mourning the whole day long? What was the day about, that provoked the whole house of Asgard?”

Teddy,    “The king alongside the elders are concerned about our tradition, our cultures and our customs as they are perishing since there is so much that this generation is involved into. This includes the pursuing of their natural talent, which pushes them to unite with other states of Midgard, which have their own way of living. We see nothing but the fall of our Value. Therefore, we won’t be able to celebrate as usual due to the mighty rise of the Christianity, which proclaims the temple of God in the heart of man. Furthermore, it declaims the life of no limitation since God has come down to live his life through us. As you can see, so much creativity and the fast change of the world. It is the sign that truly God has come to live his life in us. Therefore, our religion is going extinct. 

Nevertheless, Darius alongside the elders of Asgard have reestablished plenty of taboos for the safety of this empire. All the children of Midgard are not allowed to mingle with the house of the Asgard, but to the people it is a bitter pill to swallow since the country has become one.”

Daniel,    “My people are weeping while there are enemies among us, who are laughing and clapping hands for the king’s view, which caused the Asgard youths to weep. I am not against you and I am not by the king’s side, but let us try not to force the Asgardians into doing what they are not pleased with, because this will also affect us in an evil way. We will never be happy if our children are not happy. Let us live by the king’s laws not add more taboos but embrace the change by flowing with the trend. Remember that, Asgard now is in the hands of this Youths. We must sit down and learn from them, whatever that withers let it perish, and whatever that gains power let it flourish. Let us bear the matter as elders of Asgard by communing with the king on behalf of the youths to sustain peace and establish Asgardians’ destinies.”

Teddy,   “Go join the assembly and address the youths of Asgard. I see nothing but wisdom in your heart. Go on and free your king and your people to cease their anger.”