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A Love for Three Lives:Monster King Don't Forget Me

A Love for Three Lives:Monster King Don't Forget Me

Author:Tang Hua Mo Ge



Ron Hua, an invincible Divine Princess, is born to be an Empress of Heaven. One day, her people are destroyed and she is sent crashing down to earth. She’s saved and a servant promises to gain power and protect her. Instead, she finds that he’s weak and pathetic. He’s lying to get close to her. Will she break free and fulfill her destiny?

Humans, monsters, demons, and gods divided the Zhongzhou Continent into four parts. The land of humans was the largest, the monster’s and demon’s were the second,while the god’s was the smallest but the fairest.

This day, a howling gale suddenly swirled over the world-changing platform, which no one approached all the year-round. After noticing that, all the gods stopped working and looked at there in unison.

In front of the world-changing platform was a palace. After the loud noise, the gate opened, and a woman with a cool temperament came out. She was so noble and dazzling.

Everyone immediately knelt down respectfully, hailing, "Your Majesty—"

However, the God Empress just looked at them and raised her hand slightly to motion them to stand up.

Everyone secretly looked at God Empress, who was always high above them, thinking in curiosity, "What kind of wind is it? It actually makes God Empress always staying in the palace of gods come out!"

God Empress ordered Linshang, "Don't let anyone approach the world-changing platform."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Linshang bowed his head slightly and answered respectfully.

God Empress disappeared in front of the group of gods as soon as she turned around. For the gods, God Empress was noble and mysterious. Although they seldom saw her, they knew that every time she showed up was for something important. It was said that God Empress was pretty but weary.

On the world-changing platform, after the wild wind, a woman in white emerged from it and landed slowly beside a stone pillar. Her bright skin was as smooth and soft as the gel and was whiter than the whitest mutton-fat jade. Under her slender neck, her fleshy breasts were half-covered. Her waist was thin and soft, and it seemed that she could be held by one arm. And her bare legs were long and shapely.

Except for her black hair, the whole body of the woman was white. She had an incomparably beautiful face but it looked really pale. Since she just came out of the place of hostility, she must have been hurt. Now she was lying here asleep, and even the cold wind did not wake her up.

Only a moment later, God Empress came near the world-changing platform and looked at the sleeping beauty from a distance. "She might have led a hard life in these years." God Empress sighed.

As courtiers of gods following God Empress saw her, they looked at each other many times, and finally, Bai stood out and asked what everyone was curious about.

"Your Majesty, is she..." the princess? Ronghua or Qingyi? Although they were the courtiers of gods, they had never seen the true appearance of the two princesses.

"Let her get a good rest! It will be fine after she wakes up." God Empress did not respond.

With mixed feelings, they looked at the woman in front of them sympathetically. Although they still had many questions in mind, they eventually left here.

After they left, the eyelashes of the woman lying on the ground slightly trembled. Then she opened her smart eyes and stared indifferently at the world-changing platform not far from her. Somehow, a tear dropped down from her eyes.

In the palace, God Empress looked at the world displayed in a crystal ball. With a gentle wave of her hand, the scene in the crystal ball changed to show the borders of all races immediately. This was exactly that the god was watching everything you did.

God Empress was sitting in a high stage, with the crystal ball in front and a crib beside her. Linshang, the God of War, stood respectfully in front of the stage. God Empress stared at him, whose attitude was respectful but expression was not.

"Can descendants of Great Phoenix be reborn?"

Linshang stared at God Empress and answered coldly, "No."

Hearing his answer, God Empress smiled, "Are you still having a grudge against us for the reason that we trapped you?"


How crisply he answered! "Since I was enthroned, your group has already been here. Now, it is time for me to convey the order of the old God Empress!"

Linshang looked up and fixed his eyes on God Empress, thinking about what order she would leave.

Linshang's eyes always showed his unwillingness to yield. To others, the title of God of War might be a glory, but to him, it was only a restraint and a high-sounding title irrelevant to himself.

"Now the fate of gods is coming. Are you happy?"

Linshang raised the corner of his mouth and said with a self-deprecating humor, "I dare not."

"Help me do the last thing! You will be free after it." God Empress took out a baby and walked slowly to Linshang while comforting it. Linshang’s expression became a little stiff when he looked at the baby.

"Hug her!" Said God Empress.

Linshang raised up his head and looked at God Empress. He was stiff all over. "Hug this child?" But he could not disobey the Empress's order, so he finally reached out his arms and took over the baby. The baby cried as soon as he hugged her. Immediately, Linshang became helpless and turned to God Empress for help with his eyes. He forced himself to comfort the baby, and then the baby stopped crying and smiled at him.

"Linshang, now I offer you a choice. One that may give you freedom."

"What choice?"

"To be continually bound, or be free."

Ronghua came in and saw the crystal ball. She slowly bobbed a curtsy and then said, "Mother."

God Empress did not look at her, "Come and see your sister. Is she beautiful?"

God Empress showed a long-lost smile and asked Ronghua. Hearing that, Ronghua stepped onto the stage and looked at the baby who just joined them. This baby had soft long hair over her shoulders, seeming soft and cute. Her white skin was like the mutton-fat, and her big eyes flickered as if they could talk. She had small red lips and a pair of symmetrical dimples. As soon as she smiled, dimples showed in her cheeks.

Looking at the baby who was sucking her little hand and smiling at her, Ronghua could not help smiling, "Dear little sister seems very happy." She slowly reached out her hands and hugged the baby up.


God Empress stopped her, "Do you know... the fate of gods is coming?"

Ronghua smiled and said, "Gods live well enough."

God Empress smiled to her relief, "Will you keep defending here?"

Ronghua replied, "I will."

Looking at the little baby, Ronghua asked, "What's her name?"

God Empress said, "Ronghua, she is destined not a canary."

Seven days later, the God Empress passed away. At the same time, the demon broke through the gate of the gods together with the other two races. Having never fought or cultivated, gods suffered a heavy loss. Bones piled up everywhere, and blood flowed like rivers.

Ronghua brought her sister and walked towards the world-changing platform, but it was no longer here. Ronghua looked at the baby in her arms and could not hold back her tears. She leaned down and kissed the baby, "From now on, your name is Xuanyu. I cannot protect you today, but no one knows you. Remember, when your star is lit again, I will come and fetch you."

Ronghua reached out her hand and gathered a great power in her palm, and then she pushed it forward heavily. The airflow converged, slowly whirling, and finally opened a door, "Today, I will send you away. Wish you a safe and happy life!"

The strong wind blew up Ronghua's hair. Facing Xuanyu, who was slowly falling, Ronghua had crystal tears falling silently from the corners of her eyes. Xuanyu kept crying at the top of her voice.

Ronghua saw the baby get farther and farther. Although she felt unwilling and reluctant, she had to do so.

After Ronghua sent Xuanyu away, many people gathered behind her. They looked at the door, but the pressure of this power made them unable to come forward. Their eyes were full of puzzlement, surprise, desire, and greed. Everyone was gazing at here.

Ronghua looked at them coldly, and no one noticed that she had taken out a fan, "Today, I will kill all of you, who came to the land of gods without an invitation!"

Hearing her words, everyone changed their expressions. After all, this was the land of gods. She kept standing there with no emotion, but somehow she gave others a sense of oppression.

Although she did not show any anger, her power was so great that few people could rival her. So people reckoned that she was Ronghua, the princess of gods. Ronghua opened the fan and was about to fight with them, but suddenly she heard a shout.

"Qingyi!" She was shocked. Then she ignored them and flew towards the distance.

When Ronghua got there, she saw a black fire, and Qingyi stood inside it.

"Qingyi," Ronghua shouted. Qingyi looked back and smiled as usual. But soon she became very tearful and said silently, "Sister, I'm sorry."

Then the flames leaped skyward. Seeing that Qingyi was about to disappear, Ronghua was so angry and shot a light at Qingyi. Then strange ice sealed Qingyi's body, and the fire stopped burning. Ronghua exerted most of her power to seal Qingyi in the realm of the emperor, and then she took it in her hand.

A handsome man was standing in front of her. His pretty and angular face was like a sculpture.

His black hair floated behind him freely. He had straight eyebrows and charming phoenix eyes, which attracted people unknowingly. But now his eyes were blurred. Ronghua waved her hand to wake him up. When he woke up, he looked around, and tears were contained in his eyes.

"Qingyi." It turned out that he was trapped by Qingyi and couldn't move at the beginning of the fire. Now he couldn’t find her.

Ronghua looked at him coldly, "Shigong, I know you like my sister, and she likes you too. Now I give you a chance."

Shigong looked at her, wondering how she knew the relationship between Qingyi and him, but he didn't have time to think so much now.

"What chance?"

Ronghua glanced at the realm of the emperor, "It will be enough for the cold jade to devour black flames after a hundred thousand years. If Qingyi and you can still meet each other, and she falls in love with you again, I will allow you to be with her."

"Okay." He agreed immediately without hesitation.

"And, don't hurt my sister."

"I won't. I will protect her and make up for my fault."

"I believe you won't hurt her, so I want you to protect my other sister, Xuanyu. She will also be here after a hundred thousand years, and you must promise to protect her well."

"I will." He promised solemnly.

Then Ronghua made gestures with both hands in turn and made several Silver Ghost Hooks to send them away. At the last moment, she said, "Shigong, the key to memory is the bow of Qingyi."

After finishing all these, Ronghua turned around. It used to be a fairyland here, but now everything changed and it was filled with the smell of blood. Ronghua's tears fell down, but she still resisted her hatred and used a secret method. The tear between her eyebrows was so red, pretty and amazing.

Suddenly, a hollow light beam appeared and spread outwards from the center of the land of gods, destroying all the people who touched it, no matter alive or dead. Knowing that it was made for them, the intruders started running away crazily.

After all the people were kicked out, most of them were badly wounded and even dead. The remaining ones were really lucky.

Weilian, the King of Death, was one of them. At last, Ronghua looked at him, who was standing in front of her and was surrounded by dark, and then she could no longer support herself and fell to the ground.