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The Devil's Lost Son(He's Her Hidden Mate)

The Devil's Lost Son(He's Her Hidden Mate)

Author:Authoress Charity



Astrid Rodolfo, a werewolf hybrid, grew up with her fostal parents, whom she thought were her biological parents. Life became really difficult for her, when she found out about her identity, and not only that, she found out she's the fated future luna, who's destined to end the evil reign of Brian Salvador, a rogue, who escaped from the wolf den, after committing a crime in the past, and formed a pack of his own, destroying, and converting people forcefully, into his kind. Prophecy came, that Brian was going to die, but another creature, more dangerous than him, and is going to be indestructible, will surface, and finally end the world in darkness. What happens when Astrid finds that Brian has a son, and not only that, his son turned out to be her boyfriend, who happened to be the same dangerous and indestructible creature, which the prophecy was talking? Will she be able to kill the only man she loves, to save the world? Will she be able to sacrifice her love, and do what needs to be done, if she wants to save the world?

Astrid POV

"Why are you so hell bent on frustrating my life dad?" I half yelled angrily, glaring hard at my dad.

"One day you will realize that I am neither trying to frustrate you, nor ruin your life Azima, you have to understand that I am only trying to protect you!" He flared angrily.

"Oh please dad, save me those sermons. What is your own definition of protection dad? Is maltreatment and deprivation what you call protection, huh?" I scoffed, as I rolled my eyes, and waved my hand dismissively in the air, looking away. Why is he doing this to me? Why is he hurting me in the name of some protection shit? I know he loves me alot, and would do anything to make me happy, but why is he finding this difficult to accept?

"I am your father Astrid, you have to listen to me, and do whatever I ask you to do, I will never make a decision that'll hurt you, I'll never make a decision, that'll end up jeopardizing your life..., I want the best for you, just please come off these illusions princess. You are not a human, you're a werewolf, and besides, you haven't found your mate, so why sticking to that human? He's gonna hurt you Astrid..., there's no way you can ever be happy with him, just focus on finding your mate please." He said calmly, as he held my hands tenderly.

"Dad, I don't give a damn about the mating shit or whatever, I love Adrian, and there's nothing, you or anyone can do about it. Why can't you understand my plight dad? Will you be happy, if anyone ever told you not to marry mom? How will you feel, if you're asked to leave tje only person you love?" I scoffed, as tears found their ways out of my eyes.

"I think I'm being over patient with you, now you listen to me, there's no way I'll sit back here and watch you endanger not only yourself, but our whole race, never! I have made this mistake in the past, and I won't let history repeat itself." He said in finality, before turning around, and walked out of my room, banging the door behind me.

Slumping on my bed, I face palmed myself, and let my tears fall freely from my eyes. Why do I always have to suffer like this? Why can't I be with the one I love? Why is dad doing this to me?

Letting out a deep sigh, I stood up and wiped my tears, before dragging my feet into the bathroom. Stepping into the bathroom, I stripped out of my clothes, and got under the shower, before turning it on, as I let the cool water fall on my body, relaxing my tensed muscles. Minutes later, I was done bathing, and I tied my towel around my chest, before walking into my spacious room.

Walking to the dresser, I sat on the chair, as I grabbed my blower, and turned it on, before drying my hair.

After I was done dressing up, I grabbed my handbag, and glanced at my reflection one more time, before walking out of the room.

My name is Astrid Rodolfo, a werewolf. Just at the age of twenty, I already have many companies in Manila, which I'm managing. I'm one of the most beautiful girls in Manila, well, what do you expect from a werewolf? We're naturally cute. I have a bad side, but my good side is dominant, I rarely get angry, but when I do, it doesn't usually turn out good. At the age of twenty, I still haven't found my mate, not that I care though, since I have a loving and caring boyfriend, who gives me all the love and attention I need, so fuck mate! I'll mark him soon, and make him my mate. Dad is against our union, because he's a human, but I don't give a damn about what others thinks, as long as I love him, and he does same, that's all that matters to me. Did I forgot to add this? I don't live in the pack, but in one of my mansions. Right now, I'm going to one of my companies, to have a meeting with some of my clients.

Stepping out of my room, I walked through the hallway, till I got to the deck of the grand staircase, after which I descended down it, till I got to the living room, where I met mom and dad, talking about what I don't know.

"I'm off to the company." I announced, as I walked up to them, maintaining a straight face. You don't expect me to smile at them after all dad said, do you?

"What's wrong baby?" Mom asked worriedly, as she stood up and walked over to me.

"It's nothing mom, I'll be on my way now." I forced a smile, before walking to the door, and off to the parking lot, where I hopped in on one of my cars, before driving out of the mansion.

A few minutes later, I drove into my company, and parked at the parking lot, before stepping out. Looking around the place, I found cars, parked, and I didn't need anyone to tell me, that they are around.

The entrance door opened, and my secretary, Lia, came running towards me.

"Good morning ma'am." She bowed slightly, as she collected my handbag.

"Morning Lia." I smiled warmly at her. I love being nice, especially to my workers. For the fact that she's a human, doesn't mean I shouldn't treat her well, right?

"Ma'am, the clients are here, they've been waiting for so long." She said, as she walked beside me to tje entrance door.

Stepping into the company, I kept waving to the staffs at the lobby, and the receptionists, as I made my way to the elevator, with Lia, trailing behind me.

The elevator opened after a few minutes, and I stepped out, before making my way to the conference hall.

Stepping into the hall, I was welcomed with a set of people, sitting around a table...