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A Love Born Of Betrayal: From Secretary To Wife

A Love Born Of Betrayal: From Secretary To Wife




"Take your paycheck for the month and don't you ever show your ugly face around here again!," Mrs. Julia spat. Sally's world came crashing when she was fired by Mrs. Julia. In anguish, she left. Her best friend consoled her. After a rigorous job search, she got another job as a Secretary. But lost it for not being punctual to work. Sally was called back and she continued working with. Things turned out bad when her brother was arrested for illegal possession of drugs. Her boss offered her a deal to marry him and he will help her get her brother out. Will she marry Asher Miller or risk having her brother thrown into jail?

"Take your paycheck for the month and don't you ever show your ugly face around here again!," Mrs. Julia spat.

Sally shrank in fear as her eyes widened in dismay.

No this can't be happening to her. This job was her only hope. Her life. How was I supposed to survive without a job?

Mrs. Julia was generous enough to pay her for the month before sending her away.

"Please, Mrs. Julia. I promise to be punctual to work henceforth. Don't sack me," Sally pleaded as she broke into tears.

She had attended her best friend's birthday party in a club the previous night. Which led to her coming late to work. Sally overslept and woke up late.

When she had arrived after hurriedly preparing, she met an angry Mrs. Julia by the door.Then it dawned on her that her job was at stake.

Mrs. Julia had previously informed her that lateness to work attracts severe consequences which is to be sacked.

Mrs. Julia glared at her. " You were informed of the rules girlie. Now get out of my premises before I have you arrested!"

Sally felt her whole world crumbling as she quickly cleared the table of her few belongings.

Her job as a typist was below par but enough to sort out her bills and put food on the table.

It was a trying moment for her. Now she would have to begin the horrendous task of looking for a new job.

She blinked away the tears that were threatening to flow. As she struggled to pack her stuff.

"Oh, poor Sally."

"What will she do now?"

"Getting a job is really tough out here."

She heard all of these coming from the other employees who whispered amongst themselves as they gazed at her in pity.

Taking one last look at the office space, she walked outside.

Her job was over.

Yeah. She was fired.

She quickly entered her rickety old battered down car that had seen better days.

Sally revved up the car and drove off, leaving a trail of dust behind.

She pulled up in front of her apartment and got down from her car.

As she was about to open the door, her friend May opened the door swiftly, almost colliding with Sally.

"Sally, I didn't see you coming," May shrieked as she stood rooted to the ground.

Sally had quickly moved back when the door opened unexpectedly. " May," she whispered.

May gave her a once over with a look of surprise showing on her face. "Sally. What is going on? It's working hours and you're not usually home by this time."

Sally averted her eyes from May's prying look. No she can't allow May to see her like this.

"I am fine. I just need to go in and rest," Sally said.

May moved out of the way and Sally brushed past, holding a box. She went after Sally who hurried into her room.

"Sally, talk to me. You don't look okay to me."

May joined Sally who sat on the bed.

This time around, she could not stop the tears from flowing.

"May, I was fired for coming in late."

"Oh my God! I am so sorry to hear that. It's all my fault. If I hadn't invited you to my birthday party last night, you wouldn't have lost your job," May apologized.

Sally sniffed. "No, you don't have to apologize. I can't do anything to change any of that. Now that I am out of job, I feel so empty. I doubt if companies are hiring at the moment. I don't know how long I'd have to stay without a job."

Sally smiled. " Thank you dear friend, I appreciate all you do."

Both of them have been friends since highschool, and now they live together sharing almost everything.

"Well, your brother went out a few minutes ago. Did you see him on your way?," May asked.

Sally rolled her eyes. Luke never seems to listen to instructions. She had informed him to stay at home until she returns from work. Turns out the young man has a mind of his own.

It's been five years since the death of their parents in a plane crash. Since then, it had been Sally's sole responsibility to take care of Luke.

She wondered how she was going to do that now that she was out of job.

May's eyes softened with empathy. She gave Sally a side hug, rubbing her back. " You'll be fine. In the meantime. If you need anything, don't hesitate to let me know."

Sally drew back from the hug. "No you shouldn't. I do not want to be a charity case."

May punched her playfully in her arm. " Stop it. Who said you're a charity case anyway?

Sally beamed a smile.

The remaining part of the month, Sally had used it to apply for different job openings. She kept going for interviews, yet nothing came out of it.

She was starting to get paranoid. That evening when she got back, she met her brother flipping through the channels.

"Hey, sis. You're back," he said.

Sally plumped down on the couch and yawned. "I need to shower and make dinner."

"Don't worry sis. I'll do it. You must be tired. How was your job search? Any luck?"

"No. Nothing yet. Thanks Luke," Sally lips curled in a smile. When luke was not being unruly, she was such a sweet soul.

Luke pulled his sister for a hug and smiled too.

Sally's heart melted. She was happy to be with her brother, bonding so well with him.

Luke just turned eighteen. And was yet to decide if he'd want to further his education or not.

"Now I remember sis," Luke said excitedly.

Sally drew back and looked at him, wondering what it was.

"Remember what?"

"I saw this job opening online. They want a Secretary. I think you should apply," Luke said.

"Do you think I stand a chance?"