
Let’s Read The Word

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The Alpha‘s Secret

The Alpha‘s Secret

Author:T.B. Phoenix



The queen has been killed before she could come into power. Tahira, the eighteen-year-old princess has just discovered that she is blessed with the magic of the moon. Nobody in the kingdom has ever possessed or seen magic like this before. The few books written on the subject threaten that the magic is strong enough to destroy Tahira and this world. Her only hope is a werewolf. Jason, the last blue blood werewolf must pledge his soul to Inana, the daughter of sin, in order to protect the world. Can Jason find Inana in time?

"He is too handsome! Even for a werewolf!" Moira gushed. We were sitting on the benches watching the boys practice for the upcoming matches. False. All of us were watching just one boy. Man. Man—boy. He was all masculine strength and sensuality heavily packed into one melting bronze body.

Werewolves were gifted that way. To accommodate all that muscular strength God had gifted them with awesome, buffed up bodies. Tough, sinewy muscles, broad chests, six packs, some even had eight, the whole package. We had a healthy ratio of werewolves enrolled in our college. They were all gorgeous. But as I watched Jason stretch himself on the basketball field, I had to agree with Moira. He was the most handsome werewolf any of us had ever seen. The kind that made you think of superman or batman. But his best feature were his jet—black eyes, set just above the long length of his aristocratic nose.

Moira sighed loudly. Again. Ever since we had started college Moira had been ogling Jason. She never went up to him or spoke to him. She seemed content to exist in the same space as he. Whether or not he looked at her, she would adjust her posture, rearrange her skirts and fluff up her hair. She crossed one elegant leg over the other, her teal skirt riding further up her thigh.

"Seriously woman," Tanya scolded her. "Do you really think that even if he looks this way he is going to notice that you are hiking your skirts up for him?"

"I am not hiking my skirts up for him!" Moira glowered at Tanya. "I am just getting comfortable."

Tanya rolled her eyes and leaned back on her elbow. Tanya was gorgeous. She was tall and blonde and curvaceous. She had angelic blue eyes and a pretty round face that had most of the college boys, werewolves or not, drooling after her. She never had to work to get attention from the opposite sex. Which is also why she could never understand Moira's almost compulsive need to do so.

"I personally don't see the attraction he holds," I announced. Imitating Tanya I leaned back and rested my weight on my elbows.

"You know when you lie, you get this yucky black spot on your left cheek," Tanya said pointing to my left cheek.

"Yeah right there between your lips and your ear," Moira said wagging her index finger for emphasis. I rolled my eyes.

"I mean I give in. He is drop dead gorgeous in a very Edward Cullen gone tanned and buffed way," I said observing the object of our discussion critically. "But he is not someone who would make your head swoon and your world spin!"

"Oh come on!" Tanya sat up straighter. "He could make anybody's head spin. Even mine. Despite the fact that I am imprinted!"

It was true. Tanya had imprinted with a werewolf. Not just any werewolf. She had imprinted with Aatu, my best friend. Not that she was given a wide choice in the matter. It just happens. You look at a wolf and a wolf looks at you and bingo! You know you are soul mates! I don't know how true this is. I haven't imprinted yet and neither has Moira. Moira however is almost convinced that she has imprinted with Jason. The complete lack of response from Jason's end is the only saving grace.

"Who is Edward whoever?" Moira asked squinting at Jason. "Considering Jason hardly notices me, maybe I should try and seek this Edward dude out."

"This dude," I told her on a laugh, "is farther out of your reach than Jason!"

"Honestly," Moira sighed again. "I swear I would do anything to go on a date with him. Just one date. I bet I would have him eating out of the palm of my hands by the end of it!"

"Yeah sure," Tanya drawled.

"You know he hangs around with Aatu all the time," Moira pleaded wistfully. We had discussed this a million times before. Aatu and Jason were good friends. Something to do with the werewolf bond they shared. But there was no way Tanya was going to ask Aatu to convince Jason to go on a date with Moira. It was a principles thing. I think Tanya did not want Moira making a complete ass of herself in front of Jason.

"If Tatiana keeps sucking up to him this way," I pointed toward the field where Tatiana was clinging to Jason's arm and smiling seductively at him. "You don't stand a chance. Why don't you go and say something to him? Ask him out yourself!"

"Look at me!" Moira said standing up. "I am not half as gorgeous as Tatiana. Else Jason would have noticed. Besides, I am content with sitting here and watching him play ball!"

"Eew," Tanya wrinkled her nose with disgust.