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Pregnant For My Best Friend's Son

Pregnant For My Best Friend's Son

Author:Something Else



Juss Indigo thought her life was over when she woke up and discovered that the person she had a drunken one night stand with was her best friend’s son. Eggust Flemming always had a crush on his mother’s best friend and prayed she won’t get married to anyone else until he was ready.

Juss' POV

"You don't have to be selfish on this one too, Juss. I've been asking like forever. After all I've done for you, you can't do this one thing for me?" Marco complained, looking like a kid who's candy was stolen.

I stared back at him as he turned to face the window, hands akimbo while muttering to himself.

Sighing, I rubbed the nape of my neck slightly. I just came in from a stressful day at work. I was too tired to do this right now.

Sitting at the kitchen table with a glass of water in front of me, I wasn't paying much attention to what he was saying.

The Dean had requested a meeting that took up most of the day and I had to rush through 3 lectures after that. I hadn't even had lunch, coming home to Marco acting like a sonofabitch was the least I expected. Not like you can ever expect much from the man.

"We've gone through this so many times! Tell me, what is wrong with me buying a house in my name, Marco?" I finally asked him. Since we were going to do this, I might as well get it over with. "I mean, I did get it for us with _my_ money. Why can't you be okay with that?" I said curtly, emphasizing the 'my'.

It was his turn to stare at me now. I flushed and looked away, knowing what was coming next.

Marco and I have been going out for a couple of years. He had moved in with me a few weeks after I bought the place, but since then had been bugging me to switch ownership to his name.

At first I thought nothing of it, until it became a constant topic of discussion. That was enough to drive anybody to delirium.

"Excuse me?", He thundered. His eyes dilated with anger and he quickly looked away. When he turned to face me again, the anger had dispelled. I wasn't fooled.

He looked at me softly, a suspiciously cool demeanor coming over his physique.

Taking a step towards me, Marco asked "are you mocking me now? because of my money problems huh? why, because of a stupid house?!" He swept his hands over the table, flinging my glass of water to the wall.

My eyes went instinctively to the wall where the glass had shattered. The fallen shards of glass and water dripping from the wall to a small puddle in the floorboards.

I was terribly shaken to see him act so feral. Marco shook his hands menacingly in my face, hollering down the roof like a madman.

"I thought you said you loved me. You said whatever is yours, is mine as well. So I can't have the house, is that it?! It's not that hard a thing to do, Juss! You just love it when I beg you,” Marco bellowed angrily.

His eyes were bulging out of their sockets ferociously, I honestly thought they'd pop.

"Don't be like that, Marc. Look, I'm sure we can work it out. Just calm dow-", I tried placating him but he cut me short by storming out of the kitchen.

Groaning, I dropped my head to my hands as I felt a headache coming up. This isn't going to end well, I thought to myself.

And I was right.

Marco didn't come down for dinner. I tried coaxing him downstairs to no avail and ended up having dinner by myself. I thought for a sec about what to and finally came up with an idea.

Clearing the table quickly, I went upstairs to have a quick bath. I saw him lying on the bed, facing the wall while sulking and I thought how much of a man-child he can be.

I took my time in the shower, allowing the water to run down my hair to my feet. For a moment, I felt relief.

After my shower, I put on the lingerie I had bought weeks ago. I had seen the outfit on sale on my way to work one day and a wicked impulsive thought made me buy it.

It was still my favorite nightie. When I had wore it for the first time, Marco told me how much he loved it. That was right before bending me over the dressing mirror and fucking me from behind.

The memory of that night played in my head again as I looked at myself in the mirror. It was a red lacy material that hid just as much as it exposed.

It had flowery embroidery just around the hems and was fit enough to outline my curves perfectly. I slowly dubbed myself with my cologne while admiring the sight before me in the mirror.

I was already feeling horny when I went to meet Marco in the bedroom. He was still in the same position I had left him.

Slowly, I leaned unto Marco and nibbled at his neck. I knew he was pretending to sleep, so I nozzled into him some more. "Hey babe, are you still mad at me?", I whispered seductively.

More silence.

I reached out and caressed his chest and that was when he stopped my hand short and dropped it by the side. He then turned his face the other way and closed his eyes again.

I was surprised at the gesture. Marco had never turned down my advances before. I thought he was playing hard to get so I tried to touch him again and this time he snapped at me

"For fuck's sakes, Juss! I'm not interested. Just let me sleep, please?", Marco said his hands flailing wildly.

To say I was hurt was an understatement. For three whole minutes, I sat there staring dumb foundedly at his back turned at me.

"Can we at least talk about it?", I pleaded with him hoping he would look at me.

All my words fell on deaf ears and I had no choice but to turn the other way and go to sleep.

But sleep was far from me as I contemplated deeply. I knew how Marco could be if he didn't get what he wanted.

I honestly did not like when we fell out, but he has been so persistent about having ownership to the house. I shifted uneasily in the bed.

After what seemed like a long time, I finally fell into a fitful sleep.


This morning, Marco had already left before I woke up. I didn't know where he had gone to but I couldn't care less at the moment.

I was not ready for another scuffle with him before facing the day's work. I prepared and quickly went off to work.

I couldn't concentrate throughout the day and after a while the headaches came back.

Seeing how sickly I looked, the Dean gave me the rest of the day off and I was very grateful. I packed my things and left quietly.

On my way home, I had already decided to hand over ownership of the house to Marco, if that would make him happy. With this thought in mind, I hurriedly crossed the threshold and went inside.

The house was quiet and I thought Marco wasn't back home yet. I went to the kitchenette to make a late lunch while I waited and that was when I heard the noise.

It was coming from upstairs and I was startled as I had thought Marco wasn't home.

At first, a thought told me it might be a bugler and I was alarmed immediately. Grabbing the nearest weapon I could get, a butter knife, I slowly made my way to where the sound was coming from and I got more confused.

Because, it didn't sound like anyone was thrashing something.

Instead, I heard moans coming from inside the bedroom. My fears heightened as I slowly turned the doorknob and pushed at the door.

My eyes reeled from the sight before me. I found Marco. In bed. With the lady next door! Rosa?

My feet felt like rock as I stood there watching them romp about. On my bed! In my house! They hadn't noticed my presence yet.

I felt angry watching Rosa run her hands all over him, rolling her eyes in ecstasy.

I remembered the day Rosa came to me with the deal about this apartment. I was skeptical about it but she had convinced me nevertheless. "Wouldn't it be nice coming home to your own place after a long day at work?" She asked, flashing me a smile. We had gone on to be good friends from them on. But never in my life had I even imagined she'd do something like this.

So it had all been fake! I felt disgusted at them.

I didn't say anything to the couple. There wasn't much to say really. As quietly as I had come in, I went to a corner and grabbed my night bag, and started packing a few clothes in.

The couple finally acknowledged my presence but I paid no heed to them. The lady looked embarrassed as she quickly picked up her clothes and put them on. She didn't say a word as she picked her things and left.

Marco was saying something but my mind was somewhere else. "I'm sorry Juss, I don't know what came over me. I.. she.. we didn't mean t-", he stuttered.

I had finished taking the necessary things I needed.

I carried my bag and left the room as swiftly as I had come in, not turning back to look at Marco for one second .