
Let’s Read The Word

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Steamy Stories

Family’s love was the greater love for Tessa Harrison, she’s willing to sacrifice everything just for the sake of the Family, even if her love of her life. She became a workaholic woman when her father died due to cardiac arrest. It was a nightmare for here, in just a one snap everything has changed. But she never quit and let the incident drag her down; instead she became a stronger one that she could never imagine. Tessa has a sister name Trisha Harrison that all can do is give her a headache. Her sibling is become the black sheep of their family after the death of his father, eventually Trisha fell in love to the co-workmate of her big sister name Jacob Muller, they become fuck buddy for several months, eventually Jacob find out that Tessa and Trisha were siblings, and he didn’t know what to do because he love Tessa more than Trisha. Is it normal to love two women at the same time? Will Tessa and Trisha will find it out or Jacob Muller will leave them without a word or who will be the end game of Jacob Muller?

[Tessa Harrison Point of View]

It’s been one week since our father died because of Cardiac arrest. Everything has changed. The four corners of our house is not the same thing anymore. You can’t hear the loud voices of my father. I miss his smile and his laugh. The way how he take care of us, every night that he always fetch me from work. Dad I already miss you.

“It’s Monday morning why are you still here?”

I ask my younger sister, she just staring at her food on her plate.

“I don’t have the energy to go to school.”

She replied.

“Come on Trisha you are already twenty years old and already in the third year college! Fix yourself.”

I yelled at her.

“And you are already twenty four years old and still you keep on yelling at me.”

She calmly said.

“I am your eldest sister so I have the rights on it and don’t you remember I am the one who pay for your tuition fees.”

I just want to put on her brain that I earned that money for her tuition fees not for nonsense, so much better she needs to study well.

“Don’t worry I will find a part time job, for you to stop manipulating me.”

Trisha uttered.

“I am not manipulating you, and by the way it was just a week since dad passed away and you are throwing your life to the bar and some alcohol? What kind of woman are you Trisha?”

“My life, my own rules, did you get it?”

She said and walks away.

I am worried for my sister; she also changed after our dad passed away. She always gives me a hard time to deal with her.

I am just twenty four years old but it feels like I am in the midst of forty years old.

“It’s already 8:30 in the morning; you will be late at your work.”

My mom said while she is staring at the window.

“I will just send my resignation letter at the company.”

I whisper.

“Are you sure about it?”

My mom asks me and I just nodded.

I was about to leave the house when somebody is yelling at our front door.


I just look at my mom for what I have heard.

So she has a credit? Where did she use it?

“Oops I am sorry; I don’t even know that Tessa was here.”

Our neighbor said and she smiled at me.

“Did my mom ask for money from you?”

I ask.

“Tessa sweetie you can now go to your work.”

She said and she’s pushing me towards the door.

“No, I want to hear it all and where did you use the money?”

I always provide what she needs and also her wants, so why she needs to have some credits?

“She use it for her vices, she always go to casino since then.”

Our neighbor said.

“How much you lend for my mom?”

Obviously my mom doesn’t have work therefore I will the one who will pay for it.

“It’s only 200USD since your sibling Trisha already pay the 500USD, you know what I am amazed with your younger sister at the age of twenty she can now earn while studying.”

She said.

Where did Trisha get that 500USD?


“I will pay you tomorrow.”

I said and she just nodded and walks away.

I look at my mom but she can’t even look back at me.

“Mom, can you please don’t give me some problems to deal with?”

I am really tired for giving everything for them but they’re just wasting it.


She slaps me that make me startled.

This is the first time that she slap me fuck!

“I am already thirty six years of age Tessa and I am your mother, you should watch your mouth.”

She said and I just ignore her since I don’t want to say such things.

My mom got pregnant at her young age that’s why we are just few years of gap and I only have one sibling which is Trisha who is currently twenty years old and taking the course of Flight Attendant. I also graduated two years ago and I finished Business Administration and eventually I got hired at the Corporation and now I will send my resignation since I need to have a rest for a while, I guess I deserve it so yeah.

While I am on my way to the company, there are three men at my back who are very loud.

Since it was a public transportation so it is okay to be loud but they are getting to my nerves.

I can’t take this anymore, I walk towards them and stand in front of them, and they were looking at me as if they saw a ghost.

“Hey! Can you please lower your voice?”

I uttered and it seems like the two of them are familiar with me.

“Hey Tessa long time no see!”

The red hair guy greeted me.

Wait it seems like he is

“William Foster your former classmate in Math!”

He said and I just nodded.

Yeah, I remember him; he is the nerdy one back then.

“Tessa you didn’t change at all, you are still the love of my life.”

Oh fuck!

It was him, Jacob Muller.

“Who the hell are you?”

Pretending that I didn’t know him HAHAHAHA.

“Jacob Muller your ultimate crush.”

He said and they are now laughing.

His not my crush and type back then, He were just assuming fuck him.

“How about me?”

The other guy asks.

I don’t even know him and he is not familiar with me.

“Anyway, I am Nate Cruz, please to meet you.”

He said and I guess he is maniac base on how he looks at me.

“Anyway, I don’t care who are you and can you please shut your mouth.”

I said and go back to my seat.

I just put my earphone and take a nap; I am still sleepy and a little bit tired.

After a few minutes I finally arrived at the company. As I enter the building I genuinely smile to my co-workers.

I also give my resignation letter to my big boss and he signed it already. See it was a smooth one.

I will now leaving this company for good. I am working here for almost two years and it’s a pleasure to work with some great and unique people.

“Good bye everyone!

I’ll going to miss all of you.”

I yelled at Accounting Department, those people feels like a family for me, they treated me just like their blood related.

“We will miss you Tessa Harrison the single forever!”

They all screamed.

Fuck they were right, I am single since then.

“The No boyfriend since birth is now signing off!”

I shouted at them and we just laugh together.

This is it; I am now finally leaving this company.

My colleagues helped me to fix my table and things. And after an hour I just finally said goodbye for them.

That’s part of our life, for us to grow we need to let go of some things and try some new things!

I just book a delivery man to deliver my things at our house because I need to go to the Adamson University. I need to go to the discipline office; I just received an email a while ago. I guess Trisha got troubled again. Fuck that woman but still she is my sister.

[Adamson University]

I am here right now at her school and she was lucky that I enrolled her here. This University was one of the well known Universities here on United States of America but still she can’t even pay attention to her studies.

“Good Afternoon, may I ask where the discipline office is?”

I ask the guard.

“Just have a straight walk from here and if you will see a two hallway just take the right side and you will enter the first building there and at the second floor you can see the discipline office.”

He said.

“Thank you so much!”

Then I vow at him.

I just follow the direction that he gives and suddenly I saw my sister. She was smoking! Fuck!

I ran towards her and slap her.


She was shocked and throws the cigarette.

“What the hell on earth you are here?”

She asks while her eyes were rolling.

“And why the hell you are smoking?”

I ask and calming myself not to hurt her physically.

“And who are you to ask?”

Fuck this woman!

“Trisha Harrison please respect me! I am your elder sister!”

I uttered.

She just fixes her skirt and look at me from head to toe.

“I don’t care.”

She said and walks away.

Fuck! I know this University has the rules of no smoking but why they tolerate my sibling?

I just let a heavy sighed and continue walking to the discipline office.

After few minutes of walking I am now finally here at the discipline office and guess what my sister was already here.

I just rolled my eyes to her; she is getting to my nerves again. Damn this woman.

Why I have this kind of sister? She just puts me in trouble.

“Good Afternoon Ms. Tessa Harrison.”

The disciplinarian greeted me.

“Good afternoon Ma’am.”

I greeted back.

“Take a seat right beside of your sister.”

She said and I just did.

“I called you because we want to inform you that your sister which is Trisha Harrison was always having cutting classes and some of the students tell us that your sister was always smoking everywhere in our University, she also come to school with liquor on her bag and drank. And we don’t tolerate it.”

The disciplinarian said.

I just look at Trisha but she was just chilling like it’s not alarming.

“Trisha is it true?”

I ask even I already know it since I saw her a while ago.

She just stares at me and didn’t even say anything.

“I am really sorry for what she did; rest assured that I will give her lesson about it.”

I said.

“We are planning to expel her but her adviser told us that Trisha was good in academic and she is the representative of the Tourism Department so we can’t expel her. Trisha is gorgeous and sexy, she has the looks but on the other hand she is throwing her life on liquor and cigarettes. We will give her some punishment instead.”

The disciplinarian uttered.

“You can’t!”

Trisha yelled out of nowhere.

I just hold her hand.

“You will face the consequences Trisha.”

I uttered.

“So, what’s the punishment if you don’t mind?”

I ask.

I know Trish can do it, knowing she is a brave one.

“She will just clean the main comfort room of their Department in a whole month.”

She said.

“Hell no way!”

Trisha said.

“It will be easy for you and you will start tomorrow.”

The disciplinarian said.

“Thank you Ma’am.”

I said and we just said leave the discipline office.

“I know you will not attend you class right now, just come with me and we will talk at home.”

I said with authority and when I am like this she will just obey me.

She knows what I can do when I am mad.

Since I have money we just grab a taxi and all along we just remain silent.

I hope Trisha will learn from this.

After a few minutes we are finally in our house and our Mom was there, she ask why Trisha is already here since it was only 3:00 P.M

“Change your uniform first.”

I said and she just walks towards her room.

“What happened?”

My mom ask while she is mixing something.

“You will bake?”

It was a long time since the last time she bakes a cake.

“Yes, it’s my offer for you, I am sorry for slapping you at early at the morning.”

She sincerely said and I just smile at her.

“Don’t worry mom, it was just my fault. I am sorry too.”

I replied.

Trisha is now done changing her uniform and I just stare at her for a moment, I can see our father to her face. Yeah they were look alike together.

“What now?”

She asks.

“I just resigned to my work and I am now paying all our bills and I also need buy a new house for us.”

We need to move in a nicer house and I can’t stay at this house because all I can see is our father. I can’t move on to his death of we will stay here.


“I will stop paying your Tuition fees and allowance, that’s why you need to pay it for yourself and since you are wasting my money for your vices so it’s time for you to learn how to earn money and pay for your own tuition fees and allowance. I hope you will learn from it.”

I said and I just leave her at the living room.

I won’t tolerate her for wasting my own money for nonsense.

She needs to stand on her own.