
Let’s Read The Word

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''Where is your brother, you're a woman? I'd like to speak with him.'' Fear filled his hazel eyes as she rolled her eyes and raised her revolver at him. ''Being a woman makes this gun no less lethal. So, if I were you, I would be careful what I said since your life means nothing to me "Alyssa informed him. '' I'll ask you again and think about your response since my tolerance is becoming thin. What happened to my money?'' ''I'm afraid I don't have it!" She aimed the pistol at his right leg and pulled the trigger, the silencer ensuring that only his screams could be heard. "What happened to the money, James?''

Valentina POV

I reloaded my gun and aimed it at the cardboard target. When I pulled the trigger, a bullet flew through the barrel of the gun, striking my victim between the eyes.

The door to the Shooting Range opened just as I was ready to shoot another shot. I quickly spun around, aiming my revolver at the intruder.

Dmitri, my older brother, was the 'intruder.' "I'm the only one." He announced. I lowered my gun, despite the fact that I wouldn't mind making him my next target.

"What exactly do you want?" While slipping my revolver into my bag, I inquired.

"Папа wants to see us." I was immediately tired by a conversation that hadn't even begun.

Папа - Dad

"Has he told you why he wants to meet us?" Dmitri shook his head as I walked passed him, handing him my luggage.

"Do you realize I'm not your maid?" I shook my head.

"Are you aware that I don't care?" I remarked, which elicited an eye roll from him as we exited the Range and made our way to his car, where his security, Svetlana, awaited us.

"Why don't you just use the guns at the Range like everyone else?" He inquired as he approached the car.

"I prefer my guns," I said as Svetlana started the car and waited for us to settle in the back.

"Are you ready, sir?" Svetlana asked my brother and he nodded, allowing her to drive to our family's manor.

"What do you think he's gonna tell us?" Dmitri asked.

"Probably that you're adopted."

"We're twins."

A few minutes passed before we arrived at our manor, the second we went inside we were greeted by one of our maids. "Hello, Mr and Ms Moore. Follow me." And we did, silently.

It didn't take much time for us to arrive at my father's office. Dmitri knocked on the door, l on the other hand opened it, walking through.

"You have no manners." He whispered.

"Was that supposed to make me feel something?" Before he had the chance to respond, my father cleared his throat drawing our attention to him and our mother. She sat in his office chair smoking a cigar while our father stood behind the leather chair, his hand on its head.

"Finally, you've arrived." My mother greeted us, while we took a seat in front of the desk.

"Why did you send for us?" l asked.

"Tonight we're going to the Mafia's annual ball." Dmitri was the first to react as he laughed as if it was the funniest thing he had ever heard.

"How are we even allowed back after Valentina's behavior?" Dmitri asked, I raised a brow.

"My behavior was a normal reaction, I should have killed him," I stated as I was now being reminded of the damage I had done to the waiter after he touched my ass.

"I think a broken arm is good enough, Valentina. I promised them that there would be no more violence." My mother warned me.

My father's eyes moved over to me with a stern look. "I'm expecting you to allow us to keep our promise because I heard that the leader of the Italian mafia is going to be there for the first time in years. I see this as an opportunity to form an alliance." I knew how important business was to my father, so I just nodded.

"I promise to be on my best behavior unless I'm provoked. Is there still a dress code?" He nodded.

"Red for females and black for males." He informed us.

"Valentina l bought some dresses for you, they're on your bed." My mother told me, I sent her a tight smile.

My mother and I weren't exactly on good terms, but I could tell she was trying to change that even though we both knew nothing she did now could change the shit she did in the past.

“Thank you, now is that all?"

"Yes, the ball starts at nine, be ready by then." I was the first to stand as I wanted to get ready as soon as possible since I knew how fast time flew.

My brother and I left the office, letting out a sigh and I turned to him. "What time is it now?"

He looked at his watch. "7:56 PM." I instantly walked towards my room knowing I didn't have much time.

"You're welcome" He shouted after me.

When I arrived in my room, I quickly took a shower before starting with my hair and makeup which took a good 40 minutes since I had to blow dry and straighten it. Luckily I decided not to wear too much makeup because I had no need for it.

It took 10 minutes for me to choose which dress I would wear tonight, but once I did, I quickly changed into it and began putting on my heels with ease.